UCLA students get condemned by school and death threats for saying "There are only 2 genders"!!

UCLA students threatened online for claiming ‘there are only two genders’

Holy shit.....so now UCLA is condemning some of its students and liberals are sending them death threats because they stated SCIENTIFIC FACT on a college campus.

Never thought I'd see the day a student receives death threats and criticism from school staff....for stating a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

In this case....."There are only 2 genders". And that's true. There are only 2. Male and female. There's not a Unicorn. No Spaghetti Monster.

Planet X needs to speed up.....

View attachment 74521

You're confusing sex and gender. They aren't the same thing. There are also intersex folks. XXY and the like.

We're all confused.

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.

Perhaps that is why we think wide spread acceptance of changing one's biological makeup is immoral and inhumane.
Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'.

I'm not going to take your word on it.

Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?
UCLA students threatened online for claiming ‘there are only two genders’

Holy shit.....so now UCLA is condemning some of its students and liberals are sending them death threats because they stated SCIENTIFIC FACT on a college campus.

Never thought I'd see the day a student receives death threats and criticism from school staff....for stating a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

In this case....."There are only 2 genders". And that's true. There are only 2. Male and female. There's not a Unicorn. No Spaghetti Monster.

Planet X needs to speed up.....

View attachment 74521

You're confusing sex and gender. They aren't the same thing. There are also intersex folks. XXY and the like.

We're all confused.

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.

Perhaps that is why we think wide spread acceptance of changing one's biological makeup is immoral and inhumane.
Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'.

I'm not going to take your word on it.

Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.
You're confusing sex and gender. They aren't the same thing. There are also intersex folks. XXY and the like.

We're all confused.

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.

Perhaps that is why we think wide spread acceptance of changing one's biological makeup is immoral and inhumane.
Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'.

I'm not going to take your word on it.

Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.

If you claim that 'scientific definitions' are your source, quote them. Show us the 'scientific definition' of gender. With evidence, please.

And please, don't waste our time with your typical 'Bucky's gonna cite himself' bullshit. We've been through this. You're not a source. You're an excuse for one.

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.
Well in the meantime I was doing some of my own looking up. The link here (with the misleading link title) sort of helped I guess.Sex, Gender and Sexual Identity According to them, your sex is based on the biological characteristics used to label people as male or female such as X and Y chromosomes, internal and external sex organs, hormonal levels and things like hair growth and breast development.”

And ---Your gender identity is how you identify and present yourself… Gender isn’t about whether you were born with a penis or vagina, but how you feel about yourself. Some people are transgender, which means their gender identity that doesn’t align with their biological sex”

No doubt the “experts,” education authorities and the govt can complicate it far more than that if they choose.

I guess some of us not all that interested in what a person decides what his gender is. It won’t get him and his penis into a woman’s bathroom, at least that is our idea of indecency towards others, especially children. Until the freaked out LGBT and perversion world started pushing all their demands on our society there was no objection by anyone as to bathroom procedures. Yet we are to blame because some colleges started saying they need to open women’s bathrooms to males and vice versa. Change is always progress in the secular humanist and hyper liberal minds.

When their definitions of “gender” crosses with their “sex” then we get alchemy. How many males take female hormones grow breasts, dress and look like women on top but keep their male penises on the bottom? And the govt and schools not only want us to celebrate this but change norms to accommodate their “inconveniences.” “And woe to those transphobes who dare to stop us.” Sorry but Christanity and other sensible creeds cannot tolerate this abomination by telling us we have to accept and do not do anything to stop it.

Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'. I'm not going to take your word on it.
I speak for God because God demands that of us. I have no obligation to establish proof of God to you before I speak His Word. Besides, I know you are not going to take my word on it anyway, you are old enough where you probably have rejected thousands of others' words on it as well. We do not stop witnessing until we have first convinced you or yours of the truth in order to get permission to proclaim the truth. God is not on trial here… you are.
We're all confused.

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.

Perhaps that is why we think wide spread acceptance of changing one's biological makeup is immoral and inhumane.
Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'.

I'm not going to take your word on it.

Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.

If you claim that 'scientific definitions' are your source, quote them. Show us the 'scientific definition' of gender. With evidence, please.

And please, don't waste our time with your typical 'Bucky's gonna cite himself' bullshit. We've been through this. You're not a source. You're an excuse for one.


A simple Google search shows the definition refers to culture or characteristics. So....being a feminine guy or masculine girl. So you see....the "science" is subjective and can change since it's a feel and a behavior.

Which is CLEARLY distinct from the sexes of MALE AND FEMALE.


A man who acts feminine and dresses feminine....is still a MALE.
A woman who acts butch and dresses masculine....still a FEMALE.

And MALE and FEMALE restrooms are set on the SCIENCE of sex. Not a feeling or trait or culture. We don't have an NRA bathroom or a vegetarian locker room. Those are cultures and behaviors...like gender.

But there are only 2 sexes. And if liberals want to equate GENDER (a behavior) to SEX (an absolute fact) then we can only categorize them as what we know as FACT and there are only 2: Male and Female.

Unless....this book was wrong and needs to add the 3rd sex we discovered....

Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.
Well in the meantime I was doing some of my own looking up. The link here (with the misleading link title) sort of helped I guess.Sex, Gender and Sexual Identity According to them, your sex is based on the biological characteristics used to label people as male or female such as X and Y chromosomes, internal and external sex organs, hormonal levels and things like hair growth and breast development.”

And ---Your gender identity is how you identify and present yourself… Gender isn’t about whether you were born with a penis or vagina, but how you feel about yourself. Some people are transgender, which means their gender identity that doesn’t align with their biological sex”

No doubt the “experts,” education authorities and the govt can complicate it far more than that if they choose.

I guess some of us not all that interested in what a person decides what his gender is. It won’t get him and his penis into a woman’s bathroom, at least that is our idea of indecency towards others, especially children. Until the freaked out LGBT and perversion world started pushing all their demands on our society there was no objection by anyone as to bathroom procedures. Yet we are to blame because some colleges started saying they need to open women’s bathrooms to males and vice versa. Change is always progress in the secular humanist and hyper liberal minds.

When their definitions of “gender” crosses with their “sex” then we get alchemy. How many males take female hormones grow breasts, dress and look like women on top but keep their male penises on the bottom? And the govt and schools not only want us to celebrate this but change norms to accommodate their “inconveniences.” “And woe to those transphobes who dare to stop us.” Sorry but Christanity and other sensible creeds cannot tolerate this abomination by telling us we have to accept and do not do anything to stop it.

Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'. I'm not going to take your word on it.
I speak for God because God demands that of us.

You say you speak for God. Prove it.

I have no obligation to establish proof of God to you before I speak His Word. Besides, I know you are not going to take my word on it anyway, you are old enough where you probably have rejected thousands of others' words on it as well. We do not stop witnessing until we have first convinced you or yours of the truth in order to get permission to proclaim the truth. God is not on trial here… you are.

Take your word that you speak for God?

Of course not. You'll have to convince me. With evidence. Which you've failed perfectly to present whenever I've asked for it in the past.

So.....do you have anything beyond the same appeal to authority fallacy you can't possibly back up that you always use a crutch for the hapless horseehit you say?

As it didn't go unnoticed that you failed epically to explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Without me accepting that whatever you babble is 'God'....there's really not much to your argument, is there?
Not all of us, no. I know the difference between sex and gender. Lots of folks do.

You're apparently not one of them. I'd be happy to explain the distinction if you'd like.

Explain how changing one's 'biological make up' its immoral. Recognizing of course that if you pretend to speak for 'god' as part of one of your appeal to authority fallacies.....you're going to have to factually establish that you do, in fact, speak for 'god'.

I'm not going to take your word on it.

Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.

If you claim that 'scientific definitions' are your source, quote them. Show us the 'scientific definition' of gender. With evidence, please.

And please, don't waste our time with your typical 'Bucky's gonna cite himself' bullshit. We've been through this. You're not a source. You're an excuse for one.


A simple Google search shows the definition refers to culture or characteristics. So....being a feminine guy or masculine girl. So you see....the "science" is subjective and can change since it's a feel and a behavior.

Which is CLEARLY distinct from the sexes of MALE AND FEMALE.


A man who acts feminine and dresses feminine....is still a MALE.
A woman who acts butch and dresses masculine....still a FEMALE.

And MALE and FEMALE restrooms are set on the SCIENCE of sex. Not a feeling or trait or culture. We don't have an NRA bathroom or a vegetarian locker room. Those are cultures and behaviors...like gender.

But there are only 2 sexes. And if liberals want to equate GENDER (a behavior) to SEX (an absolute fact) then we can only categorize them as what we know as FACT and there are only 2: Male and Female.

Unless....this book was wrong and needs to add the 3rd sex we discovered....

View attachment 74532

So where is that 'scientific definition' of gender again?
Here is the flawed reasoning. Lefties are equating sex and gender while also saying they are different. They are saying "gender" is NOT "sex". Gender is a feeling or culture or habit or how a person behaves. In other words....it's changeable anytime the person "feels" different.

Sex isn't. And bathrooms are assigned by SEX.

But....they're saying their GENDER makes them a different SEX. And that's impossible because....as they said....gender and sex are NOT THE same.

And our society's laws and norms which separate the sexes in places of desired privacy....are done so by sex.

So...which is it? Is gender the same as sex? Or not? Because bathrooms are designated by SEX....not gender.
Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.

If you claim that 'scientific definitions' are your source, quote them. Show us the 'scientific definition' of gender. With evidence, please.

And please, don't waste our time with your typical 'Bucky's gonna cite himself' bullshit. We've been through this. You're not a source. You're an excuse for one.


A simple Google search shows the definition refers to culture or characteristics. So....being a feminine guy or masculine girl. So you see....the "science" is subjective and can change since it's a feel and a behavior.

Which is CLEARLY distinct from the sexes of MALE AND FEMALE.


A man who acts feminine and dresses feminine....is still a MALE.
A woman who acts butch and dresses masculine....still a FEMALE.

And MALE and FEMALE restrooms are set on the SCIENCE of sex. Not a feeling or trait or culture. We don't have an NRA bathroom or a vegetarian locker room. Those are cultures and behaviors...like gender.

But there are only 2 sexes. And if liberals want to equate GENDER (a behavior) to SEX (an absolute fact) then we can only categorize them as what we know as FACT and there are only 2: Male and Female.

Unless....this book was wrong and needs to add the 3rd sex we discovered....

View attachment 74532

So where is that 'scientific definition' of gender again?

Definition of GENDER
Sex vs Gender?? Oh sure. Please explain the SCIENTIFIC difference.

And where are you getting your 'scientific' definition of gender from?

Mine??? Well I got mine from 5th grade science class. I'm not sure if there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs since then. But I learned there are 2 sexes. Male.....and female.

In that same school....we had feminine dudes. And masculine girls. Some gay people.

But those 2 chromosomes......still only 2.

If you claim that 'scientific definitions' are your source, quote them. Show us the 'scientific definition' of gender. With evidence, please.

And please, don't waste our time with your typical 'Bucky's gonna cite himself' bullshit. We've been through this. You're not a source. You're an excuse for one.


A simple Google search shows the definition refers to culture or characteristics. So....being a feminine guy or masculine girl. So you see....the "science" is subjective and can change since it's a feel and a behavior.

Which is CLEARLY distinct from the sexes of MALE AND FEMALE.


A man who acts feminine and dresses feminine....is still a MALE.
A woman who acts butch and dresses masculine....still a FEMALE.

And MALE and FEMALE restrooms are set on the SCIENCE of sex. Not a feeling or trait or culture. We don't have an NRA bathroom or a vegetarian locker room. Those are cultures and behaviors...like gender.

But there are only 2 sexes. And if liberals want to equate GENDER (a behavior) to SEX (an absolute fact) then we can only categorize them as what we know as FACT and there are only 2: Male and Female.

Unless....this book was wrong and needs to add the 3rd sex we discovered....

View attachment 74532

So where is that 'scientific definition' of gender again?

I find it interesting Doc, how many feminine males profess to be gay, and not a man stuck in a woman's body.

Care to comment?
You say you speak for God. Prove it.

Take your word that you speak for God? Of course not. So.....do you have anything beyond the same appeal to authority fallacy you can't possibly back up that you always use a crutch for the hapless horseehit you say?

The Shroud of Turin speaks for God. Science proved that.

When three shepherd children told the crown on July 13th that the Virgin Mary said she will perform a miracle for all to see on October 13th and the sun defies cosmic laws and terrifies the 70,000 on October 13th --- that was God speaking through children. Now go pretend it’s all a mass hallucination and pardon our rolling our eyes.

When the wooden statue of Mary in a convent in Akita, Japan weeps human tears or human blood 101 times before thousands, video taped and shown on Japanese TV in 1973, that is the Virgin Mary speaking for God.

When more than a quarter million Egyptians see the Virgin Mary atop a Coptic Cathedral parading across the roof top and domes on at least 20 different nights in 1968 amidst inexplicable colorful lights and plumes of smoke and flying doves --- and neither the government nor science can begin to explain it --- that is God speaking to a sinful world once again.

You may want to sit in on a Catholic exorcism and if you do not faint will be witness to a 10 year old possessed girl speaking in the most grotesque guttural language using the most vulgar blasphemous words --- then she may speak in Latin and other languages she would never have possibly known --- then speak of past events that occurred to strangers in the room. Yes it’s all a hoax repeated a thousand times. Or it is God speaking again, this time having to terrify us to wake us up.
Here is why the Obama Regime will lose in NC.

Libs stepped into this shit. Gender IS NOT the same as sex. Loretta Lynch claims it's a civil rights violation.

Civil Rights protected classes include "sex" but NOT "gender".

So.....either they state as law that a person can trans in and out of their sex....and race and national origin and age and color and...well...see below..........or.....they say as law that GENDER (not protected) is the same as SEX ( protected class).

Protected class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You say you speak for God. Prove it.

Take your word that you speak for God? Of course not. So.....do you have anything beyond the same appeal to authority fallacy you can't possibly back up that you always use a crutch for the hapless horseehit you say?

The Shroud of Turin speaks for God. Science proved that.

When three shepherd children told the crown on July 13th that the Virgin Mary said she will perform a miracle for all to see on October 13th and the sun defies cosmic laws and terrifies the 70,000 on October 13th --- that was God speaking through children. Now go pretend it’s all a mass hallucination and pardon our rolling our eyes.

When the wooden statue of Mary in a convent in Akita, Japan weeps human tears or human blood 101 times before thousands, video taped and shown on Japanese TV in 1973, that is the Virgin Mary speaking for God.

When more than a quarter million Egyptians see the Virgin Mary atop a Coptic Cathedral parading across the roof top and domes on at least 20 different nights in 1968 amidst inexplicable colorful lights and plumes of smoke and flying doves --- and neither the government nor science can begin to explain it --- that is God speaking to a sinful world once again.

You may want to sit in on a Catholic exorcism and if you do not faint will be witness to a 10 year old possessed girl speaking in the most grotesque guttural language using the most vulgar blasphemous words --- then she may speak in Latin and other languages she would never have possibly known --- then speak of past events that occurred to strangers in the room. Yes it’s all a hoax repeated a thousand times. Or it is God speaking again, this time having to terrify us to wake us up.

The Shroud of Turin is fake. It was carbon dated or something and shown to originate in the 1400s I believe. Not 1 day A.D. I'm a Christian and would love for it to have been real....it's not.

EXORCISMS!!!! I did see one in person in upstate South Carolina in the early 80s. A child (forgot age). I heard what you spoke of. Not Latin. But a voice that was so deep and dark and evil....out of little girl. We saw it from the porch of a home and girl was 2 rooms inside the home with priests. I can't explain what the fuck it was I saw that day. But I will never...ever...forget that sound.
"Gender isn’t about whether you were born with a penis or vagina, but how you feel about yourself."

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
"Gender isn’t about whether you were born with a penis or vagina, but how you feel about yourself."

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

So....if we accept this mentally ill definition and make it LAW that how one feels is legally their "sex".......then we open up the legal avenue for everyone to change their race, age, national origin, etc....based on how they feel.

So....10,000,000 illegal aliens can identify as Americans and be trans - national origin and legally the gender ruling will allow it.

A person who is 35 and has consentual sex with a 16 year old...can simply identify as a 16 year old and legally will be seen as that.....IF we allow GENDER to be legally recognized as a person's SEX.

Libs have no clue the Pandoras Box they are opening. Or...maybe they know exactly what it is (see the above examples....they'd support both).
So....if we accept this mentally ill definition and make it LAW that how one feels is legally their "sex".......then we open up the legal avenue for everyone to change their race, age, national origin, etc....based on how they feel.


Actually, if a person can deny a fundamental genetic marker like XX or Xy it would far far easier to deny or "imagine differently" their age, race and national origin. Genetics are the rock base of objective fact. If you can subjectively interpret them depending on how you 'feel', the sky really is the limit on anything else.
This girl believes she is a hybrid wolf dog.

I always thought this would be trans species. No. It's actually called otherkin.

When we all are bound to consider this behavior normal the aberration becomes toxic. It started out with being forced to consider homosexuality normal. After that, the floodgates opened.

We have been lucky that no one feels like God and demands human sacrifice
If some people don't like what others have the freedom to say, there is nothing forcing them to stick around here, its their lives. They are free to leave at any time if what others have to say bothers them enough.

God bless you and those who shared what's on their minds always!!!


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