UFOs and Warp Drive


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something that came to me watching some doc about UFOs performing high-velocity 90 degree turns and such, seemingly in violation of the laws of physics (inertia specificly.)

If there's no limit to how fast you can warp space and thus how fast your effective velocity is, is there a minimum rate at which space must be warped or can you do it so slowly that you could do it inside a planet's atmosphere and thus perform high-velocity maneuvers inside the warp bubble but because you're not actually moving not being subject to inertia?
Is there no limit as to how fast you can warp space? And I thought that if space was warped for travel, that the one traveling did not get the effects of how fast they truly were moving, thus being able to survive the travel without the affects of the speed?

don't know if that makes sense or not, just ignore me if I am not understanding this correctly or even coming from the right direction on my questions.
Is there no limit as to how fast you can warp space? And I thought that if space was warped for travel, that the one traveling did not get the effects of how fast they truly were moving, thus being able to survive the travel without the affects of the speed?

don't know if that makes sense or not, just ignore me if I am not understanding this correctly or even coming from the right direction on my questions.

I hope you're right cuz I can't stand G strin-- er I mean forces.
Is there no limit as to how fast you can warp space? And I thought that if space was warped for travel, that the one traveling did not get the effects of how fast they truly were moving, thus being able to survive the travel without the affects of the speed?

don't know if that makes sense or not, just ignore me if I am not understanding this correctly or even coming from the right direction on my questions.

Warping space isn't the same as flying through space. When you warp space you create a 'warp bubble' around your craft 'pulling' space towards and past you. Space itself is what's moving, not you. Consequently you shouldn't get the benefits of relativistic time dilation.

We're all newbies about this, all still highly theoretical.
And here all the time I thought warping space was the same thing and flying thru space. No wonder I cold never do it.
Most amazing is they're now in the lab-phase trying to see if they can warp space on the atomic level. If they succeed it's a proof-of-concept. Yes we can warp space artificially.

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