Uganda law to kill gays

"post election Obama exile"...interesting....I wasn't aware that I had been "exiled" anywhere....let's see...never kicked off this forum.... didn't join this forum until about 9 months ago....never been to I don't have a damned clue as to what you refer.

Must be wishful thinking on your part, eh? It must be hell to have me as the voice of reason in your little square noggin.......:razz:

I apologize. I was thinking of somebody else.

Anyways... about your "small government" ideals...

You support increased military power, and support government intervention in people's sexual lives. Tell me more about how "small government" the GOP is. :lol:

I support the idea of going to bed at night secure in the belief that my countries' military (of which I served for 22 years) will keep me and my family safe. THAT, my good man is the only onus that was EVER placed on the federal government - that and collecting tariffs.

I believe that we could get by (easily) with 60% LESS government than we have now. Nowhere have I EVER said that the government should EVER be in someone's bedroom. NEVER ONCE have I said that. The limp-wrists, however, have lived up to their reputation s of "squealing like pigs" every time someone says anything to them and they run squealing to the courts when they get their little hands spanked.

Just like you little pansy liberals. You despise this country, but you don't mind mooching off her and rummaging through the courts for "satisfaction". You are no different than the tyrant we have in office right now - he'll never fire a shot opting instead, for a slow death of this country through the "courts". Funny - we're a nation of "laws" when you manipulate them for your benefit - but when things don't go your way - our government is fascist. Make up your minds, will you?
Funny - we're a nation of "laws" when you manipulate them for your benefit - but when things don't go your way - our government is fascist. Make up your minds, will you?
Not going our way? When exactly was that? You are the guys calling it Fascist. To me it's just screwed up business as usual. Please, do explain?
"post election Obama exile"...interesting....I wasn't aware that I had been "exiled" anywhere....let's see...never kicked off this forum.... didn't join this forum until about 9 months ago....never been to I don't have a damned clue as to what you refer.

Must be wishful thinking on your part, eh? It must be hell to have me as the voice of reason in your little square noggin.......:razz:

I apologize. I was thinking of somebody else.

Anyways... about your "small government" ideals...

You support increased military power, and support government intervention in people's sexual lives. Tell me more about how "small government" the GOP is. :lol:

I support the idea of going to bed at night secure in the belief that my countries' military (of which I served for 22 years) will keep me and my family safe. THAT, my good man is the only onus that was EVER placed on the federal government - that and collecting tariffs.

I believe that we could get by (easily) with 60% LESS government than we have now. Nowhere have I EVER said that the government should EVER be in someone's bedroom. NEVER ONCE have I said that. The limp-wrists, however, have lived up to their reputation s of "squealing like pigs" every time someone says anything to them and they run squealing to the courts when they get their little hands spanked.

Just like you little pansy liberals. You despise this country, but you don't mind mooching off her and rummaging through the courts for "satisfaction". You are no different than the tyrant we have in office right now - he'll never fire a shot opting instead, for a slow death of this country through the "courts". Funny - we're a nation of "laws" when you manipulate them for your benefit - but when things don't go your way - our government is fascist. Make up your minds, will you?

Aside from all those drone strikes and military excursions. Tell me more about your "small government" ideals. :lol:
The US doesn't support countries that abuse human rights...

Except for all those other countries we support. :redface:

But this is a democracy. I thought we supported the democratic process.

So being a "superior" democracy, how should Obama impose his will on them?
Liberals/Homosexuals: "Oh no, nevermind Uganda, we have Christians over here who won't hate us and accept us!"

NEWSFLASH: Homosexuals have it made here in America, as opposed to the Middle East and Uganda! Is anyone paying attention? At least we don't have any need to kill them. But hey, we're the evil bigoted ones. You homosexuals fight for your rights, while a lot of homosexuals in the world are FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES.
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It's crazy how being against gay rights is a trait of almost every single 3rd world nation on the planet. Dictators, genocide, perpetual civil war, terrorism, sex slaves, abuse of women, and homophobia. Isn't that something?
People who reject science for faith either go down or never come up. See the Dark Ages, or the Good Old Days as the reactionaries here would call them.
Liberals/Homosexuals: "Oh no, nevermind Uganda, we have Christians over here who won't hate us and accept us!"

NEWSFLASH: Homosexuals have it made here in America, as opposed to the Middle East and Uganda! Is anyone paying attention? At least we don't have any need to kill them. But hey, we're the evil bigoted ones. You homosexuals fight for your rights, while a lot of homosexuals in the world are FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES.

Is there a point to all of this gibberish?
Liberals/Homosexuals: "Oh no, nevermind Uganda, we have Christians over here who won't hate us and accept us!"

NEWSFLASH: Homosexuals have it made here in America, as opposed to the Middle East and Uganda! Is anyone paying attention? At least we don't have any need to kill them. But hey, we're the evil bigoted ones. You homosexuals fight for your rights, while a lot of homosexuals in the world are FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES.

Is there a point to all of this gibberish?

I think he wants homosexuals to be fighting for their lives here as they are in Uganda. They have it too easy here.
The government is training a "gay army" to attack Uganda

[ame=]Gay Army "Shooting" - YouTube[/ame]

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