Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

Can't imagine why you would seriously equate our military presence in a foreign country with the president's sex life, but to each his own I guess.

Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.
Lack of candor? Seriously? Why do you think you even have a right to demand answers about a sexual encounter Trump may or many not have had years ago when there's been no crime committed?
Time for another Filthy Don Rah Rah party now that Giuliani noted the Cohen Hush Fund is meant for multiple sex escapades. Bust out the tikis!
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Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.
Lack of candor? Seriously? Why do you think you even have a right to demand answers about a sexual encounter Trump may or many not have had years ago when there's been no crime committed?
Trump had no moral nor legal obligation to let Stormy blackmail come to light
Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Uh, he's the one appointing abstinence nuts to the agencies running public health and education... so yeah, getting a straight answer out of him about whether or not he used campaign funds to silence a porn star before an election is our business.
In order to distract from his bragging about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their pussies, Family Values™ candidate Donald Trump paraded Bill Clinton's accusers in front of the cameras at the very same time his own accusers were being paid off to keep silent, possibly violating several laws bigly.

All caught up now, tards?
/—-/ Provide the exact quote where Trump said he grabbed women by the pussy, or immediately apologize to the board for posting lies.
But we never convict anyone of perjury when their true sworn statement conflicts with something they said before being under oath. Literally, the only thing that matters is what they say while under oath.

So let's get Trump on the stand, and see if he tells the truth or not.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Until he's charged with a crime, there's no reason to do so. That's even more reasonable.
Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Uh, he's the one appointing abstinence nuts to the agencies running public health and education... so yeah, getting a straight answer out of him about whether or not he used campaign funds to silence a porn star before an election is our business.

The one has nothing to do with the other, and campaign finance isn't the silly complaint. That is the demand to know whether he really had sex with the woman or not. The lawyers will haggle out the campaign finance stuff.
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Again...the issue isn't sex. It is clarity. This has been explained to you before.

Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.
Lack of candor? Seriously? Why do you think you even have a right to demand answers about a sexual encounter Trump may or many not have had years ago when there's been no crime committed?

Perhaps I just know what it means to be a citizen and you prefer to live in total denial.
Stormy and her pimp/slip and fall lawyer ARE going to be charged with extortion and blackmail. Bank on it!
You don't pay a fine and walk away from those charges. You go to federal prison.
Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Uh, he's the one appointing abstinence nuts to the agencies running public health and education... so yeah, getting a straight answer out of him about whether or not he used campaign funds to silence a porn star before an election is our business.

The one has nothing to do with the other, and campaign finance isn't the silly complaint. That is the demand to know whether he really had sex with the woman or not. The lawyers will haggle out the campaign finance stuff.
hadit Have no fear Trumps lawyers will use the scumbag defense showing he not only paid off stormy but 25 other ladies He's a sure winner
Why do you care if Trump had sex with a porn star before he ran for president?

IOW, why does he owe you clarity on the issue? What standing do you have to demand it?

The murkiness is happening while he is the president of my nation. Thus I have a right to expect honesty from the President and his spokespersons.

Because he's president you think you have standing to demand he reveal details about his sex life from years ago? You don't. Now, if it's the context of a harassment case, or he left a woman to drown in his car, you might have reason to want answers, but a totally consensual transaction between adults that doesn't involve the White House or a power imbalance between the two parties? Not so much.

They can be completely honest and tell you to take a hike.

Again, the sex isn’t the issue. The lack of candor is.

I’m sure the “take a hike” works for people such as your self.
Lack of candor? Seriously? Why do you think you even have a right to demand answers about a sexual encounter Trump may or many not have had years ago when there's been no crime committed?

Perhaps I just know what it means to be a citizen and you prefer to live in total denial.

Or perhaps you should allow even a president to have a private life.
Stormy and her pimp/slip and fall lawyer ARE going to be charged with extortion and blackmail. Bank on it!
You don't pay a fine and walk away from those charges. You go to federal prison.

LOL you Trumpster snowflakes are hilarious.
Until he's charged with a crime, there's no reason to do so. That's even more reasonable.

Nobody charged Bill Clinton with a crime, and you guys insisted on putting him on the stand and asking him about the most personal parts of his life.

It's pretty hilarious to watch you guys drag out the same lame arguments the left dragged out defending Slick Willy 20 years ago.

The one has nothing to do with the other, and campaign finance isn't the silly complaint. That is the demand to know whether he really had sex with the woman or not. The lawyers will haggle out the campaign finance stuff.

We found out today that the Russians paid Cohen $500,000. And Cohen claimed that Trump never paid him. So you have to wonder who really bought Stormy's silence.

Let's get Trump on the Stand and find out.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
If you guys aren't lying to defend trump you are distorting and misdirecting. No one cares about who trump was cheating on his wife with 12 years ago. That is not the primary part of the story. It is the gossipy and entertaining part, but not the real scandal. The scandal is that a payment was made to a porn star just before the election to keep the story secret from the voting public. The story is that election laws were probably broken, possibly making the President part of a criminal conspiracy.
I guess two people can't have sex anymore???

Big deal. Time to get over it...Trump is an human being and no one is perfect!
Until he's charged with a crime, there's no reason to do so. That's even more reasonable.

Nobody charged Bill Clinton with a crime, and you guys insisted on putting him on the stand and asking him about the most personal parts of his life.

It's pretty hilarious to watch you guys drag out the same lame arguments the left dragged out defending Slick Willy 20 years ago.

The one has nothing to do with the other, and campaign finance isn't the silly complaint. That is the demand to know whether he really had sex with the woman or not. The lawyers will haggle out the campaign finance stuff.

We found out today that the Russians paid Cohen $500,000. And Cohen claimed that Trump never paid him. So you have to wonder who really bought Stormy's silence.

Let's get Trump on the Stand and find out.

Were you absent that day in history class? Bubba was in court because he was being sued for sexual harassment. Charge Trump with something and you might get a chance. Otherwise you get to marinate in your frustration.
I guess two people can't have sex anymore???

Big deal. Time to get over it...Trump is an human being and no one is perfect!

It's not the fact that he had sex with her, it's the fact that he had her sign an NDA 2 weeks before the election to keep it out of the headlines, because if it had come to light, Trump may have lost bigly.

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