Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

I wonder why any adult man would ever even have his picture taken with a woman such as this but then I believe in morals so I am not like the rest of you who believe it's a great thing. When we get the likes of Clinton and trump who have taken the office of the white house it's makes me wonder if we can sink any lower. Two wrongs now make a right. If one side does it's it's wrong. If the other side does it then heck it's ok. There is no way to defend these actions. If one is married one DOES NOT do this kind of thing. People want us to feel sorry for politicians of today? I say being forward more witch hunts.
Karma is a bitch, there would be no trump if there was no Obama… You silly fuckers are at fault…
Family Values

Another pseuedocon principle bites the dust.

Hey. Does adultery have a 12 year statute of limitations in the bible? I don't recall seeing that.
Goal post moving..............didn't say it was religious..........said it wasn't against the law you big dummy
Well, I already pointed out that several laws may have been broken during the final days of the campaign.

Funny how you ignored that.

Are you all caught up now?
Says a Clinton supporter… LOL
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
No kidding. The story is almost old enough for Trump to hit on.
Events that occur surrounding the dealings of a “private citizen” are not held to the standard of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”

Given how often Trump has used government subsidies and bailouts and eminent domain to run his projects, he kind of does have a public life.

Actually no. It specifically refers to those who have taken “an oath of office” and those who attained an official government status position. It’s very clear. Are you really THAT unclear between what is termed as a “government office” from those which are categorized as a private sector position?

Trump ceased to be a private citizen the second he won the election and became president elect. He became a full blown politician when he swore his oath of office.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

The payoff is the problem, not him fucking a porn star. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign

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And still he did not do anything while in office… Unlike slick Willy. Quit your bitching

I am not bitching, I am stating the facts. I know that for you Trump zealots that facts are bad things, but they are what they are
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

The payoff is the problem, not him fucking a porn star. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign

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And still he did not do anything while in office… Unlike slick Willy. Quit your bitching

I am not bitching, I am stating the facts. I know that for you Trump zealots that facts are bad things, but they are what they are
Deflection, And still Trump did not do any of these things while in office… Unlike the piece of shit that is slick Willy… You too.. seem to have slick Willy on the brain.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, then you bring the Clinton to the game… Karma is a fucking bitch isn’t it… LOL
Deflection, And still Trump did not do any of these things while in office…

never said he did. Nice strawman..

Unlike the piece of shit that is slick Willy… You too.. seem to have slick Willy on the brain.

You, the one that keeps bringing up Slick is going to accuse me of having him on the brain? Have you been drinking?

I have not brought him up once, you are the one that is obsessed with him. And you claim to have no party loyalites...what a joke that is.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama, then you bring the Clinton to the game… Karma is a fucking bitch isn’t it… LOL

Again, you who claims to have no party loyalty makes this post. You are a joke, sir.
Very hard for feelings addled libbies to grasp that they had no right, and Trump had no obligation, to see that Stormy info was made available.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Yyyyyeah ummmm.... October of 2016 can in no way be described as "long" before Rump ran for President.
That's the whole issue, isn't it.
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....
I'll answer it now. I don't care...Fulfill the campaign promises and expose the rigged system. In all, all sides including Trump were doing one thing on their opposition..........

But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.
But the cover-up continues until this very day.

Simple question...did they have sex? What is the White House's official position on that one basic question?

I would bet than none of the Trumpanzees (like that term) can answer without the requisite "I don't care", "What does it matter", etc... In fact, I think I'll start a new thread on that and see how quickly it gets merged, shut down, or just ignored by Trump apologists....

It's a stupid question because there are only two people who actually know if they had sex or not, and I highly doubt either is posting on here. Naturally, it will be ignored, it should be.

Thanks for your input.

Yet here you are. Perhaps you should be ignored as well. <plink>.

Again, the sex between small hands and small brains isn't the issue...the murky answer from the White House is. If you were to ask the WH why we are still in Afghanistan for example, you'd get similar answers between Trump, the SECDEF, and SHS.... The former and the latter would have one thing in common, bashing the former administration but the cohesion would end at that point.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

The payoff is the problem, not him fucking a porn star. The payoff took place in the heart of the campaign

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And still he did not do anything while in office… Unlike slick Willy. Quit your bitching

We still don't know whether Lying Trump broke any laws while in office.

Remember- Slick Willy was nailed for lying under oath about getting a blow job- will Trump lie under oath that he never had sex with that porn star?
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
She's not even attractive. If I was Trump I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot...Prick. :)
If she's so ugly...maybe Trump was the best she could do.
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?

Yyyyyeah ummmm.... October of 2016 can in no way be described as "long" before Rump ran for President.
That's the whole issue, isn't it.

It is what the Trumpsters want to divert attention from.....
Adultery is against the laws of god.

Trump when it comes to our goals to strengthen and protect the family probably isn't the right guy. Wouldn't you agree? Conservatives must do better in the future.

On other stuff he is great but his adultery and cheating must be shunned.
Giuliani says Filthy Don had paid off many women to keep silent before the election. His slush fund included writing checks from campaign fund....you know, other people's money. My ggodness. :114:

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