Did TRUMP pay for sex with Stormy--he offered another porn star $10k that weekend

Your pretended ignorance is noted.

You pretend there is no difference in PRESIDENT Clinton preying on a young WH EMPLOYEE ...

Um, here's the thing about that. Monica at the time was an adult. If send kids younger than Monica off to kill and die in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are old enough to decide whether or not they can have sex or not.

compared to Trump (years before his becoming POTUS) srewing a fully adult porn semi-star.

Stormy Daniels is 38 now. At the time she screwed Trump, she was 26.

At the time Lewinsky was screwing Clinton, she was 23.

Again, I find it amusing you guys see one as acceptable and the other as not.
You believe MM accidentally overdosed ? OK, fine ... I"m of the opinion JFK mininons (including his brother) murdered her. And MM was not the only woman connected with JFK to die young and mysteriously.

Democrats JFK and his father and his brothers were world class moral scum. Not just common moral scum. World class.

Um, dude, that's what the coroner found. ....

Yea, and a coroner also found two boys not murdered after they were found run over by a train in Arkansas after they had been murdered and placed on the tracks.

An eye-witness recently came forward about that. Course since you have you nose stuck up Clinton's ass you would pay no attention to an eye witness.
After how many decades of "abstinence, "purity," and "family values" crap from the so-called "religious" right, it has now given us as POTUS an unrepentant whore who is willing to give them the opportunity and our tax money to spread more of this shit, while screwing everything that moves and paying big bucks to do it, and a bibble-thumping woman-hater as his sidekick.

Women of all ages, this in-our-faces situation demonstrates that what you have been told all along about sexual "morality" has all been a pack of lies. The joke has been on us. You don't have to abstain from sex until you are married and you don't have to be faithful in marriage, either. So go out and have as good a time as you want. It apparently doesn't matter one bit.
Raise your hand if you think there would be just a YAWWNNNN if the black guy did it?
Because of the lefts history on sex, complaining now is absolutely meaningless
We know we are SINNERS. We don't beat our chests and scream from the pulpit, sanctimonious BS cloaked as 'family values' while we pay for hookers, porn stars and pick up men in airport stalls! There is a difference.
Wait a minute.

Are you stating, for the record. that you pick up hookers, porn stars and men in airport stalls?
There are a number of new details in this WAPO article, not the least of which is she WONDERED if Trump was going to PAY her for that night together. She never goes on to say whether he did or didn't BUT he offered another woman he met the same day $10k and use of his jet if she said yes.

(Remember, Melania was 4 months post giving birth. Maybe she was too fat to fuck or he was a in Madonna/whore state of mind after she gave birth, or maybe he just never stops pursuing women at any time).

‘I have to see you again’: How Trump’s alleged affair with a porn star spilled into public view

Frances Stead Sellers, Emma Brown and David A. Fahrenthold March 7 at 8:40 PM Email the author

Their first meeting was in Lake Tahoe, at a golf tournament in the summer of 2006. He invited her to dinner, she says. But when she got to his hotel room, it was clear he didn’t plan to go out.

“He was wearing pajama pants,” Stormy Daniels told InTouch magazine in 2011, describing what she said was a consensual sexual encounter with Donald Trump five years before. Trump has denied it ever happened.

In Daniels’s description, this was an unremarkable hookup between two people in the outer orbits of Hollywood fame. Daniels was a star of adult movies. Trump’s reality show, “The Apprentice,” was slumping. At this Lake Tahoe celebrity tournament, the organizers had given him only fifth billing, listing the real estate developer two spots below Ray Romano in their lineup of stars.

Now, that casual night — and the connection it allegedly created between a future president and a porn star — has altered the course of Daniels’s life and threatens to alter the course of Trump’s presidency.

If he did, who cares? He's fixing this country. They way he's going I don't give a shit how many hookers he fucks.
Yea, and a coroner also found two boys not murdered after they were found run over by a train in Arkansas after they had been murdered and placed on the tracks.

An eye-witness recently came forward about that. Course since you have you nose stuck up Clinton's ass you would pay no attention to an eye witness.

Again, guy, if you are going to cite another case, you should be more specific. We are talking about a case where a professional medical examiner in a big city found she overdosed... which was confirmed by a big city police department doing an investigation and tracking her movement the last few days of her life.

If he did, who cares? He's fixing this country. They way he's going I don't give a shit how many hookers he fucks.

The country wasn't broken for him to "fix" it. He inherited a country at peace with a growing economy. It's only a matter of time before he fucks that up.
Says Trump loves and respects his wife, and will only mess around with whores, which is what Stormy is...an expensive whore. Do you idiots think that Melania wasn't aware of Trump's history as a billionaire "player" before she married him?

I'm just curious why all the guys who thought Clinton should be hung for diddling Monica are now making excuses for Trump and the Porn Star.

Your pretended ignorance is noted.

You pretend there is no difference in PRESIDENT Clinton preying on a young WH EMPLOYEE ...

compared to Trump (years before his becoming POTUS) srewing a fully adult porn semi-star.

You are so stupid, the best thing you could do for your camp is STFU.
Monica could have been a Russian spy. Think of the damage she could have done
Abstinence-only education making a comeback under Trump
Abstinance only from the man who clearly has no concept of abstinance.
the Trump administration is currently pushing abstinence as a birth control and health solution...


(((OhNoSheTwitnt))) @OhNoSheTwitnt

Hi, kids. I’m Donald “David Dennison” Trump. I have 5 kids by 3 women all of whom I cheated on and I once bragged on tape about grabbing women’s vaginas. I’m here today to talk to you about abstinence. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/971731278960750592 …

11:31 AM - Mar 11, 2018
Says Trump loves and respects his wife, and will only mess around with whores, which is what Stormy is...an expensive whore. Do you idiots think that Melania wasn't aware of Trump's history as a billionaire "player" before she married him?

I'm just curious why all the guys who thought Clinton should be hung for diddling Monica are now making excuses for Trump and the Porn Star.

Your pretended ignorance is noted.

You pretend there is no difference in PRESIDENT Clinton preying on a young WH EMPLOYEE ...

compared to Trump (years before his becoming POTUS) srewing a fully adult porn semi-star.

You are so stupid, the best thing you could do for your camp is STFU.
Monica could have been a Russian spy. Think of the damage she could have done

Mueller has Trump and his allies pinned down
The rich specificity of the emerging Trump-Russia narrative, found in the indictments of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, is now smothering the president’s defenses, overwhelming his counterattacks and depriving him of options and friends. No wonder Trump is in a terrible mood.
Too bad from the get go Trump didn't say "yea, I probably banged her a few times .... but I banged so many big-tit blonds I don't remember the names and get them mixed up.'
NO doubt!! But how many big tit blondes did he BANG and PAY OFF when he was running president? Ah yes, THAT' the problem with this big tit blonde!
Trump is just exemplifying conservative republican values.
He never claimed to do that.
Trump heads the republican party and is a conservative.

The republican establishment was actively against him before the election, and in many ways, they still are. That's what the "drain the swamp" motto is all about. Don't pretend like you don't know that. Washington has been occupied by crooked politicians who have been selling our country down the river, for their own interests. Trump is there to clean things up and place America's interests first, and so far he's kept his promise.
The news media is destroying our country by helping to split us. Time to repeal the Freedon of the Press clause. The MSM is the enemy of the People.

They are behaving exactly the way the Russians are hoping for. In other words, the Democrats and the Media could not carry out the wishes of the Russians any better.
Your pretended ignorance is noted.

You pretend there is no difference in PRESIDENT Clinton preying on a young WH EMPLOYEE ...

Um, here's the thing about that. Monica at the time was an adult. If send kids younger than Monica off to kill and die in Iraq and Afghanistan, they are old enough to decide whether or not they can have sex or not.

compared to Trump (years before his becoming POTUS) srewing a fully adult porn semi-star.

Stormy Daniels is 38 now. At the time she screwed Trump, she was 26.

At the time Lewinsky was screwing Clinton, she was 23.

Again, I find it amusing you guys see one as acceptable and the other as not.
At best, Trump committed adultery with a porn actress, ten years before he ran for office. But that is all you guys have, supermarket tabloid bullshit. Clinton on the other hand used his position of power to sexually harass a 20 year old girl, violated the sanctity of the Oval Office, then lied under oath, and then Hillary attacked the girl when she came out, while the entire Democrat party circled the wagons around the pervert sexual harasser. Which is why the Democrats lost the presidency in 2000.
Too bad from the get go Trump didn't say "yea, I probably banged her a few times .... but I banged so many big-tit blonds I don't remember the names and get them mixed up.'
NO doubt!! But how many big tit blondes did he BANG and PAY OFF when he was running president? Ah yes, THAT' the problem with this big tit blonde!

Stormy is Making Orange Fat Boy squirm
Stormy Daniels Offers to Return Hush Money
March 12, 2018
Stormy Daniels offered to return $130,000 she received from Donald Trump’s personal lawyer in 2016 for agreeing not to discuss the alleged relationship, the New York Times reports.
Too bad from the get go Trump didn't say "yea, I probably banged her a few times .... but I banged so many big-tit blonds I don't remember the names and get them mixed up.'
NO doubt!! But how many big tit blondes did he BANG and PAY OFF when he was running president? Ah yes, THAT' the problem with this big tit blonde!

Stormy is Making Orange Fat Boy squirm
Stormy Daniels Offers to Return Hush Money
March 12, 2018
Stormy Daniels offered to return $130,000 she received from Donald Trump’s personal lawyer in 2016 for agreeing not to discuss the alleged relationship, the New York Times reports.
She signed a document claiming that nothing happened. Then Trump became president. Whores will be whores.
Abstinence-only education making a comeback under Trump
Abstinance only from the man who clearly has no concept of abstinance.
Where do you get the idea this is a government program? And why do you think sex between children is good and that abstinence isn't?
It is a government program. Abstinance only education.

Nothing wrong with abstinance.

Plenty wrong with the education program. In particular, it doesnt work.

I care about young people not getting pregant and that means using programs that work.
Lefties learn nothing so far... They should have learned that after the pussy grab bullshit, nothing sticks to Trump. Even cuck Sanders is getting pissed off at this point.

At the end, this will somehow help Trump.
Especially since none of these "sex scandals" have ever been proven. Trump is only guilty of lockerroom talk with the guys. Mostly all talk and no action.

Let me get this clear: Trump is a douche.

Douche is exactly what we need to deal with DC, and to some extent reason why many people love him.
Abstinence-only education making a comeback under Trump
Abstinance only from the man who clearly has no concept of abstinance.
Where do you get the idea this is a government program? And why do you think sex between children is good and that abstinence isn't?
It is a government program. Abstinance only education.

Nothing wrong with abstinance.

Plenty wrong with the education program. In particular, it doesnt work.

I care about young people not getting pregant and that means using programs that work.

Trump's budget for the ineffective abstinence-only education program: $277 million of taxpayers' money.
Trump’s budget would devote $277 million to the least effective contraceptive method known to humankind

Waste, fraud, and abuse.

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