Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

IOW, it's a political hit job, as has been alleged from the beginning. Until Trump is charged with something, you won't get him under oath.

I think Trump's ego is too big for him not to testify.

So let me get you on record, it's okay if Trump lies to us about Russia, Cohen, firing Comey, fucking Stormy Daniels, if it's not on "under oath".

Frankly, the fact he is lying to us should be enough, shouldn't it?

And, no, blurting out your usual pablum about Obama said you could keep your doctor isn't the same.

Yes or no, are you okay with the president lying to you?

Because you weren't 20 years ago... you guys are still butthurt about that.
/----/ You must first prove any of those allegations are true. Ask Muller to share some of his evidence to make your case. BTW, lying about Obozocare to get that horrible bill passed is worse than any of your claims about Trump. And how about Obozo's lie about shovel ready jobs to get his trillion dollar stimuLESS bill passed?
You must first prove any of those allegations are true. Ask Muller to share some of his evidence to make your case. BTW, lying about Obozocare to get that horrible bill passed is worse than any of your claims about Trump. And how about Obozo's lie about shovel ready jobs to get his trillion dollar stimuLESS bill passed?

See, you couldn't help yourself...

But, but, but... OOOOOOOOObama!

Kind of sad, that you hated Obama more than you love America.
You must first prove any of those allegations are true. Ask Muller to share some of his evidence to make your case. BTW, lying about Obozocare to get that horrible bill passed is worse than any of your claims about Trump. And how about Obozo's lie about shovel ready jobs to get his trillion dollar stimuLESS bill passed?

See, you couldn't help yourself...

But, but, but... OOOOOOOOObama!

Kind of sad, that you hated Obama more than you love America.
/----/ Yeah that's right you political hack. You think Obozo is immune from the very same criticism you throw at Trump? Well guess again, loser.
/----/ Yeah that's right you political hack. You think Obozo is immune from the very same criticism you throw at Trump? Well guess again, loser.

Obama sincerely believed that most Americans would keep their doctors (and most of us did.)

Trump should know if he fucked Stormy Daniels or not.

Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.
Uh, Do Liberals Realize that the Stormy Daniels-Donald Trump Incident Happened 12 Years Ago?

sure - but do idiots know his campaign happened when his stupid ass was running for potus THIS TERM and there were possible violations that are still under investigation?

morons just cant quite seem to fathom "investigation"

thats one reason why they are morons.
IOW, it's a political hit job, as has been alleged from the beginning. Until Trump is charged with something, you won't get him under oath.

I think Trump's ego is too big for him not to testify.

So let me get you on record, it's okay if Trump lies to us about Russia, Cohen, firing Comey, fucking Stormy Daniels, if it's not on "under oath".

Frankly, the fact he is lying to us should be enough, shouldn't it?

And, no, blurting out your usual pablum about Obama said you could keep your doctor isn't the same.

Yes or no, are you okay with the president lying to you?

Because you weren't 20 years ago... you guys are still butthurt about that.

Whether I approve of the president lying or not is immaterial, because after Bubba got away with lying so much, I expect politicians to lie.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Ummm.... the payoff occurred right before the election, not long before it. And that's the problem.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
Bribery happened less than 2 years ago. No one really cares about the sex and perversions. Bribery is what counts.

It was a signed NDA. First it was “coerced”, now it’s a “bribe”? You lefties need to keep your lies straight.
It wasn't signed by trump. And the agreement to settle disputes was to be between Trump and Clifford.
Were you absent that day in history class? Bubba was in court because he was being sued for sexual harassment. Charge Trump with something and you might get a chance. Otherwise you get to marinate in your frustration.

There's a bunch of lawsuits against Trump already, but Mueller is just getting his ducks in a row. PRobably waiting until October to release what he has for maximum effect.
:lol: He won't do that October surprise! he really won't....it would diminish the investigation results in the long run....for him to be purposefully sleazy like that....so my sure bet, is he won't....

besides, right now the Mueller report is only required to go to the judicial branch....not even certain, if Trump replaced Rosenstein or Sessions, if Congress would even see it! :eek:

Congress, Dems and Repubs are tryng to pass a bill requiring the Mueller report from the investigation, gets to our Congress Critters, even if Trump fired Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions.... Don't know if the bill will even get to the floor for a vote?

There will be an uproar from BOTH sides of the aisle if at least Congress can't see the investigation we paid for through our taxes on interference in our election in 2016.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Top McCain adviser Charlie Black was eviscerated last week for suggesting that a terrorist attack would help John McCain win the presidency. Please. If al-Qaida really wanted McCain in the Oval Office, the terrorists would attack his military record.

Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
On Sunday's Face the Nation, Obama supporter retired Gen. Wesley Clark, remarkably, went there: "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president." (Full context here.) So did liberal blogger John Aravosis, writing that "[g]etting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience." On Monday, former Obama adviser Rand Beers argued that McCain's isolation as a POW limited his insight on national security issues.

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal Hate Radio.
Last edited:
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal HAte Radio.
Thanks for confirming once again that you're an idiot. :eusa_doh:

Obama didn't mock McCain for being a POW. He mocked him for being old. Even your link says that.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal HAte Radio.
Thanks for confirming once again that you're an idiot. :eusa_doh:

Obama didn't mock McCain for being a POW. He mocked him for being old. Even your link says that.
/----/ Hey moron, I didn't say Obama said it, I said democRATs did: "democRATs mocked McCain" Talk about idiots, look in the mirror
Looking at the continual stream of liberal threads on the Stormy Daniels scandal, one wonders if liberals realize that Daniels' alleged hookup with Trump supposedly occurred in 2006, 12 years ago, and that Cohen's payoff to her occurred in 2016, 10 years after the alleged encounter and long before Donald Trump even ran for president?
The payoff in 2016 was illegal
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal HAte Radio.
Thanks for confirming once again that you're an idiot. :eusa_doh:

Obama didn't mock McCain for being a POW. He mocked him for being old. Even your link says that.
No buggy. He’s not dying anyways, right republicans? If the White House can be so callous so can we
Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal HAte Radio.
Thanks for confirming once again that you're an idiot. :eusa_doh:

Obama didn't mock McCain for being a POW. He mocked him for being old. Even your link says that.
No buggy. He’s not dying anyways, right republicans? If the White House can be so callous so can we
/----/ I don't wish death on anyone (except Communists) The remark was wrong.
Haha. You think Obama sincerely believed it. Difference here is, Obama don't care it's costing us a lot, while the question of whether Trump boinked somebody years ago is not.

Funny, my health care costs didn't go up because of ACA and neither did anyone I know.

In fact, a funny thing happened after ACA passed. We stopped having those annual meetings where the HR Cow would tell us how our insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less this year.

So, you want Trump lying to be enough. Enough for what? Kicking him out of office? Better grab a lot of paper, because you're going to have a loooong list of people to kick out of office. Naturally, you won't be upset at the ones with a D behind their name. They're different and special.

I want Trump kicked out of office because he's a buffoon and a crazy person.

You know, the kind of person who hires people who mock dying war heroes.
/——/ democRATs mocked McCain when he ran against Obozo, laughing that he wrecked his plane and mocking his injuries by calling him John McLame. So kindly STFU
/----/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to show you how to do your own research. Here is one of many:
Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble
Sep 13, 2008 - John McCain as old and out of touch, the Democratic Party's hip campaign of ... on McCain that was published the last time he ran for president.

Biden criticizes Obama ad hitting McCain as technologically inept ...
Sep 22, 2008 - Do all Democrat President hopefuls need apologists? .... John McCain CAN'T use the computer because of his injuries as a POW not because of his age. .... I hate to say it, but I'm glad the Obama campaign ran that ad. .... ...
Other comments from the Leftards: I guess I am not alone in my dislike of the crummy old geezer John McLame... I have been calling for his resignation for almost two years now...

Top McCain adviser Charlie Black was eviscerated last week for suggesting that a terrorist attack would help John McCain win the presidency. Please. If al-Qaida really wanted McCain in the Oval Office, the terrorists would attack his military record.

Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
On Sunday's Face the Nation, Obama supporter retired Gen. Wesley Clark, remarkably, went there: "I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president." (Full context here.) So did liberal blogger John Aravosis, writing that "[g]etting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience." On Monday, former Obama adviser Rand Beers argued that McCain's isolation as a POW limited his insight on national security issues.

Amd plenty more on other boards and Liberal Hate Radio.
Your claim was that Democrats mocked or laughed at McCain for wrecking his plane and for his war injuries. You have changed the narrative and deflected away from the challenge you were given to provide a link. Where is the link to support you allegation that Democrats actually mocked and laughed at McCain for crashing his plane and mocked and laughed at his injuries. Trump did that, but not as a Democrat and not in the time period you are claiming.

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