Uh Oh, Ben Carson stepped in pooh ankle deep using the "R" word. There goes his slim chance.



Ben Carson slams GOP 2016 rivals who dare not call this tragedy an act of racism - The Washington Post

Ben Carson: Not everything is about race in this country. But when it is about race, then it just is. So when a guy who has been depicted wearing a jacket featuring an apartheid-era Rhodesian flag walks into a historic black church and guns down nine African-American worshipers at a Bible study meeting, common sense leads one to believe his motivations are based in racism. When the sole adult survivor of the ordeal reports that the killer shouted before opening fire, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go" — well, that sounds to me a lot like racial hatred.

A recent Washington Post analysis of polling by the Pew Research Centershowed that half of white people — and 6 in 10 white Republicans, who Carson needs to win over during the presidential primary season — see no racial discrimination around them. By contrast, only 13 percent of African Americans don't see racism.


Never tell white wingers they are wasist. Ever.
Actuslly...conservative ehite guilt has goven him a leg up. Who is leading the polls?
For crying out loud is there any candidate that is saying flat out that this was not an act of hate? And act of racism?

As far as I've read the only ones screaming about the lack of attention to racism have been fucking liberals trying to put words into conservatives mouths.

You assholes really blow fucking dead bears.
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For crying out loud is there any candidate that is saying flat out that this was not an act of hate? And act of racism?

As far as I've read the only ones screaming about the lack of attention to racism have been fucking liberals trying to words into conservatives mouths.

You assholes really blow fucking dead bears.
Wyf...blow dead bears??m

Is that a canadian thing?
Let's talk about Hillary using what you idiot left loons are claiming is a racist symbol, shall we? Watch them clam up and go silent.

The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe
ruh roh!!! Wonder what posters like Misty & protectionist think of him now? lol
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Yep................context matters, but you can never get the conservatives to understand it.

And.....................Obama is right.....................simply removing the word nig--r from polite company DOES NOT mean that racism is over.

As a matter of fact, it seems that a lot of conservatives believe that because they say "hi" to the black person down the street and don't use the word n---er, that means that racism is over.
LOL, I knew it, clammed up tighter than a clam


Hillary Clinton Not Talking About ’92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button


It’s unclear if the Clinton-Gore Confederate flag campaign button that has been prominent on social media was an official part of their 1992 presidential campaign.

And Hillary Clinton isn’t clarifying, nor is her team responding to questions about her husband honoring the flag as Arkansas governor in 1987.

Hillary Clinton Not Talking About 92 Clinton-Gore Confederate Campaign Button TheBlaze.com
For crying out loud is there any candidate that is saying flat out that this was not an act of hate? And act of racism?

As far as I've read the only ones screaming about the lack of attention to racism have been fucking liberals trying to put words into conservatives mouths.

You assholes really blow fucking dead bears.
So far, all of them. They say it's a crazy guy, or it's hatred of religion or something similar. None of them mention race, until Carson. Why do you think he's calling out his party?
Do you know how to use Google?
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
You don't the adult concept of context, do you?
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Yep................context matters, but you can never get the conservatives to understand it.

And.....................Obama is right.....................simply removing the word nig--r from polite company DOES NOT mean that racism is over.

As a matter of fact, it seems that a lot of conservatives believe that because they say "hi" to the black person down the street and don't use the word n---er, that means that racism is over.

It's the new racism vs the old racism. The new racists don't say n*****.
hey, didnt Mike Tyson get away with calling someone a "White-P****Y"? i wonder if that is going to be the next bad word bambi will say in his next interview,
anyone recall that black female anchor who said "What The F-----K you doing" when she thought her mike was off and millions heard it, many with their children?

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