Uh Oh, Ben Carson stepped in pooh ankle deep using the "R" word. There goes his slim chance.

“6 in 10 white Republicans, who Carson needs to win over during the presidential primary season — see no racial discrimination around them.”

And here is why most republicans loath acknowledging the fact of racism and hate crimes in America: their fear of alienating 60 percent of white republicans whose votes they need to win elections.
“6 in 10 white Republicans, who Carson needs to win over during the presidential primary season — see no racial discrimination around them.”

And here is why most republicans loath acknowledging the fact of racism and hate crimes in America: their fear of alienating 60 percent of white republicans whose votes they need to win elections.

I've seen this before. Where's the link to that poll?
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Some folks just don't give a shit with the context of using "N" by Obama, they just want to make political hay while showing exactly how backwards they really are.
Regarding Hillary's usage of the likeness of the Confederate flag, that's a pretty big error on her part. Basically it shows how out of touch she is. When Willie and Gore used the likeness, racism was at a low. Nobody really paid attention, I would guess it symbolized two Southern boys to get the Southern vote.. But since Obama was elected, racism reached a high, at least a high for the the most recent 50-60 years.
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The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Some folks just don't give a shit with the context of using "N" by Obama, they just want to make political hay while showing exactly how backwards they really are.
Regarding Hillary's usage of the likeness of the Confederate flag, that's a pretty big error on her part. Basically he shows how out of touch she is. When Willie and Gore used the likeness, racism was at a low. Nobody really paid attention, I would guess it symbolized two Southern boys to get the Southern vote.. But since Obama was elected, racism reached a high, at least a high for the the most recent 50-60 years.

Almost ALL of it perpetrated by people of the black skin.
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Some folks just don't give a shit with the context of using "N" by Obama, they just want to make political hay while showing exactly how backwards they really are.
Regarding Hillary's usage of the likeness of the Confederate flag, that's a pretty big error on her part. Basically he shows how out of touch she is. When Willie and Gore used the likeness, racism was at a low. Nobody really paid attention, I would guess it symbolized two Southern boys to get the Southern vote.. But since Obama was elected, racism reached a high, at least a high for the the most recent 50-60 years.

Almost ALL of it perpetrated by people of the black skin.

In your world, I guess that's true, but in the real world, not really. I'm not saying that there isn't racism by blacks and I am saying there is racism by whites.
Let's talk about Hillary using what you idiot left loons are claiming is a racist symbol, shall we? Watch them clam up and go silent.

Fake. TY, hater dupes...
The president used the freaking "N" word in an interview over the weekend but left wing racist progs (who hate a republican Black Man) don't seem too concerned about that.
Oh gee....maybe context matters maybe

Some folks just don't give a shit with the context of using "N" by Obama, they just want to make political hay while showing exactly how backwards they really are.
Regarding Hillary's usage of the likeness of the Confederate flag, that's a pretty big error on her part. Basically he shows how out of touch she is. When Willie and Gore used the likeness, racism was at a low. Nobody really paid attention, I would guess it symbolized two Southern boys to get the Southern vote.. But since Obama was elected, racism reached a high, at least a high for the the most recent 50-60 years.

Almost ALL of it perpetrated by people of the black skin.
WTF is wrong with you lol?

The Hillary button is a fake.
anyone recall that black female anchor who said "What The F-----K you doing" when she thought her mike was off and millions heard it, many with their children?
They were scarred for life I'm sure.
For crying out loud is there any candidate that is saying flat out that this was not an act of hate? And act of racism?

As far as I've read the only ones screaming about the lack of attention to racism have been fucking liberals trying to put words into conservatives mouths.

You assholes really blow fucking dead bears.
Why Can t Republicans Admit Roof Was Racist -- NYMag
Bizarrely, a number of conservative figures have treated Roof’s motives as unknowable. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley wrote, “we do know that we'll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another.” The Wall Street Journal editorializes today, “What causes young men such as Dylann Roof to erupt in homicidal rage, whatever their motivation, is a problem that defies explanation beyond the reality that evil still stalks humanity.”

Jeb Bush, appearing at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference, said, “I don't know what was on the mind or the heart of the man who committed these atrocious crimes.” When pressed for a follow-up by the Huffington Post, Bush continued to equivocate:

"It was a horrific act and I don't know what the background of it is, but it was an act of hatred," Bush said.

Asked again whether the shooting was because of race, Bush added, "I don't know. Looks like to me it was, but we'll find out all the information. It's clear it was an act of raw hatred, for sure. Nine people lost their lives, and they were African-American. You can judge what it is."

What’s genuinely mysterious is not just why conservatives believe such nonsense but why they feel obliged to say it. After all, the Republican Party may be in general denial about the persistence of racism as a continuing force in American life, and openly racist whites may be a part of their constituency (just as they have long been part of the Democratic Party’s constituency).

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