Uh oh, Hillary slips behind GOP in crucial swing states

Yeah and here's how well Kasich does in Florida in the poll released a few days ago:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Kasich vs. Clinton

Hillary +13
Which brings up an important point completely missed by the OP.

When gloating over Hillary being a point or two behind a Republican candidate in two different battleground states, they missed the fact that it isn't the same Republican candidate in those states.

When Hillary is put head-to-head against ANY Republican candidate nationwide, she handily wins. Even after losing a few points due to the recent "scandals".
But you have to realize that Hillary's scandals just won't quit coming, and we have over a year to go.....
01125108_Par_89380_ImageFile3 stooges.jpg
The electoral college is lost to the GOP for at least one more election

I see the electoral college being lost for at least a generation

It will be a while before the GOP can take back the swing states
Yeah and here's how well Kasich does in Florida in the poll released a few days ago:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Kasich vs. Clinton

Hillary +13
Which brings up an important point completely missed by the OP.

When gloating over Hillary being a point or two behind a Republican candidate in two different battleground states, they missed the fact that it isn't the same Republican candidate in those states.

When Hillary is put head-to-head against ANY Republican candidate nationwide, she handily wins. Even after losing a few points due to the recent "scandals".
But you have to realize that Hillary's scandals just won't quit coming, and we have over a year to go.....
View attachment 42673

The more the Republican Noise Machine keeps cranking...the more people will realize it's all just political.
Yeah and here's how well Kasich does in Florida in the poll released a few days ago:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Kasich vs. Clinton

Hillary +13
Which brings up an important point completely missed by the OP.

When gloating over Hillary being a point or two behind a Republican candidate in two different battleground states, they missed the fact that it isn't the same Republican candidate in those states.

When Hillary is put head-to-head against ANY Republican candidate nationwide, she handily wins. Even after losing a few points due to the recent "scandals".
But you have to realize that Hillary's scandals just won't quit coming, and we have over a year to go.....
View attachment 42673
Clinton has not yet come out blazing.

The Right has pissed on its gunpowder so much, and hyperventilated over so many bogus scandals, that any more screams of moral outrage won't get any traction outside of those rubes who were never going to vote for her anyway. So beating on the same old Benghazi drum just isn't going to do any good.

They shot their wad.

Will they learn? I doubt it. Despite the tactic having failed them in the last two presidential elections, the GOP will still throw mud to conceal the fact they have ZERO solutions to offer the American people to any of the issues facing our country.
Know what's great about this?

dimocraps are sitting on death row. They know the exact date and time of their death and they know there is no chance of a reprieve or a pardon. Their crimes against humanity are so depraved, their candidate so sickening and disgusting that even THEY know they deserve what's about to happen to them.

But they will never admit it out loud. They're like the serial killer who will never admit to being wrong. The cheating husband or wife that will deny it even when confronted with photographic evidence. Even though they all know how wrong they are.

But that's not the point. The point is this...... I am going to enjoy very much watching dimocraps squirm when the jailers come to shave their heads and strap them to the chair.

And I am going to laugh. Hysterically.

Never before in the History of Man has any organization, any Political Party, deserved the death penalty more than scum of the earth dimocraps.

Not the Nazis, not the communists, not Musso's Fascists...... Nobody has earned the painful death that dimocraps are going to experience in November of next year more than they have.


And I have 1 year, 5 Months, 2 Weeks and 6 days in which to enjoy it.
Know what's great about this?

dimocraps are sitting on death row. They know the exact date and time of their death and they know there is no chance of a reprieve or a pardon. Their crimes against humanity are so depraved, their candidate so sickening and disgusting that even THEY know they deserve what's about to happen to them.

But they will never admit it out loud. They're like the serial killer who will never admit to being wrong. The cheating husband or wife that will deny it even when confronted with photographic evidence. Even though they all know how wrong they are.

But that's not the point. The point is this...... I am going to enjoy very much watching dimocraps squirm when the jailers come to shave their heads and strap them to the chair.

And I am going to laugh. Hysterically.

Never before in the History of Man has any organization, any Political Party, deserved the death penalty more than scum of the earth dimocraps.

Not the Nazis, not the communists, not Musso's Fascists...... Nobody has earned the painful death that dimocraps are going to experience in November of next year more than they have.


And I have 1 year, 5 Months, 2 Weeks and 6 days in which to enjoy it.

The electoral college is lost to the GOP for at least one more election

I see the electoral college being lost for at least a generation

It will be a while before the GOP can take back the swing states

See, people? This is what I mean. dimocrap filth are in denial. They really believe their own lies at this point.

Swing States? YOu scumbags think you got a lock on the Swing States?

Florida...... Republican Governor and Legislature

Iowa ...... Republlican Governor and Legislature

Nevada -- Republican Governor and Legislature

North Carolina -- Republican Governor and Legislature

Ohio....... Republican Governor and Legislature

Wisconsin........ Republican Governor and Legislature

Then there's States that aren't considered 'swing' but will be in play in 2016 --

Michigan -- Republican Governor and Legislature

This is easier -- Map


I love the delusion.

I LOVE that dimocraps think something or someone is going to save them.

Right up to the moment we throw the switch.

I want to be around to see the look in your eyes when you realize -- It's over. You're done. Nothing and nobody can save you.

You're finished.

The electoral college is lost to the GOP for at least one more election

I see the electoral college being lost for at least a generation

It will be a while before the GOP can take back the swing states

See, people? This is what I mean. dimocrap filth are in denial. They really believe their own lies at this point.

Swing States? YOu scumbags think you got a lock on the Swing States?

Florida...... Republican Governor and Legislature

Iowa ...... Republlican Governor and Legislature

Nevada -- Republican Governor and Legislature

North Carolina -- Republican Governor and Legislature

Ohio....... Republican Governor and Legislature

Wisconsin........ Republican Governor and Legislature

Then there's States that aren't considered 'swing' but will be in play in 2016 --

Michigan -- Republican Governor and Legislature

This is easier -- Map


I love the delusion.

I LOVE that dimocraps think something or someone is going to save them.

Right up to the moment we throw the switch.

I want to be around to see the look in your eyes when you realize -- It's over. You're done. Nothing and nobody can save you.

You're finished.


We are speaking of PRESIDENTIAL elections and the Electoral College

It is currently barely possible for Republicans to reach 270

Embrace it.

1 year, 5 Months, 2 weeks, 6 days.

I'm gonna love every minute. You know you're done. I know you're done. It's all over but the crying.

So start practicing. It's the one thing we can not match you at
Yeah and here's how well Kasich does in Florida in the poll released a few days ago:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Florida Kasich vs. Clinton

Hillary +13
Which brings up an important point completely missed by the OP.

When gloating over Hillary being a point or two behind a Republican candidate in two different battleground states, they missed the fact that it isn't the same Republican candidate in those states.

When Hillary is put head-to-head against ANY Republican candidate nationwide, she handily wins. Even after losing a few points due to the recent "scandals".
But you have to realize that Hillary's scandals just won't quit coming, and we have over a year to go.....
View attachment 42673

Not really.
The electoral college is lost to the GOP for at least one more election

I see the electoral college being lost for at least a generation

It will be a while before the GOP can take back the swing states

See, people? This is what I mean. dimocrap filth are in denial. They really believe their own lies at this point.

Swing States? YOu scumbags think you got a lock on the Swing States?

Florida...... Republican Governor and Legislature

Iowa ...... Republlican Governor and Legislature

Nevada -- Republican Governor and Legislature

North Carolina -- Republican Governor and Legislature

Ohio....... Republican Governor and Legislature

Wisconsin........ Republican Governor and Legislature

Then there's States that aren't considered 'swing' but will be in play in 2016 --

Michigan -- Republican Governor and Legislature

This is easier -- Map


I love the delusion.

I LOVE that dimocraps think something or someone is going to save them.

Right up to the moment we throw the switch.

I want to be around to see the look in your eyes when you realize -- It's over. You're done. Nothing and nobody can save you.

You're finished.


This is rather normal for a sixth year of a presidential term. The same thing happened to Bush and Reagan.

Embrace it.

1 year, 5 Months, 2 weeks, 6 days.

I'm gonna love every minute. You know you're done. I know you're done. It's all over but the crying.

So start practicing. It's the one thing we can not match you at

I heard the same thing in the last two elections. And the same thing by the other side in the two preceding elections. Hot air is cheap.
This is rather normal for a sixth year of a presidential term. The same thing happened to Bush and Reagan.


It didn't happen to Reagan. He was still the most beloved Man in the Country after 6, 7 and 8 years in Office. G HW Bush rode his coattails to POTUS.

GW Bush? McCain lost, remember. And not by a lot. Had it not been for a couple of lucky breaks, the Lying Cocksucker obama loses -- Big time.

In fact, McCain and Palin were ahead in almost every Poll when the Financial Meltdown happened. After that, it was all over.

Then McCain foolishly left the Campaign Trail to go back to Washington. That hurt him a lot. But Lehman and the meltdown killed McCain's chances.

Debating liberals isn't much fun. You have short memories and you're really stupid
The problem for Republicans is Hillary polls well in all states

Kasich may poll well in his home state, but is unknown in the rest of the country

No Republican does well in a significant number of swing states, Hillary does....spells doom for the GOP
You're right for once.
But the problem for Hillary is she has 100% name recognition. And 45% approval. She cannot improve her name recognition.
The GOP candidates have nowhere to go but up in name recognition and they beat the snot out of her in favorability. Combine rising name recognition with steady favorability and Hillary is yesterday's dog turd.
This is rather normal for a sixth year of a presidential term. The same thing happened to Bush and Reagan.


It didn't happen to Reagan. He was still the most beloved Man in the Country after 6, 7 and 8 years in Office. G HW Bush rode his coattails to POTUS.

GW Bush? McCain lost, remember. And not by a lot. Had it not been for a couple of lucky breaks, the Lying Cocksucker obama loses -- Big time.

In fact, McCain and Palin were ahead in almost every Poll when the Financial Meltdown happened. After that, it was all over.

Then McCain foolishly left the Campaign Trail to go back to Washington. That hurt him a lot. But Lehman and the meltdown killed McCain's chances.

Debating liberals isn't much fun. You have short memories and you're really stupid
They didnt pay attention at the time and so let left wing hack sites rewrite their history for them.
I heard the same thing in the last two elections. And the same thing by the other side in the two preceding elections. Hot air is cheap.

You didn't hear from me, hot rod.

I predicted obama in '08 and in '12.

In fact, I was one of the first ones to predict that obama would take the nomination from Hitlery in '08. I called it in '07

I am seldom wrong about these things. Very seldom. In fact -- Hardly ever.

dimocraps are DONE. Maybe for a generation.

Tell you what else..... We have almost a year and a half to go with just about nothing good that good happen and lots and lost of bad things that can happen -- ISIS, Terrorist attacks, Israel Nukes Iran, Iran Nukes Israel, Recession, more Riots, China shoots down one of our Airplanes, Russia (Putin) HATES the Lying Cocksucker so he might do anything -- Like Invade Ukraine and spit in obama's eye, China attacks Taiwan, Japan re-militarizes......

You have no idea the things this ignorant motherfucker has done wrong that can blow up in our faces at any minute.

Because you're just as ignorant as he is
The problem for Republicans is Hillary polls well in all states

Kasich may poll well in his home state, but is unknown in the rest of the country

No Republican does well in a significant number of swing states, Hillary does....spells doom for the GOP
You're right for once.
But the problem for Hillary is she has 100% name recognition. And 45% approval. She cannot improve her name recognition.
The GOP candidates have nowhere to go but up in name recognition and they beat the snot out of her in favorability. Combine rising name recognition with steady favorability and Hillary is yesterday's dog turd.

The Republican brand does not have high public approval
Hillary may not have the approval level she had two years ago, but it is still higher than any of her Republican contenders

None of the Republicans shows the ability to be a breakout contender. Hillary will cruise to an easy victory

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