Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper

Again, a series of mundane platitudes.

Trite, but no more so than when MB said them.

Melania is no more a plagiarist than Michelle Obama is. Both used silly and shallow slogans.

But that crack MSDNC team (or rather, the team on crack) is desperate to distract from the foibles of crooked Hillary......
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?

Excellent point. If properly rearranged she should have said "Michelle's parents".

It would seem those with "the best words" have "the worst word management".
Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?

Yyyyyeah umm..... it's on video. And it's been acknowledged.
Your issue isn't with "media", liberal or otherwise. Your issue is with "acknowledging reality".

Seems to be a lot of that going around though. Ignorance is Strength.
Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper

Again, a series of mundane platitudes.

Trite, but no more so than when MB said them.

Melania is no more a plagiarist than Michelle Obama is. Both used silly and shallow slogans.

But that crack MSDNC team (or rather, the team on crack) is desperate to distract from the foibles of crooked Hillary......
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?

Excellent point. If properly rearranged she should have said "Michelle's parents".

It would seem those with "the best words" have "the worst word management".
She should have said.......I have heard that Michelle Obamas parents taught her that....
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?


If one deems to fling shit and call it wisdom, then one is truly a feral baboon. Get thee to a baboonary.

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?

My mother once said "if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you."

So my shit flinging little simian, if another person ever said that their mother used that phrase, they are a plagiarist...

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:clap2: Exactamente. And then whine that they want to "move on" rather than admit "what I said yesterday about it being Hillary Clinton's doing was pure bullshit". They want all of the privilege of graffiti-speech with none of the responsibilities.

I see you've been hitting the EasyOff hard this morning.

Those who "care" are leftist morons like you, who are desperate to attack Trump and have no care if the issue is legitimate.

None of the ThinkDictatorship cohorts that you share your OUTRAGE with were ever going to vote for Trump in the first place. Your faux-scandal is nothing more that hated-filled leftists jerking each other off.

You hate - therefore you vote D...
To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

If you said "I like ice cream" and then later somewhere else I said "I like ice cream" it would mean nothing. That exact phrase, four words long, has probably been uttered millions of times by millions who have never met.

But if you said, "I like ice cream because I was raised with those values; that you work hard for the ice cream you want in life; that your flavor is your thing and you order what you say you're going to order, and we need to pass that ice cream on to the next generation, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your ice cream cones is the reach of your wallet and your willingness to stand in line for them" and then a few years later I said "I like ice cream because I was raised with those values; that you work hard for the ice cream you want in life; that your flavor is your thing and you order what you say you're going to order, and we need to pass that ice cream on to the next generation, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your ice cream cones is the reach of your wallet and your willingness to stand in line for them", then only an idiot would see it as coincidence.

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You're done with this thread because it finally sunk in that there is no exit ramp and you don't have the stones to admit reality.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

There's actually a fifth story, and it's my favorite. It goes "there was no plagiarism, but even though there wasn't it's all Hillary's fault. What? Our staffer admitted plagiarizing it? Can't we just move on?"
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?


If one deems to fling shit and call it wisdom, then one is truly a feral baboon. Get thee to a baboonary.

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?

My mother once said "if all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you."

So my shit flinging little simian, if another person ever said that their mother used that phrase, they are a plagiarist...


It would just be a coincidence if not for Melania using EIGHT consecutive phrases in exactly the same order as Michelle
Pretty ironic how some will blow off one of the CANDIDATES lies (Hillary) and bash on the wife of a candidate for "plagiarizing." Lol.

This thread is still about one person: Melania. Despite the relentless attempts to change the subject to Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Ben Ghazi, Ben Casey, Elizabeth Dole, Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth New Jersey, Bo Belinsky, Joe Biden, Barack O'bama, Deval Patrick, George Bush, George Bush, George Clinton, Kate Bush, Melania's body parts, "liberal" and "conservative" body parts, auto body parts, and the Kansas City Chiefs' ground game. That's all desperation in search of an exit ramp that does not exist. Because it would absolutely KILL these people to acknowledge that they were wrong and yes, their "team" actually did fuck up.

Even after that team already admitted to it, which is a head-exploder.

THAT --- that denialist insult to the world of reality --- is the only reason this thread goes on and on and on. If it had been handled honestly it would have been dead in the space of ten minutes.
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Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper

Again, a series of mundane platitudes.

Trite, but no more so than when MB said them.

Melania is no more a plagiarist than Michelle Obama is. Both used silly and shallow slogans.

But that crack MSDNC team (or rather, the team on crack) is desperate to distract from the foibles of crooked Hillary......
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?

Excellent point. If properly rearranged she should have said "Michelle's parents".

It would seem those with "the best words" have "the worst word management".
She should have said.......I have heard that Michelle Obamas parents taught her that....

It's so easily done...

"From a young age, Michelle's parents impressed on me the values that she works hard for what she wants in life, that her word is her bond and she does what she says and keeps her promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed Michelle values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our sons, Sasha and Malia."

They should totally hire me to write their speechifications.
It would just be a coincidence if not for Melania using EIGHT consecutive phrases in exactly the same order as Michelle


My doesn't your list grow...

No matter, this is just more faux-outrage from the hypocritical left.

Imo it's more delight in laughing at Trump's fake outrage about Obama. Trump cynically ramped up the "he's muslim" hysteria about Obama, and as a result he will get less of the black vote since .... ever, but he figures he doesn't need it. It's be a delight if it bites him in his fat ass.
Looks who's calling the kettle black...

The double standards of the Liberal Left...

The sad truth is there are so many stupid ones who try to sell this crap...

Poor rightards. So desperate.
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
They can still be her values even if a speech writer copied them from someone else.
Exactly, they're universal platitudes that all first ladies embrace. Big whoop, like this is news to anybody. It's non news made sensational by propagandists who completely dismiss reality.
The big whoop is how desperately the right formed a human shield around the Trumps to protect them from accusations of obvious plagiarism. And all for nothing since despite the vapid denials, the Trump campaign admitted the left was correct -- that part of Melania's speech was plagiarized.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

You're missing some...

* someone inserted into the teleprompter and Melania just read it.

* a clandestine Clinton operative snuck it into the speech.

" an undetected double agent sabotaged Melania.
Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?

Yyyyyeah umm..... it's on video. And it's been acknowledged.
Your issue isn't with "media", liberal or otherwise. Your issue is with "acknowledging reality".

Seems to be a lot of that going around though. Ignorance is Strength.
You missed my point entirely.

The MSM likes to blow up non-stories in an effort to discredit R, cons, and anyone who is not a LWNJ. The media doesn't do this to LWNJs, Ds and progs. Sadly, millions of Americans are duped just like you.
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.


#1. I didn't say they were all first ladies. They all were the wives of presidential candidates who spoke during campaigns.
#2. You've never shut me up, and you've never successfully busted my chops. I have you on ignore, as do half or more of the regular posters on this site, because your posts contribute zero to the dialogue. I put you on ignore, and the conversation carries on just as it does when I don't have you on ignore, because you never post a salient point.

Funny how you continue to quote someone you have on “ignore”. That would be impossible.

Don’t you get tired of lying? Ever?
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.


#1. I didn't say they were all first ladies. They all were the wives of presidential candidates who spoke during campaigns.
#2. You've never shut me up, and you've never successfully busted my chops. I have you on ignore, as do half or more of the regular posters on this site, because your posts contribute zero to the dialogue. I put you on ignore, and the conversation carries on just as it does when I don't have you on ignore, because you never post a salient point.

Funny how you continue to quote someone you have on “ignore”. That would be impossible.

Don’t you get tired of lying? Ever?
Again...Candycane my sweet...I thought you liked liars. What's up with that?
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