Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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Who cares??

Lots of people care and here's why.

When the "error" was caught, instead of doing the mature thing, the Trump campaign denied, denied, denied there was any plagerism for two days. Finally, when it was clear that the plagiarism was overshadowing the message of the convention, it was acknowledged and apologized for.

This is not how you deal with a mistake. It's irresponsible and poor management, and if it's an example of how Trump's administration would deal with mistakes, it's a huge concern. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. If the campaign had said when it was first noticed, "We'll look into this and get back to you" and then the next morning come out with the staffer's apology, it would have all gone away, almost immediately. Instead, it was all anybody talked about for two days.

Doubling down on your mistakes by denying, denying, denying, has been Trump's favourite tactic throughout this campaign. It's poor management, and on the larger world stage, incredibly dangerous.

Now let's talk about Trump's refusal to support NATO Allies.
Who cares??
Beyond Trump being a shit for disrespecting the president, I agree.

Just another stale lame speech. It's what Conventions are all about. I don't watch em. However, Donald Trump can give some interesting speeches. So i'll check his out. But it'll be the only speech i watch in either Convention. I mean, Hillary Clinton's shrill voice drives me nuts. Can't listen to a minute of her speeches.
Who cares??

Lots of people care and here's why.

When the "error" was caught, instead of doing the mature thing, the Trump campaign denied, denied, denied there was any plagerism for two days. Finally, when it was clear that the plagiarism was overshadowing the message of the convention, it was acknowledged and apologized for.

This is not how you deal with a mistake. It's irresponsible and poor management, and if it's an example of how Trump's administration would deal with mistakes, it's a huge concern. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. If the campaign had said when it was first noticed, "We'll look into this and get back to you" and then the next morning come out with the staffer's apology, it would have all gone away, almost immediately. Instead, it was all anybody talked about for two days.

Doubling down on your mistakes by denying, denying, denying, has been Trump's favourite tactic throughout this campaign. It's poor management, and on the larger world stage, incredibly dangerous.

Now let's talk about Trump's refusal to support NATO Allies.

Come on, that's some seriously petty desperation there. The reality is, both speeches sucked. All Convention speeches do. Time to move on.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Liberoidals still on LUNATIC MELTDOWN MODE 3 days later!! I ♥ the TrumpTrain.. Anything, anyone who can make the shitbirds lose their fucking minds so easily is tops with me!!!!
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
If one doesn't really care to see and hear of Americans dying in conflicts around the world, perhaps the voters should select those to office who are less willing to engage in war of adventurism and Nation building in such a neo-colonial fashion! But then another might ask what is the relationship between the actual topic of plagiarism (dishonest conduct and trust) by the Trump campaign and what occurred during an undeclared and unauthorized escalating conflict in North Africa? Can we say red herring fallacy?
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
If one doesn't really care to see and hear of Americans dying in conflicts around the world, perhaps the voters should select those to office who are less willing to engage in war of adventurism and Nation building in such a neo-colonial fashion! But then another might ask what is the relationship between the actual topic of plagiarism (dishonest conduct and trust) by the Trump campaign and what occurred during an undeclared and unauthorized escalating conflict in North Africa? Can we say red herring fallacy?

Oooo, fallacy. A valid point . . . NOT. The point is, while you excuse and defend the actions of your own side while denigrating other over a speech made by a first lady, it is to the point of ridiculous partisanship. Given the actions of your CANDIDATE, especially!!!
don't be such a dipshit. When a candidate is attacked on shit like this its nothing but an attempt to get voters to change their minds. Are you really as stupid as you appear?

AH, so you're the Amazing Kreskin are you? You're reading my mind as we speak?
What number am I thinking of right now?

Since when do you vote for FLOTUS --- DUMBASS?

If not to try to affect the election, why do it?

In the case of the articles and videos cited, because it's news, and it's news because it reeks of dishonesty during the fact and blatant failure to take responsibility after it.

In the case of this board, because it demonstrates how far you self-deluded partisan hacks will stretch to pull the blinders over your eyes and go "baaaaa' even after it's been admitted to.

And that speaks of dishonesty too. With a frickin' megaphone. That you're actually willing to deny the existence of reality speaks volumes, and they're all turned up to 11.


--- or to put it another way:

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

you took a lot of words to do it, but you agreed with me. This kind of crap is designed to influence the election by calling one candidate or the other a liar or a cheat.

That's all I said, and you agreed. do you like to argue just for the sake of arguing?

Once again for the slow kids NONE of what I've posted here is about any "election" -- NOR do we vote for frigging wives of candidates anyway so it's entirely irrelevant. Melania is not a fucking candidate.

What I'm exploring is the psychology of self-delusion that's jumping up and down here. Denying plagiarism exists when it's clearly there. Then in the same breath blaming Hillary Clinton for what you just said does not exist. Then having a staffer take a sword, meaning it apparently DOES exist, and never in any of it acknowledging reality. And then moron posters here STILL going on flogging the dead horse AFTER it's been not only documented but admitted to. That's what I'm posting on --- the outright denial of fucking reality. The Doublethink.

What the issue is, who cares. It's meaningless. What's meaningful is the way it's handled. It bespeaks an arrogant outright Denialism and complete failure to take any responsibility for anything whatsoever, ever.

---- which is what I've been pointing out about Rump himself the entire time this circus has been going on.

See if you can figure that out.

first of all, just because two people use the same phrase does not mean one stole it from the other, it may be that they just think the same on that issue.

The speech writer admitted that he should have looked at previous wives speeches to preclude that foolish waste of time that is going on here.

You think this shows that the Trump organization does not know "how to handle things" ? I think that's what you implied. Should we talk about Benghazi, the Clinton foundation, using a private server, attacking rape victims, getting fired from the Watergate committee, etc in the same context?

Sorry, pogohead, but this shit goes both ways, and there is a lot more shit to dig on your side.
This post is so full of dumb I just don't know how to respond...I guess he hired Melania to write it.
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
If one doesn't really care to see and hear of Americans dying in conflicts around the world, perhaps the voters should select those to office who are less willing to engage in war of adventurism and Nation building in such a neo-colonial fashion! But then another might ask what is the relationship between the actual topic of plagiarism (dishonest conduct and trust) by the Trump campaign and what occurred during an undeclared and unauthorized escalating conflict in North Africa? Can we say red herring fallacy?

Oooo, fallacy. A valid point . . . NOT. The point is, while you excuse and defend the actions of your own side while denigrating other over a speech made by a first lady, it is to the point of ridiculous partisanship. Given the actions of your CANDIDATE, especially!!!
I don't have a bloody dog in the hunt! I don't have ANY side in this fight and haven't since Aug 9, 1974, but I reserve the right to expound upon the ugly partisanship, lies, malfeasance and misfeasance from the two major factions that are ripping this once great Nation asunder until one or both imprison me for my THOUGHT CRIMES!

You made an erroneous assumption and ran with it creating your own fallacy!
I did a little research on her and Donald and he claims that they have never so much as a disagreement in all the time they have been together. I have a problem with that statement. If that is true then she obviously agrees with him at all times. I don't see how any rational person could ALWAYS agree with Trump. He says some pretty wack shit.

I don't trust her. She obviously lies to stay in good graces with Donald.

She is pretty in a "Bond Girl" kind of way. I just have a hard time picturing her doing him. She must be the absolute queen of "faking it".
Just be sure to let us know when she pulls a Hillary and tries to take over healthcare.

I doubt she gets the opportunity. It appears you think I am a Hillary supporter. You would be wrong. Both candidates are highly flawed.

This thread is about Melania's speech and the plagiarism within it. The GOP candidate's own speech writer finally came clean and admitted she copied the passages. Dozens of Trump supporters here and even Trump's own campaign manager denied any such thing happened. It appears that minds that reject truth and reality are what are required to support Donald. My brain does not work that way. I could never support Trump because he is a liar. I have the same problem with Hillary. Clearly there will be a president elected that lies to him/her self and will be lying to us Americans. We are in for a bad stretch. Maybe this will be a lesson to us to vet our presidential candidates better in the future.
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
If one doesn't really care to see and hear of Americans dying in conflicts around the world, perhaps the voters should select those to office who are less willing to engage in war of adventurism and Nation building in such a neo-colonial fashion! But then another might ask what is the relationship between the actual topic of plagiarism (dishonest conduct and trust) by the Trump campaign and what occurred during an undeclared and unauthorized escalating conflict in North Africa? Can we say red herring fallacy?

Oooo, fallacy. A valid point . . . NOT. The point is, while you excuse and defend the actions of your own side while denigrating other over a speech made by a first lady, it is to the point of ridiculous partisanship. Given the actions of your CANDIDATE, especially!!!
I don't have a bloody dog in the hunt! I don't have ANY side in this fight and haven't since Aug 9, 1974, but I reserve the right to expound upon the ugly partisanship, lies, malfeasance and misfeasance from the two major factions that are ripping this once great Nation asunder until one or both imprison me for my THOUGHT CRIMES!

You made an erroneous assumption and ran with it creating your own fallacy!

Sure seems like you are taking sides by denigrating a candidate's WIFE over a speech that doesn't even mean a damn thing and is all for show, all the while completely ignoring and excusing the actions of a CANDIDATE on the other side!
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
If one doesn't really care to see and hear of Americans dying in conflicts around the world, perhaps the voters should select those to office who are less willing to engage in war of adventurism and Nation building in such a neo-colonial fashion! But then another might ask what is the relationship between the actual topic of plagiarism (dishonest conduct and trust) by the Trump campaign and what occurred during an undeclared and unauthorized escalating conflict in North Africa? Can we say red herring fallacy?

Oooo, fallacy. A valid point . . . NOT. The point is, while you excuse and defend the actions of your own side while denigrating other over a speech made by a first lady, it is to the point of ridiculous partisanship. Given the actions of your CANDIDATE, especially!!!
I don't have a bloody dog in the hunt! I don't have ANY side in this fight and haven't since Aug 9, 1974, but I reserve the right to expound upon the ugly partisanship, lies, malfeasance and misfeasance from the two major factions that are ripping this once great Nation asunder until one or both imprison me for my THOUGHT CRIMES!

You made an erroneous assumption and ran with it creating your own fallacy!

Sure seems like you are taking sides by denigrating a candidate's WIFE over a speech that doesn't even mean a damn thing and is all for show, all the while completely ignoring and excusing the actions of a CANDIDATE on the other side!
That just might be because the Trump campaign deserved it for not vetting the speech properly along with your partisan tilt coloring your own political passions. And where were you when I called for Obama's impeachment, trial and removal from office when he took a position to become involved militarily in North Africa? Some might call that selective memory and others something else like, ah, partisanship. In any case, I don't have to rationalize my political positions to anyone or any faction. Take your strawman and burn it for some comforting warmth when you're chilled.
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.

If HRC busts Melania it'll be over a thank you note for whatever she bought for Ivanka's wedding/baby shower. "But you and Donald said such nice things then....." LOL
I doubt she gets the opportunity. It appears you think I am a Hillary supporter. You would be wrong. Both candidates are highly flawed.

This thread is about Melania's speech and the plagiarism within it. The GOP candidate's own speech writer finally came clean and admitted she copied the passages. Dozens of Trump supporters here and even Trump's own campaign manager denied any such thing happened. It appears that minds that reject truth and reality are what are required to support Donald. My brain does not work that way. I could never support Trump because he is a liar. I have the same problem with Hillary. Clearly there will be a president elected that lies to him/her self and will be lying to us Americans. We are in for a bad stretch. Maybe this will be a lesson to us to vet our presidential candidates better in the future.

Talk about fake scandals.

These "phrases" that you democrats are so faux-outraged about are such as follows;

"The only limit to your achievement is your dreams!"

Oh my ALLLAH, Mellania used that line and it was in Michelle's speech! PLAGIARISM!!!

Well, not so much, plagiarism would presuppose that Michelle Obama wrote the trite little platitude, but the phrase predates her by decades. Now that doesn't stop the little Goebbels of MSDNC..

If I say "Hey, how ya doing," that isn't plagiarism.
I doubt she gets the opportunity. It appears you think I am a Hillary supporter. You would be wrong. Both candidates are highly flawed.

This thread is about Melania's speech and the plagiarism within it. The GOP candidate's own speech writer finally came clean and admitted she copied the passages. Dozens of Trump supporters here and even Trump's own campaign manager denied any such thing happened. It appears that minds that reject truth and reality are what are required to support Donald. My brain does not work that way. I could never support Trump because he is a liar. I have the same problem with Hillary. Clearly there will be a president elected that lies to him/her self and will be lying to us Americans. We are in for a bad stretch. Maybe this will be a lesson to us to vet our presidential candidates better in the future.

Talk about fake scandals.

These "phrases" that you democrats are so faux-outraged about are such as follows;

"The only limit to your achievement is your dreams!"

Oh my ALLLAH, Mellania used that line and it was in Michelle's speech! PLAGIARISM!!!

Well, not so much, plagiarism would presuppose that Michelle Obama wrote the trite little platitude, but the phrase predates her by decades. Now that doesn't stop the little Goebbels of MSDNC..

If I say "Hey, how ya doing," that isn't plagiarism.
Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.

Well put.\

I will just add that if Dean had become the nominee, he would have the same cloak of invincibility that Drumpf has about right now.

I just dogsled on Ms. Trump to shut up koshergrl . You bust her in the chops rhetorically and she backs off. This is a non factor and won’t be brought up much by HRC.


#1. I didn't say they were all first ladies. They all were the wives of presidential candidates who spoke during campaigns.
#2. You've never shut me up, and you've never successfully busted my chops. I have you on ignore, as do half or more of the regular posters on this site, because your posts contribute zero to the dialogue. I put you on ignore, and the conversation carries on just as it does when I don't have you on ignore, because you never post a salient point.
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Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper

Again, a series of mundane platitudes.

Trite, but no more so than when MB said them.

Melania is no more a plagiarist than Michelle Obama is. Both used silly and shallow slogans.

But that crack MSDNC team (or rather, the team on crack) is desperate to distract from the foibles of crooked Hillary......
Pretty mundane stuff

But when you say eight phrases in a row in exactly the same order it is obvious you are copying off of someone else's paper

Again, a series of mundane platitudes.

Trite, but no more so than when MB said them.

Melania is no more a plagiarist than Michelle Obama is. Both used silly and shallow slogans.

But that crack MSDNC team (or rather, the team on crack) is desperate to distract from the foibles of crooked Hillary......
If they are so mundane, why can't you come up with your own?

Why would someone say.....My parents told me this when I was growing up when it was someone else's parents?
Who cares??

Lots of people care and here's why.

When the "error" was caught, instead of doing the mature thing, the Trump campaign denied, denied, denied there was any plagerism for two days. Finally, when it was clear that the plagiarism was overshadowing the message of the convention, it was acknowledged and apologized for.

This is not how you deal with a mistake. It's irresponsible and poor management, and if it's an example of how Trump's administration would deal with mistakes, it's a huge concern. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. If the campaign had said when it was first noticed, "We'll look into this and get back to you" and then the next morning come out with the staffer's apology, it would have all gone away, almost immediately. Instead, it was all anybody talked about for two days.

Doubling down on your mistakes by denying, denying, denying, has been Trump's favourite tactic throughout this campaign. It's poor management, and on the larger world stage, incredibly dangerous.

Now let's talk about Trump's refusal to support NATO Allies.

:clap2: Exactamente. And then whine that they want to "move on" rather than admit "what I said yesterday about it being Hillary Clinton's doing was pure bullshit". They want all of the privilege of graffiti-speech with none of the responsibilities.
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