Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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4 men die in benghazi under Hillary she lies . Dems dont care, Hillary deletes over 30K emails, Dems dont care. Hillary lies to congress, Dems dont care , Hillary lies to the FBI , Dems dont care.. Melania says a few words in a speech and dems lose their shit

Most of what you just said is a lie.
Actually.....everything that was said is the truth. But that's hard for a pathological liar to grasp. Now tell us again how Trump is (and I quote) "furious" without giving anyone a link to the supposed story.

Well, let's just look at one item: You say she "lies to the FBI" - please provide "credible" proof that she "lies" to the FBI. The FBI Director testified that she did NOT lie to the FBI.
thats not what he said. He said he did not know if she lied. which was a lie because she is on tape saying one thing and said something completely different to him
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.

So values kinda skip a generation

It is not the person who originally writes about it but the person who copies the thought

Republican bizarro world

Seems like Melania admires Michelle's parents doesn't it?

You can admire someone, and it not mean you agree with their politics, just as you can agree with someone politically, yet can't stand them as a person.
Why is that so hard to grasp?
So you are saying that Melania admires Michelle's parents for the values they taught?

Newp. Not saying anything, other than my own personal experience. How would I know Melania's?
And how could you know Melania's personal experiences when Melania doesn't know her own personal experiences? Now we learn she's a liar (she claimed to write her own speech) whose personal experiences are actually Michelle Obama's personal experiences.

I did a little research on her and Donald and he claims that they have never so much as a disagreement in all the time they have been together. I have a problem with that statement. If that is true then she obviously agrees with him at all times. I don't see how any rational person could ALWAYS agree with Trump. He says some pretty wack shit.

I don't trust her. She obviously lies to stay in good graces with Donald.

She is pretty in a "Bond Girl" kind of way. I just have a hard time picturing her doing him. She must be the absolute queen of "faking it".
Just be sure to let us know when she pulls a Hillary and tries to take over healthcare.
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
They can still be her values even if a speech writer copied them from someone else.
For someone who claims they don't think Melania's stolen speech is a big deal....you sure spending a lot of time defending it.

Ignorant piece of shit hypocrite.

I think, and this is where I lose you, Playtex. :lol:

You little Goebbels are in an epic meltdown. Obviously, reality has rudely interceded in fantasy of those at ThinkDictatorship and DemagogueryUnderground, who do your thinking for you you. (You're far too fucking stupid to grasp what's going on around you :thup: )

It IS amusing watching you impotent Marxist lose your shit.

You don't even have a brain to think, nitwit.

And, finally, Melania's speech writer admits that she lifted Obama's speech........bwahahaha....that makes all you idiots look like the hypocrites that you are.

And, the only ones losing their shit is you knuckleheads....over Benghazi, which even your own party has admitted there was no wrong doing on the part of Hillary....but idiots that you are, you keep beating that worn out drum.
Right? These idiots were denying the plagiarism despite the glaring obvious. Just goes to prove how these trumpette acolytes will say anything to protect the RINO.
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
They can still be her values even if a speech writer copied them from someone else.
Exactly, they're universal platitudes that all first ladies embrace. Big whoop, like this is news to anybody. It's non news made sensational by propagandists who completely dismiss reality.
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
They can still be her values even if a speech writer copied them from someone else.
Exactly, they're universal platitudes that all first ladies embrace. Big whoop, like this is news to anybody. It's non news made sensational by propagandists who completely dismiss reality.
Seriously, they act like she's going to mimic Hillary as FLOTUS and try to make legislation.
Most Lefties believe EVERYTHING the liberal media tells them?

Can't they see the liberal media is duping them?
Much of it was taken from Mrs. Obama's 2008 speech. 22 out of 26 words directly lifted.
No it wasn't. You're lying!
You were proved wrong.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.
If this thread is designed to attack the integrity of the Trump family, then we should also look into the integrity of the Clinton family------------------are you on the left ready to do that?

Anytime. The Clinton's family life has been beaten to death and there nothing new to learn. Trump's got some big problems that will be exposed as something new to talk about.

Trump's on his third wife and has sexual assault charges in his record. There's Trump U. Bankruptcies.
No it wasn't. You're lying!
You were proved wrong.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"
So we learned that Melania lied about the values she learned growing up

They were not her values but Michelle's

Actually, you're the liar. Michelle lied about her values, Melanie believed her, and actually has those values.
Melania portrayed those values to the country as her own -- now we learn they're not. You were lied to and duped and here you are, still making excuses for Team Trump. <smh>
They can still be her values even if a speech writer copied them from someone else.
Exactly, they're universal platitudes that all first ladies embrace. Big whoop, like this is news to anybody. It's non news made sensational by propagandists who completely dismiss reality.

We know Melania's values.....she values lying....she also claimed she graduated from college!

Melania Trump didn't graduate from college as bio claims, reports say

KKKgrl is trying to sound intelligent.....I bet she plagiarized her comment from some liberal's post....because we all know the propagandists are the Republicans and they wouldn't be outing their new shiny object.
You were proved wrong.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?
Wow, hating on potential First Ladies. No better than racists calling Ms Obama a monkey and cutting on her looks. Welcome to the mud pile, kids. Grab a handful and start throwing.

Just be sure to let us know when she pulls a Hillary and tries to take over healthcare.
No it wasn't. You're lying!
You were proved wrong.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Even when the Trump campaign has acknowledged the fact they lifted the comments from Michelle's speech.......the hypocrites will continue to deny it.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

Why must you play with my affections Candy?

You hurt me so.

the two speeches were compared word for word earlier in the thread. If you really care, go back and find it. This whole thing is BS.

They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

OMG! Presidential candidates' wives speeches are all the same!!!!!!

Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.

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