Uh Oh, Melania's speech was plagiarized

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They sure were, many times. There's just no way around this.

Here they are in tandem.

Now go try to do that with two other speeches that are actually not related. Rotsa ruck. You can literally dub one voice over the image of the other.
McRacist knows this. He had at least enough sense to run away rather than keep on flogging a dead horse that's already acknowledged its own death.

How you can sit there and deny what's sitting right there in front of you, even after you yourself admitted to it, is a question only a shrink can answer.

I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.

Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

OMG! Presidential candidates' wives speeches are all the same!!!!!!


Except we have 4 different excuses (1 of which says they were not the same). Care to tell us who in the Trump family is lying?
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.
I have watched this several times. The first phrase uses the same words. That does not prove that they were plagiarized.

To my earlier example: if in 2008 I said "I like ice cream" and then in 2016 you said "I like ice cream", does that prove that you got those words from me?

the plagiarism of the Clintons and Obama have been displayed several times. Who cares?

I am done with this thread, its bullshit that will have zero impact on the election.

You’re right, Trump was going to lose handily anyway. Now people have yet another reason not to trust him.
Hey Candycane, can I get your thoughts on this quote from Bernie?

"When you voted for the war in Iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the history of America, you might want to question your qualifications. When you voted for trade agreements that cost millions of Americans decent paying jobs, and the American people might want to wonder about your qualifications. When you're spending an enormous amount of time raising money for your super PAC from some of the wealthiest people in this country, and from some of the most outrageous special interests ... Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street whose greed and recklessness helped destroy our economy? Mrs. Clinton is not qualified to be president"

Who is Bernie?

As for Melina…

We have 4 stories coming from the GOP/Trump:

A. It was not plagiarized
B. It was plagiarized but thats okay
C. She wrote it herself
D. A staffer (yesterday) admitted she wrote it.

Care to comment on which one of those may be true at this time?

OMG! Presidential candidates' wives speeches are all the same!!!!!!


Except we have 4 different excuses (1 of which says they were not the same). Care to tell us who in the Trump family is lying?
But..but...but....like...like...Candycane, I thought lying did not matter.
Can you BELIEVE that Melania, Michelle, Jacki O, Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Ladybird Johnson, Nancy Reagan


It is the end of the free world. Let there be no doubt. It is the end of EVERYTHING.


Ms. Dole was never a first lady
Ms. Trump never will be.

Interesting…there are no clips of Melinia and Lady Bird or Melania and Jackie O or Melinia and soon-to-be President Clinton or Melinia and Ms. Reagan….

Just her ripping off Michelle Obama….

Was she one of the Instructors at Trump University too? Given her propensity for…ahem….borrowing things that don’t belong to her; she would have made a great accomplice err instructor.

Plagerism is really no crime in politics ... unless you deny it, which the Trumps initially tried to do, but essentially they came clean, and really who should be surprised that Melania admires Michelle Obama? Partisan Naysayers aside, there's a lot to be admired. She certainly didn't enter the WH as polished as a Laura or Barbara Bush ... not to mention Nancy Reagan. I think Melania's admiration is understandable. Melania seems to be pretty unsavy media-wise, as was Michelle.

But what's funny is Donald made himself relevant in politics by pushing the Birther bs. Even as late as the Orlando shooting, he was insinuating that Obama had some foreign terrorist ties. And, of course, we all knew Donald was not this stupid, but merely lying in despicable way to fan the flames of idiots. The plagerism proves it.

But what's interesting is how the Trumps will walk away unscathed. Howard Dean's campaign crashed over less. Honestly, I don't understand how Trump survives ... except his base honestly wouldn't care if he shot someone.

I have no idea how the general election will play out. Even dems should admit Hillary's as much a Potemkin village candidate as the Donald.
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 14797523, member: 20321"

It is amazing that on day three of the convention that is supposed to energize the Republucan voters, all anyone is talking about is plagiarism

At least on MSDNC....[/QUOTE]

another example of poor management the the Republicans part, especially Trump ... Trump fired the campaign manager that got him there, and hired a manager thats taking him backwards .

I guess the Trump staffer who admitted she stole from Michelle Obama must be a commie huffer, eh? :lol:

Of all the people to steal from... :lol:

You're so right, Comrade G-Tard.

MSDNC hosts have now finished examining the speech of Melania and have found the OUTRAGEOUS truth that her line "Good evening ladies and gentlemen" was brazenly lifted from Michelle Obama's (Allah smiles upon her) 2008 speech,

The MSDNC crew, led by Brian William are OUTRAGED at this blatant outrage and demand Trump drop out of the race for this outrage.
another example of poor management the the Republicans part, especially Trump ... Trump fired the campaign manager that got him there, and hired a manager thats taking him backwards .


He should have taken bribes from Wall Street and set up an unsecured server with top secret documents. Then you would love him...
The Trump camp has ADMITTED the plagiarism you fucking shit for brains! Try to catch up with reality!

They have? Link?

I only ask because I'm pretty sure you're lying.
Fuck you asshole! It was all over the news and it's been posted in this thread shit for brains. You want a link, go Google the fucking thing you lazy bastard! Catch up or shut up!
OMG! Presidential candidates' wives speeches are all the same!!!!!!


This is BAD. This is FAR worse than passing top secret information about drone strikes to ISIS the way Hillary did. Melania actually lifted, word for word, this phrase that Michelle (Allah smiles on her) uttered for the first time in human history; "Good evening ladies and gentlemen."

The demagogue-sociopaths of MSDNC and this forum are OUTRAGED, outraged I tells ya. Something minor like lying about being under sniper fire or that Chelsea was at ground zero can be ignored, but such blatant plagiarism, that included the brilliant wisdom of her holiness, Mrs. Obama (May Allah Bow to Her) where she said "Goodnight, and thank you" is a crime of such severity that minor issues like taking bribes from Iran pale in comparison.

Malania used the word "the" 17 times in her speech, knowing full well that blessed Michelle (Allah favors her above all women) had also used the word.

There is no forgiveness for such a crime...
Except we have 4 different excuses (1 of which says they were not the same). Care to tell us who in the Trump family is lying?

Did you know that Melania actually had the nerve to say "Thank You" in her speech? Clearly the revered Michelle Obama wrote that and it was plagiarism for any other person to utter such brilliant words.

Melania even uttered "and" several times. MSDNC hack-checkers have determined that this word was stolen from Michelle's brilliant and original speech.....

This is a BIG deal, says minister of integrity, Brian Williams. Leaking drone strikes to ISIS the way Hillary did is just good clean fun, but using words that the goddess Michelle has ever spoken is a crime against the party....
Something much more horrible and despicable than plagiarizing a stupid speech is one who would leave an American ambassador and his employees abandoned in a foreign country to be tortured and brutally murdered. Now THAT is unforgivable!
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