UH-OH! New Poll Shows Hillary Losing To ANY Republican

Still waiting for a link from you.

Sallow already did your work for you and posted the link to the OP article....

God gave you TWO eyes and TWO ears and only ONE mouth in hopes you would spend twice as long looking and listening twice as much as you would running your mouth to prevent awkward moments like this for yourself...but in this case I guess your TEN fingers got the beat of your ONE brain....:p
Still waiting for a link from you.

Sallow already did your work for you and posted the link to the OP article....

God gave you TWO eyes and TWO ears and only ONE mouth in hopes you would spend twice as long looking and listening twice as much as you would running your mouth to prevent awkward moments like this for yourself...but in this case I guess your TEN fingers got the beat of your ONE brain....:p

You're nothing but excuses and you're lazy to boot.
Thanks for having the courage to say that.

g, I don't pretend to be the smartest guy in the world or to know everything. As I said, God gave us two eyes / ears and only one mouth in hopes we would spend more time looking/listening than talking. He also gave us humility yet our choice if we use it or not. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong. It's not a sign of weakness as some think but a sign that you have just learned something and are better for it. Thanks again.
Take a look at the dates fool.

Since the intent of the OP was to start discussion, I would say 'mission accomplished'. Maybe I should start one that takes bets on whether Hillary will Go to Jail or become President, and if going to jail will it be BEFORE the election of AFTER! I bet that would start up some interesting discussions. :p
Since you didn't produce the link I have no idea if its the same one you were talking about. As far as I am concerned you're still a liar and a lazy one at that.
Stop being such a lazy ass. If you're food stamps depended on it, you could have found the link.
Since you didn't produce the link I have no idea if its the same one you were talking about. As far as I am concerned you're still a liar and a lazy one at that.
Stop being such a lazy ass. If you're food stamps depended on it, you could have found the link.

I'm not interested in doing any work for you or your cohorts. If you're too stinking lazy to post a link to your sources to begin a conversation, you're too lazy to have a decent conversation.
I'm not interested in doing any work for you or your cohorts. If you're too stinking lazy to post a link to your sources to begin a conversation, you're too lazy to have a decent conversation.
There is no shame in work, but with welfare and food stamps, why would you?
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Democrats are so entrenched in lying that they can't believe anything without 10 sources & a DNA sample.
On top of that they're so lazy they demand you quench their curiosity with links. Of course this is only natural since the left need someone else to tell them what to think & do at all times.

Go back to the OP and read what it says.

THEN match up the numbers to the one's I posted.

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