Uh-oh......Romney Recall in the works.....lol

They threw Bob Bennett out on his ass, and elected Mike Lee, for far less than the bullshit Romney is engaging in....I predict he'll be a one-termer.
Yeah.....they say it's not for Romney but I don't really buy that.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

The same should be done in Alaska, Maine and Missouri.....


Mormons throwing Mormons out?? What is this country coming to?..oh yeah, more multi-cultural, more diverse, and changing demographics. :)

Mitt's safe. And you may see him run for President again. At least he's never tried to take a pair of imaginary glasses off his face (as Orrin Hatch did in a Senate committee meeting once). What do you have to complain about? Republican Senators are all falling into line and it looks like the trial will be coming to an end.
He has slipped in favourability among Utah citizens by about 11 points or so, and that was taken only near the beginning of the impeachment. Wait until he votes as he has said.

Not specifically about this case, but government in general must be accountable. Citizens must have a mechanism to address those who don't keep their promises. On policy and otherwise. I think a solid Primary challenger for him would do the trick. Utah will always vote GOP, it's why he took the easiest state possible. Let him face a challenger and he will be voted out if Trump endorses the other candidate.

All of the House Members who promised they wouldn't impeach the President and then voted for it? How is that acceptable to your constituents?
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Yeah.....they say it's not for Romney but I don't really buy that.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

The same should be done in Alaska, Maine and Missouri.....


Mormons throwing Mormons out?? What is this country coming to?..oh yeah, more multi-cultural, more diverse, and changing demographics. :)

Mitt's safe. And you may see him run for President again. At least he's never tried to take a pair of imaginary glasses off his face (as Orrin Hatch did in a Senate committee meeting once). What do you have to complain about? Republican Senators are all falling into line and it looks like the trial will be coming to an end.

I lived with "Shit Romney " for four years while he was governor here..... While one cannot accuse him of being the same kind of loose moral filth that most of DC is composed of today.....one can certainly accuse him of being a self seeking, self centered, ambitious EGO-PUTZ .....I rooted for him against Obama until I began to realize that there was almost no difference between them.
Yeah.....they say it's not for Romney but I don't really buy that.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

The same should be done in Alaska, Maine and Missouri.....


Mormons throwing Mormons out?? What is this country coming to?..oh yeah, more multi-cultural, more diverse, and changing demographics. :)

Mitt's safe. And you may see him run for President again. At least he's never tried to take a pair of imaginary glasses off his face (as Orrin Hatch did in a Senate committee meeting once). What do you have to complain about? Republican Senators are all falling into line and it looks like the trial will be coming to an end.

I lived with "Shit Romney " for four years while he was governor here..... While one cannot accuse him of being the same kind of loose moral filth that most of DC is composed of today.....one can certainly accuse him of being a self seeking, self centered, ambitious EGO-PUTZ .....I rooted for him against Obama until I began to realize that there was almost no difference between them.

Mittens wanted HIllary over Trump. That tells you all you need to know.

He is a swamp creature.
The Republican Party MUST weed out these back stabbing traitors. Ryan was smart enough to purge himself before the voters did it for him. When is Romney gonna be gone?
Romney should be pushed out on his ass. He's a deplorable himself.

What makes him despicable is the fact that his loyalty is to no one.....I could respect him more if he was a Democrat and was loyal to the Democrats...
But as it is he is only loyal to Mitt Romney.

The Republican Party MUST weed out these back stabbing traitors. Ryan was smart enough to purge himself before the voters did it for him. When is Romney gonna be gone?

If you do that, then all you'll be left with are the hard core right wing Trump supporting crowd. And you'll drive away any independents who might think of voting for your candidates. Not enough of a base to win elections. Ryan was going to get shown the door because he always talked a good, Tea Party game on the deficit while a Democrat was President. When his chance came to do something about it, he whiffed and ended up signing on to help create the largest deficit this country has ever seen. Before he slinked out of town in relative shame, I had thought he might run for President in 2024....but no realistic chance of that right now.
They threw Bob Bennett out on his ass, and elected Mike Lee, for far less than the bullshit Romney is engaging in....I predict he'll be a one-termer.

Maybe less .... Everyone knows he grabbed that job to be a thorn in Trump's side.
Utah wants to know what he's going to do for them not what he's going to go for himself..

Is Mitt Romney that guy republicans nominated to be president in 2012??

Good thing republicans won't fall for that again....like they did in 2008...and 2004...and 2000...and 1988....
Is Mitt Romney that guy republicans nominated to be president in 2012??

Good thing republicans won't fall for that again....like they did in 2008...and 2004...and 2000...and 1988....

Point well taken....yes it is endless game isn't it? Favorite child today....red headed step child tommorow. Honestly no matter who they are I think they earn respect if they stay genuine. I respect Bernie.... I think he's a lunatic however he's always Bernie.

Chameleons usually don't have big fan clubs.

Is Mitt Romney that guy republicans nominated to be president in 2012??

Good thing republicans won't fall for that again....like they did in 2008...and 2004...and 2000...and 1988....

Point well taken....yes it is endless game isn't it? Favorite child today....red headed step child tommorow. Honestly no matter who they are I think they earn respect if they stay genuine. I respect Bernie.... I think he's a lunatic however he's always Bernie.

Chameleons usually don't have big fan clubs.

Serious question....why is he a lunatic when most of his policies have majority support among voters??

Be it expanding social security and Medicare -- student loan debt, wall street regulations, consumer protections, stronger labor rights....why would supporting these positions make you a lunatic??

These are the same populist policies Trump ran on but did the exact opposite of -- but since he fed trumpers their much needed amount of trolling and "sticking it to the libs" -- his voters overlook it....so much so that they don't even mind that he is now taking credit for Obamacare and openly talking about cutting social security and Medicare...
Yes....his is nothing more than a sore loser.....how humiliating it must have been for him to lose to a negro.
Yes....his is nothing more than a sore loser.....how humiliating it must have been for him to lose to a negro.
Is that what triggered you dic suckers the most -- that your last 2 republican candidates (THAT YOUR PARTY NOMINATED) lost to a black guy??


Two elitist republicans lost to a negro. Thus it can be deduced that the White Working Class had rather have a lame ass negro in office than eltitists like romney and mccain. Nuff said. Move along boy...hehheh
Yeah.....they say it's not for Romney but I don't really buy that.

Utah lawmaker files bill to allow recall of sitting U.S. senator

The same should be done in Alaska, Maine and Missouri.....


The trouble is it would have to be a federal law as members of congress hold federal offices not state. California has a recall vote otherwise known as a referendum but it can only affect holders of Califoria state offices.
Many have called for a national referendum in the past and I'm not convinced it would be a bad thing as long as a substantial majority was required, say at least 2/3. Otherwise we'd have people in and out of office like Mexican jumping beans.

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