Uh Oh...Someone's In Trouble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s $84 Million Money-Laundering Operation

and where did the clintons get the 10 million to pay for Chelseas house in the sky?
"The complaint alleges Clinton and the DNC used state chapters as straw men to go around campaign donation limits, ultimately ‘laundering,’ the funds to her presidential campaign."

This could violate the RICO statutes as well...
So how is this kook conspiracy theory different from the previous hundreds of kook conspiracy theories that you CDS kooks fell for?

Normal people see it's not different at all. It's just as stupid. CDS kooks, however, are not normal. If they were capable of learning from their mistakes like normal people, they wouldn't have gotten sucked into the Clinton-hating cult.
If any of the money laundered illegally is found to have paid for the Trump dossier then things get real interesting..
"The Committee to Defend the President has filed an FEC complaint against Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic state parties and Democratic mega-donors. […]

HVF solicited six-figure donations from major donors, including Calvin Klein and “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, and routed them through state parties en route to the Clinton campaign. Roughly $84 million may have been laundered in what might be the single largest campaign finance scandal in U.S. history. […]

Here’s what you can’t do, which the Clinton machine appeared to do anyway. As the Supreme Court made clear in McCutcheon v. FEC, the JFC may not solicit or accept contributions to circumvent base limits, through “earmarks” and “straw men” that are ultimately excessive — there are five separate prohibitions here.

On top of that, six-figure donations either never actually passed through state party accounts or were never actually under state party control, which adds false FEC reporting by HVF, state parties, and the DNC to the laundry list. […]

HVF bundled these megagifts and, on a single day, reported transferring money to all participating state parties, some of which would then show up on FEC reports filed by the DNC as transferring the exact same dollar amount on the exact same day to the DNC. Yet not all the state parties reported either receiving or transferring those sums."

Excerpts from the Filing.... some one is going to prison if it all comes out as true..
If you claim Hillary Clinton has ever done anything wrong in her life, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.
If you claim Hillary Clinton has ever done anything wrong in her life, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.
how come no one that has ever interviewed Hillary has asked her where she got the money to buy Chelsea a condo? and dont tell me it was her succsessful book sales:laugh2:

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