Uh-oh! Yahoo reports Obama born someplace else...


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
this Side of Heaven
In an article published online Friday, Rachel Rose Hartman of Yahoo! News lamented that President Obama’s upcoming trip to Africa would not include a stop in Kenya, “the country of his birth.”
well how about that ? someone finally tells the truth then is forced to change the wording to:
The wording of the story was then changed from referencing Kenya as “the country of his birth” to “his ancestral homeland.”
Read more at Uh-oh! Yahoo reports Obama born someplace else

frankly.., i see very little difference..., he is NOT a born in America, American citizen !!
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Anybody that really believes that Owe Bama was born in Hawaii is a dope. This asshat was born in Kenya.

Same thing Obama told his publisher
Oh, come on now: Do you really think it possible that his grandparents placed birth announcements in two Hawaii newspapers to preserve a US citizenship claim for their only grandchild? Hmm...
She better watch out she may be the next journalist that gets dissapeared!

I think you may be missing the bigger picture here. Have you noticed how many well known liberals are beginning to turn because Obama isn't pulling out of Syria and leaving Assad alone? The winds of change are here. ( started in mideast with arab spring ) The truth is we are seeing democrats true to their own convictions - stand firm and even use the birth certificate issue ( which was solely a GOP claim before ) in order to send the message to the WH that the democratic party is not liking the current situation we are in. ( Multiple wars - heading towards disaster ) It is more of a personal message showing up in a headline they know he'll read. ( yahoo )

I see more world leaders, politicians I would never call conservative coming out in defense of Snowden while every single GOP leader who has stood four square to putting him on trial is being found out for who they are! Hypocrites, liars, Imposters, Infiltrators who never had the interest of the American people at heart in the first place!

Have you ever in your life seen so many bought people in the GOP? John Boehner, John McCain, Linsdey Graham, Gringrich,Rubio, Rick Perry,Bloomberg, Peter King, Karl Rove, the list is endless! Then you have Pelossi on the left - betraying Americans with her own condemnation of Snowden and that brings both sides together even more! There is a reason she was boo'ed. People are waking up to the realization that if we don't get out of Syria fast we are going to see America attacked in the near future. She can't get everyone to willingly agree to go along while they bring America to the point of an act of suicide.

Snowden has done us a tremendous service in that by his actions he has revealed to the American people who is with us and who is against us as citizens of the United States of America. I'm seeing both sides of the aisle getting behind Snowden. It really reveals that we have more in common as Americans who love our nation - than we believe we do. That is a hopeful sign.

- Jeri
* Bill Ayers was a terrorist. Obviously he was formerly a supporter of Obama but no longer. He now demands Obama be tried for War Crimes. ( the irony of that one is just too much ) Why is Bill Ayers saying such things? Why are liberals coming out with these kind of statements? Did they switch parties? No. They are holding fast to the reasons they elected Obama in the first place. They haven't abandoned him - he abandoned them by sending us into this UN directed suicide mission in Syria. They want no part of it.

Obama cannot tell them that Kissinger is the mouth piece for Bronfman, Collins, Davignon, Kahn, ( nwo elite architects ) and he has to obey them but in reality that is the bottom line here. He does. He is stuck between a rock and a hard place quite literally and they chose him because no one could pull this off with the Muslim Brotherhood like Obama could.

I doubt Obama realizes that the end game is nuking Egypt, Syria, Jordan, part of SA and Lebanon. That the future he is creating for the Muslim Brotherhood is a dead end road up ahead which he was hired to lead them to. ( their collective death ) That is what I see. Does he realize what he is doing? I think he was given information on a need to know basis. I don't think he realizes it. Perhaps I'm wrong. We'll see. - J.
She better watch out she may be the next journalist that gets dissapeared!

I think you may be missing the bigger picture here. Have you noticed how many well known liberals are beginning to turn because Obama isn't pulling out of Syria and leaving Assad alone? The winds of change are here. ( started in mideast with arab spring ) The truth is we are seeing democrats true to their own convictions - stand firm and even use the birth certificate issue ( which was solely a GOP claim before ) in order to send the message to the WH that the democratic party is not liking the current situation we are in. ( Multiple wars - heading towards disaster ) It is more of a personal message showing up in a headline they know he'll read. ( yahoo )

I see more world leaders, politicians I would never call conservative coming out in defense of Snowden while every single GOP leader who has stood four square to putting him on trial is being found out for who they are! Hypocrites, liars, Imposters, Infiltrators who never had the interest of the American people at heart in the first place!

Have you ever in your life seen so many bought people in the GOP? John Boehner, John McCain, Linsdey Graham, Gringrich,Rubio, Rick Perry,Bloomberg, Peter King, Karl Rove, the list is endless! Then you have Pelossi on the left - betraying Americans with her own condemnation of Snowden and that brings both sides together even more! There is a reason she was boo'ed. People are waking up to the realization that if we don't get out of Syria fast we are going to see America attacked in the near future. She can't get everyone to willingly agree to go along while they bring America to the point of an act of suicide.

Snowden has done us a tremendous service in that by his actions he has revealed to the American people who is with us and who is against us as citizens of the United States of America. I'm seeing both sides of the aisle getting behind Snowden. It really reveals that we have more in common as Americans who love our nation - than we believe we do. That is a hopeful sign.

- Jeri

Bull shit! He is a traitor.

What viable source tells you both Dems and Reps will get behind Snowden. You sound quite
I'm reading it right here on this board. Are you blind or what? It's the GOP that is calling Snowden a traitor! Most liberals and Libertarians and also many republicans I'm reading here on this board are behind Snowden. So I think you had better read the threads before spouting off about something you are obviously clueless to.

- Jeremiah
She better watch out she may be the next journalist that gets dissapeared!

I think you may be missing the bigger picture here. Have you noticed how many well known liberals are beginning to turn because Obama isn't pulling out of Syria and leaving Assad alone? The winds of change are here. ( started in mideast with arab spring ) The truth is we are seeing democrats true to their own convictions - stand firm and even use the birth certificate issue ( which was solely a GOP claim before ) in order to send the message to the WH that the democratic party is not liking the current situation we are in. ( Multiple wars - heading towards disaster ) It is more of a personal message showing up in a headline they know he'll read. ( yahoo )

I see more world leaders, politicians I would never call conservative coming out in defense of Snowden while every single GOP leader who has stood four square to putting him on trial is being found out for who they are! Hypocrites, liars, Imposters, Infiltrators who never had the interest of the American people at heart in the first place!

Have you ever in your life seen so many bought people in the GOP? John Boehner, John McCain, Linsdey Graham, Gringrich,Rubio, Rick Perry,Bloomberg, Peter King, Karl Rove, the list is endless! Then you have Pelossi on the left - betraying Americans with her own condemnation of Snowden and that brings both sides together even more! There is a reason she was boo'ed. People are waking up to the realization that if we don't get out of Syria fast we are going to see America attacked in the near future. She can't get everyone to willingly agree to go along while they bring America to the point of an act of suicide.

Snowden has done us a tremendous service in that by his actions he has revealed to the American people who is with us and who is against us as citizens of the United States of America. I'm seeing both sides of the aisle getting behind Snowden. It really reveals that we have more in common as Americans who love our nation - than we believe we do. That is a hopeful sign.

- Jeri

Bull shit! He is a traitor.

What viable source tells you both Dems and Reps will get behind Snowden. You sound quite

Your GOP Political leaders must be so proud of you! And Military at that! OH MY! What a find you were, eh? YOU are the traitor! NOT SNOWDEN. GOT IT?


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