Uh Oh!

nucular said:
The Catholic Church has been corrupt almost since the beginning. Catholics must like it that way or they would have done something about it. Actually they did, those people are called Lutherans. It's just another colorful aspect of Catholicism. All the Catholics I know accept that the Church is corrupt but love it anyway.

Like libs and their love of government?
rtwngAvngr said:
Like libs and their love of government?

You do realize that this issue has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives right?
rtwngAvngr said:
Like libs and their love of government?

Then I guess Geo. Bush and gang must be big time liberals, because they are expanding the government at an alarming rate.
nucular said:
Then I guess Geo. Bush and gang must be big time liberals, because they are expanding the government at an alarming rate.

Unfortunately you are correct. The only problem is I doubt it would be much different under a democratic president. They need to seriously cut back spending or we'll be paying some high taxes soon.

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