UK: 97% of Moscow army is in Ukraine

There is no way Ukraine can withstand this onslaught. Hopefully this ends the war soon, while there still are some young Ukrainian men still alive.
There are plenty of ways Ukraine can withstand this last ditch effort by Putin to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Vuhledar still hasn't fallen no matter how many wet behind the ears russian kids Vlad sends to their deaths. I suppose overwhelming Ukraine with POW's might seem a good strategy by some, but at this point, as long as NATO weapons keep resupplying them, Ukraine doesn't have much to worry about.
And back in reality ... Russia is still expending thousands upon thousands of soldiers to move a few kilometers. That's not sustainable. Their big offensive has already floundered.

One wonders why the surrender-monkeys here keep making their demands for unconditional surrender to fascism. Are rubles finding their ways into their pockets? It would be irresponsible not to speculate. Do they support Russian imperialist fascists for money, or just out of ideological devotion to fascism?

And yes, I know that not all conservatives are surrender-monkeys who place loyalty to Russia over loyalty to the USA. Only half of them are like that.

I do know that American support for Ukraine benefits the USA in multiple ways. For example, we've destroyed half the Russian army for a pittance, and no American lives lost. That's one reasons the surrender-monkeys are so angry. They hate anything that benefits the USA.
Does a nuke trigger have a price
Because the inevitable 'Alamo' is just around the corner beagle...~S~
Should have immediately took up the role as peacemaker's instead of war monger's in the situation, but it was just to tempting to go war monger I guess.

Now what ??
Ignoring nuclear powered militaries is a fool's game, otherwise escalation is possible always, and that's the bad part in the situation... There are no good parts in the situation..
Capitulation is always seen as a sign of weakness by these vainglorious monsters. The best you can do is keep your resolve.
How aiding a Ukrainian victory helps the USA and the world, and thus enrages the surrender-monkeys:

1. It destroys the Russian army for a pittance, removing the threat of Russia to europe in general, and requiring less future spending from the USA.

2. It halts atrocities. No more need be said about that, at least by moral people.

3. It preserves the legal international order, the believe that nations can't just overrun and annex other nations.

4. It ends the era of imperialism.

5. It strengthens the European Union and NATO.

6. It weakens the prestige of not just the Putin-tyrant, but all tyrants and corrupt cronies, and makes it more likely that tyrant states will be overthrown by their people.

7. It reminds the world that democracy is better than fascism.

8. It scares the Chinese into submission. They've seen just how badly Russian-type weapons fail against the west.

9. It reduces nuclear proliferation. By showing how nations with nukes aren't given a free pass, it makes possessing nukes less desireable.

10. It makes global food supplies more stable, and makes the world economy less dependent on Russian fossil fuels.
Can the world deal with a Nuclear strike, otherwise if it is the end result because of not seeking peace instead of more war in the situation ??

Oddly enough, if you think about it, hasn't everything that has gone on these past three years been ideally suited to getting people the world over used to dealing with and accepting war, loss of liberty, high cost, supply shortages, crisis, government overreach, energy outages and food rationing?

And look who the one person is missing in the big picture they HAD to get out of the way to make all this happen because he never would have gone along with it?


And what country was central for TWO YEARS in investigating Trump and impeaching him for because it involved Biden? Ukraine.

I know. All just a huge coincidence. :smoke:
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Moscow has amassed almost its entire army in Ukraine, U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told BBC on Feb. 15.

However, he said Moscow has not been able “to punch through” Ukraine’s defenses, but we have rather seen an effort to advance.

Ukraine's Chief of Defense Intelligence Kyrylo Budanov earlier said in an interview with the Washington Post that approximately 326,000 Moscow soldiers are currently fighting in Ukraine.

czar Putin has started new offensive actions in Ukraine, “sending in thousands and thousands more troops,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Feb. 13, as quoted by the Financial Times.

“It is clear that we are in the race of logistics. Key capabilities like ammunition...must reach Ukraine before Moscow can seize the initiative on the battlefield.”

Russia defeated NZI schmuck
Tell that to the dead. BTW, have you resolved to send YOUR children to the war yet? Resolve, man, resolve. Don't show weakness now!
Every population has the right to resist conquest. All we are doing is helping them out with weapons for as long as they have the will to fight.
The big threat with a rabid hitleresqe scumbag murderer like Putin has always been that he might feel compelled to go nuclear.

I go back to what I’ve said before. I hope he is immediately assassinated.
Every population has the right to resist conquest. All we are doing is helping them out with weapons for as long as they have the will to fight.


Where were you when Tibet was attacked and conquered?

100 billion in weapons meantime our own bridges are falling down and our economy going bankrupt.

Who is helping the population along our southern border resist invasion and conquest?

Oh yeah. The same guy ignoring them is the same one sending 100 billion weapons to some shithole on the other side of the world! :lmao:

Meantime, we've used up our own Stinger missile supply and Raytheon says we've given away a 12 year supply!

Where were you when Tibet was attacked and conquered?

100 billion in weapons meantime our own bridges are falling down and our economy going bankrupt.

Who is helping the population along our southern border resist invasion and conquest?

Oh yeah. The same guy ignoring them is the same one sending 100 billion weapons to some shithole on the other side of the world! :lmao:

Meantime, we've used up our own Stinger missile supply and Raytheon says we've given away a 12 year supply!
Some things are worth fighting for. It's about time the MIC was being used for a clearly righteous mission. If Ukraine had oil would it make it worth it to you?
Appeasing dictators will merely postpone a conflict at best. If men like Putin could be trusted to stick to an agreement they would probably already be talking. No one wants to be Nevil Chamberlain 2.0.
You learned that in grade school as relates to WW2. It wasn’t true then and isn’t true today.

Think! Don’t just post CNN talking points.
There are plenty of ways Ukraine can withstand this last ditch effort by Putin to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Vuhledar still hasn't fallen no matter how many wet behind the ears russian kids Vlad sends to their deaths. I suppose overwhelming Ukraine with POW's might seem a good strategy by some, but at this point, as long as NATO weapons keep resupplying them, Ukraine doesn't have much to worry about.
You’re believing western corporate media reports. Your first mistake. Russia was never losing and won’t lose. Ukraine has a destroyed army and not enough men left to stop what’s coming. Hopefully it’s over soon.
This isn't the first time Russia decided to own Ukraine. The way Russia acted before is a major part of Ukraine's motivation in continuing to resist. The mounting Russian war crimes associated with this invasion show nothing has changed.
If you’re merely going to post MSNBC war propaganda, no one will take you seriously.

Shut off the TV and with any luck, you’ll find an IQ.

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