UK: 97% of Moscow army is in Ukraine

Who - respectively what source claims - aside from mentioning "UK", that ......

97% of Moscow army is in Ukraine ??​

From Feb. 2022 until today there have never been more then 250,000 Russian regulars at any given time in Ukraine, (out of which less then 50% are deployed as front-line combat troops) supported aided by around 100-120,000 Militias and Wagner like troops with a similar front-line ratio.

250,000 at any given time represents around 30% of Russia's total available regular force - in regards to front-line, rear-logistic, and support units e.g. artillery and AA units.
Onto these 250,000 men, one needs at least double that number stationed back home to ensure, training, rotation, the replenishment of ranks due to losses and to safeguard the country against possible attacks or threats from other neighboring countries. Putin's "Praetorian" guard - around 100,000 men are not part of the regular Russian armed forces.
USA is garbage

SAID SNOW 🐖🇷🇺PAPUAN :icon_lol:
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Ignoring nuclear powered militaries is a fool's game, otherwise escalation is possible always, and that's the bad part in the situation... There are no good parts in the situation..
This war will end with a stalemate, so the both parties can declare a win for their audience.

Many will depend on the expected Russian offensive in the coming weeks. Though, I suppose it won't bring many fruits. Definitely, they will expand their territory in the Donbas and maybe will get some lands in Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv oblasts.
Every population has the right to resist conquest. All we are doing is helping them out with weapons for as long as they have the will to fight.
One could also state: as long as they receive support or "incentives", they are willing to fight a proxy war.
This war will end with a stalemate, so the both parties can declare a win for their audience......
The only feasible military alternative for Russia to obtain a stalemate would be by making use of tactical nukes.
Otherwise Ukraine with the world's richest, and most advanced military technology possessing countries backing them - is poised to win in the long run.

I admit that as to how long this war will take place is a wild guess - ranging from a year to three, and the war outcome is also totally depended on possible future political changes of the supporting countries. If e.g. the USA gets a Trump or similar "spirited" government in two years time, support for the Ukraine will most likely be = zero, this will cause an immediate domino effect within the pro Ukraine coalition.

Such a domino outcome would even bring about the "dissolution" of NATO in it's existing format.

Personally I believe that this is exactly Putin's entire strategy.
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The only feasible military alternative for Russia to obtain a stalemate would be by making use of tactical nukes.
Otherwise Ukraine with the world's richest, and most advanced military technology possessing countries backing them - is poised to win in the long run.

I admit that as to how long this war will take place is a wild guess - ranging from a year to three, and the war outcome is also totally depended on possible future political changes of the supporting countries. If e.g. the USA gets a Trump or similar "spirited" government in two years time, support for the Ukraine will most likely be = zero, this will cause an immediate domino effect within the pro Ukraine coalition.

Such a domino outcome would even bring about the "dissolution" of NATO in it's existing format.

Personally I believe that this is exactly Putin's entire strategy.
No, why nukes? Engineering defence positions on the frontline and filling it with new reservists units. That will be quite enough. Russia has bigger numbers that Ukraine does.

Of course, undermining Western unity in supporting Ukraine is the main goal of the Putin's regime. Or more correctly, undermining Western unity per se. Here I agree with you entirely.
You’re believing western corporate media reports. Your first mistake. Russia was never losing and won’t lose. Ukraine has a destroyed army and not enough men left to stop what’s coming. Hopefully it’s over soon.

I am believing that Russia's inability to significantly break through a 700 mile front with almost all of its ground forces committed and the navy lobbing missles from the sea shows that "what's coming" is going to be meaningless given their history of losing ground every time Ukraine launches a counter assault. Now that Prigozhin has run out of prisoners he can staff his rent-an-army with, let's hope for your sake he doesn't have to start sending in his elite keyboard warriors too.
SAID SNOW 🐖🇷🇺PAPUAN :icon_lol:
Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Hungarians aren't playing that game now. They are serious business.
I am believing that Russia's inability to significantly break through a 700 mile front with almost all of its ground forces committed and the navy lobbing missles from the sea shows that "what's coming" is going to be meaningless given their history of losing ground every time Ukraine launches a counter assault. Now that Prigozhin has run out of prisoners he can staff his rent-an-army with, let's hope for your sake he doesn't have to start sending in his elite keyboard warriors too.
Because you’ve been duped. Ukraine has zero chance of winning this war or stopping the Russian advance. You need independent sources of information. Do you really think Ukraine has the weaponry and manpower left to stop Russia? Listen to this…
Hungarians aren't playing that game now. They are serious business.
Landlocked , small country which wont survive without EU. they want " back" some territories , they want a new world order . But , they are not the Moscow´s poodles , they play own game. We are just too soft with Hungary . still, Hungary will not save Moscow empire from the destruction

No, why nukes? Engineering defence positions on the frontline and filling it with new reservists units. That will be quite enough. Russia has bigger numbers that Ukraine does.

Of course, undermining Western unity in supporting Ukraine is the main goal of the Putin's regime. Or more correctly, undermining Western unity per se. Here I agree with you entirely.
The western corporate media or state run media if you prefer, has consistently lied about this war. They’d claimed Russia has incurred massive casualties. Putin is on his deathbed. Z is a war hero saving democracy. Ukes are great fighters. That the massive Russian army with superior artillery and control of the skies over Ukraine is losing, Uke losses are small. Etc…..

You'd think after all these lies have been exposed you’d stop believing them.
Yeah...with 97% of the total Russian army engaged...and taking huge casualties, I think that Putin has thrown the dice..and will lose. Reports indicate the Ukraine is bending, but not breaking. The Western world simply will not let Russia win..period. Now, if this is a good thing..or a bad one is up in the air. Not a lot of room for Putin to escalate..conventionally.

It'll be a war of attrition. Now if we can wear Biden's China down like that!
The western corporate media or state run media if you prefer, has consistently lied about this war. They’d claimed Russia has incurred massive casualties. Putin is on his deathbed. Z is a war hero saving democracy. Ukes are great fighters. That the massive Russian army with superior artillery and control of the skies over Ukraine is losing, Uke losses are small. Etc…..

You'd think after all these lies have been exposed you’d stop believing them.
Damn it, when you already get that western media aren't my prime source of information? And yes, Ukrainian army far exceeded expectations while Russian one was highly overrated.
Damn it, when you already get that western media aren't my prime source of information? And yes, Ukrainian army far exceeded expectations while Russian one was highly overrated.
It’s over now son. There is no chance Ukraine can stop this invasion.

You say you don’t consume wester media, yet didn’t you think Putin was dying?
Russian offensive
ps just some update from 1991N2

It'll be a war of attrition. Now if we can wear Biden's China down like that!
Let’s hope not. You wanting massive casualties on both sides is pyscho.

Russia holds the advantage in every catagory. It’s likely to be a bloodbath for the Ukes, but the CIA controlled western press won’t tell you this.

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