UK: 97% of Moscow army is in Ukraine

There's more to it than that. Fighting aggression from Russia sends a signal to any other would-be thugs out there that attempting to take over countries by military force is not tolerated and will not be successful.

i.e. China
Yeah because this war is entirely unprovoked and Putin is Hitler and anyone who opposes this dumb tragic war is a traitor. A Neville Chamberlain!
Yeah because this war is entirely unprovoked and Putin is Hitler and anyone who opposes this dumb tragic war is a traitor. A Neville Chamberlain!

Acting to further self defense is not and never will be provocation.

You’re an apologist for thugs.
It’s over now son. There is no chance Ukraine can stop this invasion.

You say you don’t consume wester media, yet didn’t you think Putin was dying?
There is every chance the Ukraine, with the help of NATO and the US, will stop this invasion..and in fact, has already done so.
The timing of this latest all-out Blitz is driven by the fact that if Putin does not win will never happen. 97% of his ground forces engaged and Russia is still stalled. Where can he go from here?
The math says that there is plenty of material the West has left to send Ukraine's way. As we all know, the West has sent a small fraction of 97%--and can ramp up far beyond what Russia can match. I might point out that, industrially--the West hasn't even came close to operating at peak.
Unless Putin goes Nuke..he cannot win. If he goes Nuke..he cannot win. The only 'win' left for him is a negotiated settlement..but he needs a position of strength in order to do so.
I think that this offensive may well have that objective, rather than any pretense of victory~
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Let’s hope not. You wanting massive casualties on both sides is pyscho.

Russia holds the advantage in every catagory. It’s likely to be a bloodbath for the Ukes, but the CIA controlled western press won’t tell you this.
Thus far, the facts don't support you. I get it, just claim all the facts are false, and your argument works. But I'm still seeing a lot of burned-out Russian armor and a lot of dead and captured Russian soldiers. While every indication is that the level of Russian atrocity approaches WWII levels.
Is there a sustained propaganda push for the Ukraine? Sure there is.
Is it possible to hide the truth, in this day and age, not really.
This is war, after all. In the end, what matters is territory gained and held and how much it has cost in terms of man-power, military resource and money.
By that metric, Russia is losing.
Thus far, the facts don't support you. I get it, just claim all the facts are false, and your argument works. But I'm still seeing a lot of burned-out Russian armor and a lot of dead and captured Russian soldiers. While every indication is that the level of Russian atrocity approaches WWII levels.
Is there a sustained propaganda push for the Ukraine? Sure there is.
Is it possible to hide the truth, in this day and age, not really.
This is war, after all. In the end, what matters is territory gained and held and how much it has cost in terms of man-power, military resource and money.
By that metric, Russia is losing.
Lol. Russia isn’t losing. They still control most of the territory taken and are currently advancing. Thinking the Ukes have any chance is foolish. They are no match for the entire Russian army.

I’ll expect your apology when this is over. Bookmarked.
Poootin has set back the Russian nation's standing in the world order for generations. He thought Ukraine would be a push over. He was wrong...deadly wrong.
Lol. Russia isn’t losing. They still control most of the territory taken and are currently advancing. Thinking the Ukes have any chance is foolish. They are no match for the entire Russian army.

I’ll expect your apology when this is over. Bookmarked.
In the immortal words of Rush Limbaugh...Ditto.
People have constantly overestimated the likelihood success for Russia.

Before the war, everyone thought Ukraine would only last a few weeks.

A few months ago, everyone thought Europe was going to buckle to Russia when they cut off the supply of energy.
Capitulation is always seen as a sign of weakness by these vainglorious monsters. The best you can do is keep your resolve.
You are a nutcase if you think that nuclear war isn't anything to fear in the situation, but then again you are a brainwashed minion, so what else is new ?

The leftist slanted MSM trying to save it's brand's by covering the war is typical, especially after all of the bull shite it has catered to in the last 20 years.... It is simply laughable, and yet another embarrassment on the world stage for this country.

If the MSM was so damned inclusive and woke, then where are all the blue/purple/pink haired pronoun ranting they's/them's or whatever, otherwise the one's that should be sitting in their journalist booth's telling the world all about how America is this shite COUNTRY that they have to live in, and then telling everybody how they just want to move to Ukraine after they blow the Russians to smithereens there ??
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We all grew up with Russia threatening the world with nuclear war every day of the week. Ronald Reagan faced them down and is greatly admired for that. Now we have Biden using the same proven tactic and you don't like it?
How aiding a Ukrainian victory helps the USA and the world, and thus enrages the surrender-monkeys:

1. It destroys the Russian army for a pittance, removing the threat of Russia to europe in general, and requiring less future spending from the USA.

2. It halts atrocities. No more need be said about that, at least by moral people.

3. It preserves the legal international order, the believe that nations can't just overrun and annex other nations.

4. It ends the era of imperialism.

5. It strengthens the European Union and NATO.

6. It weakens the prestige of not just the Putin-tyrant, but all tyrants and corrupt cronies, and makes it more likely that tyrant states will be overthrown by their people.

7. It reminds the world that democracy is better than fascism.

8. It scares the Chinese into submission. They've seen just how badly Russian-type weapons fail against the west.

9. It reduces nuclear proliferation. By showing how nations with nukes aren't given a free pass, it makes possessing nukes less desireable.

10. It makes global food supplies more stable, and makes the world economy less dependent on Russian fossil fuels.
One problem in your hopes and dreams and/or analogies, and that is that Russia isn't a weak nation that this war has convinced you somehow that it is.

Now convince us that Russia will just fold like a cheap ____________________ ?

That's the part that you can't do, but man your rhetoric sure attempts to convince us. Good luck.
We all grew up with Russia threatening the world with nuclear war every day of the week. Ronald Reagan faced them down and is greatly admired for that. Now we have Biden using the same proven tactic and you don't like it?
Faced them down with rhetoric is one thing, but thinking that we can kill them or destroy them in order to make them see the light, uhhhhh has never been attempted before... Good luck with that strategy.
Faced them down with rhetoric is one thing, but thinking that we can kill them or destroy them in order to make them see the light, uhhhhh has never been attempted before... Good luck with that strategy.
It's better than just letting Russia enslave Ukraine. To a wannabe emperor everyone is on the invasion list somewhere.
No, why nukes? Engineering defence positions on the frontline and filling it with new reservists units. That will be quite enough. Russia has bigger numbers that Ukraine does.

Of course, undermining Western unity in supporting Ukraine is the main goal of the Putin's regime. Or more correctly, undermining Western unity per se. Here I agree with you entirely.
Tactical nukes would most likely come into play in Ukraine IMO, if the backing of Ukraine by NATO countries causes Russia some very serious loses in Ukraine, and worse the situation threatens the Crimea also.

Not a fan of either government, but just looking at the thing from a practical standpoint. I could be wrong about it all.
It's better than just letting Russia enslave Ukraine. To a wannabe emperor everyone is on the invasion list somewhere.
It's a shame that any of it's going on for sure, but that area is old Soviet territory, and Russia see's it as their front yard or as a buffer zone, and it probably doesn't want to be included in the globalist vision, so it's out to secure it's old buffer zone I guess. The situation is not good at all on what's taking place, and what caused Russia to move on Ukraine needs to be transparent in the world. Just like COVID the world deserves the truth.
It's a shame that any of it's going on for sure, but that area is old Soviet territory, and Russia see's it as their front yard or as a buffer zone, and it probably doesn't want to be included in the globalist vision, so it's out to secure it's old buffer zone I guess. The situation is not good at all on what's taking place, and what caused Russia to move on Ukraine needs to be transparent in the world. Just like COVID the world deserves the truth.
Ukraine was invaded because Putin wanted a legacy other than just stealing everything. That's about it.
Of course not. Putin has his teams of physicians and as the Covid pandemic showed he bothers way too much about his health and life. There is no chance for a common flu going unchecked, to say nothing about something serious.
I remember myself when the media started moving the narrative that Putin was dying, and/or had Cancer that was killing him etc. They've done that with Fidel Castro, Kim Jong UN etc. During the times that it done so, these things weren't true.

Wonder why it does it ? Some sort of strategy or just lie's to be lying ?
There is every chance the Ukraine, with the help of NATO and the US, will stop this invasion..and in fact, has already done so.
The timing of this latest all-out Blitz is driven by the fact that if Putin does not win will never happen. 97% of his ground forces engaged and Russia is still stalled. Where can he go from here?
The math says that there is plenty of material the West has left to send Ukraine's way. As we all know, the West has sent a small fraction of 97%--and can ramp up far beyond what Russia can match. I might point out that, industrially--the West hasn't even came close to operating at peak.
Unless Putin goes Nuke..he cannot win. If he goes Nuke..he cannot win. The only 'win' left for him is a negotiated settlement..but he needs a position of strength in order to do so.
I think that this offensive may well have that objective, rather than any pretense of victory~
What's the direct threat to Murica?

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