UK - Creeping cultural shift ..


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2016
See this article ...

Three Southend beaches to BAN BIKINIS this summer in ‘cultural’ trial

Tourism chiefs in Southend On Sea have announced that three beaches on the seafront will run a trial this summer where ladies will be asked to cover up while sunbathing. According to an email that has been seen by Southend News Network, these so-called ‘Modesty Beach Areas’ will be set up to attract visitors from all over the UK who may be uncomfortable with the sight of ‘excessive bare female skin’ for a number of either cultural or religious reasons.

‘We asked 500 people from East London and North London if they would consider a visit to the beach at Southend, and 37% said that they didn’t want to be exposed to Essex-based female flesh and have been choosing Brighton or Eastbourne instead. This got us thinking, and within a few minutes of receiving the report we decided that the town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area ...

London recently voted into Office its first MUSLIM mayor ....

That last comment, of ..

'.. town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area

... is disingenuous. Their straw poll of Londoners (I haven't seen any accounting of how they were selected ..) means they went to an area some distance from Southend (around 40 miles to the west of it !) to canvass views. If the point is to consider 'the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area', you don't seek out views from people in a DIFFERENT area !!

'Cultural or religious' reasons .... surely, considering minority views over the indigenous majority, then enforcing the outcome on to the general population seeking to sunbathe on a public beach !!

And those views, taken from a city happy to endorse a MUSLIM as its mayor ....

Who thinks this stinks ? Anyone ... ?
See this article ...

Three Southend beaches to BAN BIKINIS this summer in ‘cultural’ trial

Tourism chiefs in Southend On Sea have announced that three beaches on the seafront will run a trial this summer where ladies will be asked to cover up while sunbathing. According to an email that has been seen by Southend News Network, these so-called ‘Modesty Beach Areas’ will be set up to attract visitors from all over the UK who may be uncomfortable with the sight of ‘excessive bare female skin’ for a number of either cultural or religious reasons.

‘We asked 500 people from East London and North London if they would consider a visit to the beach at Southend, and 37% said that they didn’t want to be exposed to Essex-based female flesh and have been choosing Brighton or Eastbourne instead. This got us thinking, and within a few minutes of receiving the report we decided that the town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area ...

London recently voted into Office its first MUSLIM mayor ....

That last comment, of ..

'.. town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area

... is disingenuous. Their straw poll of Londoners (I haven't seen any accounting of how they were selected ..) means they went to an area some distance from Southend (around 40 miles to the west of it !) to canvass views. If the point is to consider 'the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area', you don't seek out views from people in a DIFFERENT area !!

'Cultural or religious' reasons .... surely, considering minority views over the indigenous majority, then enforcing the outcome on to the general population seeking to sunbathe on a public beach !!

And those views, taken from a city happy to endorse a MUSLIM as its mayor ....

Who thinks this stinks ? Anyone ... ?
Doesnt look like anyone cares.

Southend is a shithole that has to compete with other resorts for Londons coin.
Its a smart move and I hope it works out for them.
See this article ...

Three Southend beaches to BAN BIKINIS this summer in ‘cultural’ trial

Tourism chiefs in Southend On Sea have announced that three beaches on the seafront will run a trial this summer where ladies will be asked to cover up while sunbathing. According to an email that has been seen by Southend News Network, these so-called ‘Modesty Beach Areas’ will be set up to attract visitors from all over the UK who may be uncomfortable with the sight of ‘excessive bare female skin’ for a number of either cultural or religious reasons.

‘We asked 500 people from East London and North London if they would consider a visit to the beach at Southend, and 37% said that they didn’t want to be exposed to Essex-based female flesh and have been choosing Brighton or Eastbourne instead. This got us thinking, and within a few minutes of receiving the report we decided that the town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area ...

London recently voted into Office its first MUSLIM mayor ....

That last comment, of ..

'.. town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area

... is disingenuous. Their straw poll of Londoners (I haven't seen any accounting of how they were selected ..) means they went to an area some distance from Southend (around 40 miles to the west of it !) to canvass views. If the point is to consider 'the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area', you don't seek out views from people in a DIFFERENT area !!

'Cultural or religious' reasons .... surely, considering minority views over the indigenous majority, then enforcing the outcome on to the general population seeking to sunbathe on a public beach !!

And those views, taken from a city happy to endorse a MUSLIM as its mayor ....

Who thinks this stinks ? Anyone ... ?

They're bending over to appease the Muslims again, why else are they outlawing the wearing of bikini's and referring to it as a "cultural" trial? How are bikini's "cultural"? How is outlawing bikini's "cultural"?

It's ONLY "cultural" to the weirdo Muslim men, who want women covered up modestly or else if they show a bit of skin, well to the 7th Century mind that means the woman's asking to set upon and ravaged.

They're pathetic and they must think people are completely stupid, the women should rebel, all of them get to these beaches wearing bikini's, they pay their taxes, they can do what they want in their own nation.
"Cover up while sunbathing."

Liberal logic in a nutshell. LOL.
"Cover up while sunbathing."

Liberal logic in a nutshell. LOL.

Now come on Fueri, this is sexy right? :eek-52:





Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Why dont you ask them .
They have the same rights as the ones where they designate a beach as nudist. That doesnt seem to cause a problem for anybody.
Southend is a beach resort and the council has a duty to encourage use of its beaches in support of the local economy. They have identified a market and are trying to appeal to it.
Where is the problem ?
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Why dont you ask them .
They have the same rights as the ones where they designate a beach as nudist. That doesnt seem to cause a problem for anybody.
Southend is a beach resort and the council has a duty to encourage use of its beaches in support of the local economy. They have identified a market and are trying to appeal to it.
Where is the problem ?

'They have identified a market', you say. One appealing to a supposed minority ? Why not appeal to a MAJORITY, instead ?

On those grounds alone, your argument doesn't make sense. And .. not only is that minority being targeted, what about the reverse effect one could expect from others, from a MAJORITY, who'll react against Southend's action, and decide to look elsewhere for their sunbathing ?

No, Tommy - what we have here is a bunch of Lefties who've gone so overboard in their quest for political correctness, that they're selling out the culture and sensitivities of those truly indigenous to these islands we call the UK.
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Why dont you ask them .
They have the same rights as the ones where they designate a beach as nudist. That doesnt seem to cause a problem for anybody.
Southend is a beach resort and the council has a duty to encourage use of its beaches in support of the local economy. They have identified a market and are trying to appeal to it.
Where is the problem ?

'They have identified a market', you say. One appealing to a supposed minority ? Why not appeal to a MAJORITY, instead ?

On those grounds alone, your argument doesn't make sense. And .. not only is that minority being targeted, what about the reverse effect one could expect from others, from a MAJORITY, who'll react against Southend's action, and decide to look elsewhere for their sunbathing ?

No, Tommy - what we have here is a bunch of Lefties who've gone so overboard in their quest for political correctness, that they're selling out the culture and sensitivities of those truly indigenous to these islands we call the UK.
If it were any other group they were trying to attract then you would be applauding them.
"fallen for a spoof news story claiming that Southend-on-Sea tourism chiefs want to ban bikinis on three beaches this summer as part of a “cultural” trial.

The Pegida UK coordinator tweeted an article from Southend News Network on Monday, which even some of his followers knew was satire. It has since been retweeted over 90 times.

It is not known if the former leader of the English Defence League took the article to be true, or simply used it to stoke anti-Islamic sentiment, which his detractors often accuse him of doing."

Pegida's Tommy Robinson Gets Caught By Spoof Story About Southend Beach 'Bikini Ban'

lulz not true .................................................................yet
Unfortunately, this cultural change in the UK, it's more than creeping, is already taking over the country and anybody who gets in the way is either called a racist and condemned or is frightened by this aggression.

One way or the other it does seem that the UK can not cope with this invasion.

The unbelievable election of a Muslim Lord Mayor to the capital city of Protestant England only highlights the fact that this Islamic takeover is well on its way!
See this article ...

Three Southend beaches to BAN BIKINIS this summer in ‘cultural’ trial

Tourism chiefs in Southend On Sea have announced that three beaches on the seafront will run a trial this summer where ladies will be asked to cover up while sunbathing. According to an email that has been seen by Southend News Network, these so-called ‘Modesty Beach Areas’ will be set up to attract visitors from all over the UK who may be uncomfortable with the sight of ‘excessive bare female skin’ for a number of either cultural or religious reasons.

‘We asked 500 people from East London and North London if they would consider a visit to the beach at Southend, and 37% said that they didn’t want to be exposed to Essex-based female flesh and have been choosing Brighton or Eastbourne instead. This got us thinking, and within a few minutes of receiving the report we decided that the town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area ...

London recently voted into Office its first MUSLIM mayor ....

That last comment, of ..

'.. town could benefit from three dedicated beaches where ladies are required to cover up for the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area

... is disingenuous. Their straw poll of Londoners (I haven't seen any accounting of how they were selected ..) means they went to an area some distance from Southend (around 40 miles to the west of it !) to canvass views. If the point is to consider 'the overall enjoyment of everyone in the area', you don't seek out views from people in a DIFFERENT area !!

'Cultural or religious' reasons .... surely, considering minority views over the indigenous majority, then enforcing the outcome on to the general population seeking to sunbathe on a public beach !!

And those views, taken from a city happy to endorse a MUSLIM as its mayor ....

Who thinks this stinks ? Anyone ... ?

It stinks for the locals who pay for the services in Southend. I have no idea what a "tourism chief" is. But if it's an elected office -- the locals will decide on the issue.. If it's like our Chamber of Commerce and represents business interests --- how do they get the "authority" to dictate specific dress codes on a beach?

You guys are just weird. And maybe you are losing control of your representative govt. We're trying real hard to NOT be right behind you..

It's not just "accommodation" because I'm sure it's an economic issue. BUT --- it can LEAD to accommodation if Southend becomes another "off the grid" ethnic community..
"fallen for a spoof news story claiming that Southend-on-Sea tourism chiefs want to ban bikinis on three beaches this summer as part of a “cultural” trial.

The Pegida UK coordinator tweeted an article from Southend News Network on Monday, which even some of his followers knew was satire. It has since been retweeted over 90 times.

It is not known if the former leader of the English Defence League took the article to be true, or simply used it to stoke anti-Islamic sentiment, which his detractors often accuse him of doing."

Pegida's Tommy Robinson Gets Caught By Spoof Story About Southend Beach 'Bikini Ban'

lulz not true .................................................................yet

Slayed another one there Alex.. Good job.. :up:
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Fear-mongering, demagoguery, the usual ‘sky is falling’ mentality of the ridiculous right – in the US and Europe.
Muslims in England? Again? Surely, you should get out of the EU to enable your government to control your borders. But wait… It is your government who made it possible for Muslims to flood the UK. Damn it … But in any case you should give your own bureaucrats more power over immigration policy. Why? Because you should show these damned Europeans that you are British and no one can tell you what you should do.
The Burghers of Southend need lynching for trying something to attract people to their shitty little resort.

Does the UK have a right to its own cultural identity, or not ? By what right does a local authority chose to flout that, and on the basis of views held by a group of people living many miles away (and we know nothing about the fairness of the 'canvassing' involved) ...
Fear-mongering, demagoguery, the usual ‘sky is falling’ mentality of the ridiculous right – in the US and Europe.

it's all in our imagination...isn't it

Muslim invasion in Europe????

You mad? when where how who!!!!!


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