Uk on a war footing

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.
Maybe I can go over there like my Granddad and make a few British kids.

“Fears have risen amid the increasing likelihood of Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal in little more than six months time, after Theresa May failed to win support for her Brexit plan from European leaders and said both sides had reached an impasse.” ibid

May’s exit plan was idiocy – and appropriately rejected by the EU.

Was May so stupid as to believe that EU officials would allow the UK to leave while continuing to enjoy the benefits of membership.

Ultimately the British people have only themselves to blame, victims of their own fear, ignorance, and bigoty.
England likes to think it is the center of the universe. It tried partially joining the rest of Europe (though, really, England doesn't consider itself part of Europe) while maintaining its separate money and Commonwealth, then decided to screw its fellow members and renege on its agreements by exiting. Now that the euphoria of exercising their will is over and the hard facts teach it what it should have realized all along, this little nation has regrets. It is even possible it won't finally jump the ship of Europe.
This funny little land with its quaint monarchy has always been schizoid. It is a shining example of what a people who consider themselves a shining example can do to make themselves ridiculous.
Wonder how May is storing her food. Probably has got a flight to bahamas reserves so she can fly as soon as shit hits the fan.
England likes to think it is the center of the universe. It tried partially joining the rest of Europe (though, really, England doesn't consider itself part of Europe) while maintaining its separate money and Commonwealth, then decided to screw its fellow members and renege on its agreements by exiting. Now that the euphoria of exercising their will is over and the hard facts teach it what it should have realized all along, this little nation has regrets. It is even possible it won't finally jump the ship of Europe.
This funny little land with its quaint monarchy has always been schizoid. It is a shining example of what a people who consider themselves a shining example can do to make themselves ridiculous.

The Spanish, the French, and the Germans, all tried to make Britain part of Europe ... they all failed.

Ultimately, the Brits were suckered into doing it to themselves.

I was glad to see them stand up and reclaim their heritage.
English heritage: too small to engulf Europe but just big enough to (insert euphemism for male sexual parts entering something here) it.
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UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.
You should have been concerning yourself with securing your own future, rather than depending on the State, or a third party to coddle you. You get what you deserve when you place your fate in others hands...
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.

Panic mongering from a government doing all it can to reverse the democratically voiced Will of the People.
England likes to think it is the center of the universe. It tried partially joining the rest of Europe (though, really, England doesn't consider itself part of Europe) while maintaining its separate money and Commonwealth, then decided to screw its fellow members and renege on its agreements by exiting. Now that the euphoria of exercising their will is over and the hard facts teach it what it should have realized all along, this little nation has regrets. It is even possible it won't finally jump the ship of Europe.
This funny little land with its quaint monarchy has always been schizoid. It is a shining example of what a people who consider themselves a shining example can do to make themselves ridiculous.

England is not a small country. And if it was, that would still be no reason to let Europe rule it.
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.

Panic mongering from a government doing all it can to reverse the democratically voiced Will of the People.
Frightful Tammy is terrified at the prospects of his hand outs becoming nothing but an empty hand. Then he'll have to go out, and earn money; rather than merely go out to the polls to decide how to spend other people's money.
You must understand how terribly shocking, and unsettling such a prospect is, for one whose only lifeline is the Nanny State.
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.
You should have been concerning yourself with securing your own future, rather than depending on the State, or a third party to coddle you. You get what you deserve when you place your fate in others hands...
I was talking about my private pension you fucking melt. When the market collapses there will be big problems.
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.
You should have been concerning yourself with securing your own future, rather than depending on the State, or a third party to coddle you. You get what you deserve when you place your fate in others hands...
I was talking about my private pension you fucking melt. When the market collapses there will be big problems.
Yeah? And...? You still depend on the services and systems involved to deliver your “pension” to you. Did it never occur to you that the system might fail you, and you one day might have to provide for yourself? Of course you didn’t... Sheep...
UK appoints food supplies minister amid fears of no-deal Brexit

The government has appointed a minister to oversee the protection of food supplies through the Brexit process amid rising concerns about the effect of a no-deal departure from the European Union.
The MP David Rutley, a former Asda and PepsiCo executive, was handed the brief at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this month.

Fantastic news. Maybe they should have added that looters would be shot on sight. It certainly gives you a sense of perspective. I was just worrying about my pension but really I should have been concerned about eating.
You should have been concerning yourself with securing your own future, rather than depending on the State, or a third party to coddle you. You get what you deserve when you place your fate in others hands...
I was talking about my private pension you fucking melt. When the market collapses there will be big problems.
Yeah? And...? You still depend on the services and systems involved to deliver your “pension” to you. Did it never occur to you that the system might fail you, and you one day might have to provide for yourself? Of course you didn’t... Sheep...
I cant even begin to explain pensions to a dickhead like you. So tell me how I have ever not provided for myself or my family. And then fuck off back under your rock.

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