UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

a Pakistani physician with whom I used to work---confided in me that SAUDIS---and other oil rich sheiks-----come to Pakistan and to INDONESIA to buy little girls and boys to "take back home" for ---use (for the girls it is called "marriage" ------as he is a physician ---he was invited along to visit India and Indonesia with the boys on their trip to the markets.-----nice kid---he was HORRIFIED---sorta. (of course he told me all this before he discovered that I am
a jew-----he thought I am Christian.)

Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??

@gtopa1 posted an article in Australia forum. This article brings to fore an interesting piece of information.

The racket which exploited young/minor girls by coercing them into prostitution was actually a culmination of partnership between some white women and some Pakistani men. Women who usually were social services staff or otherwise had access to the girls through friendship lured these minor girls to Pakistani pimps who made these girls available to their clients.

Amanda Spencer 22 sold children as prostitutes and plied them with drugs Daily Mail Online

So it is wrong to say that the entire crisis was brought forth by Muslim/Pakistani men. There were white partners in the crime who bore equal responsibility.

Did someone state that "ONLY PAKISTANIS" were involved? -----
I just don't know. Its been a very long
time since I followed "paki--bashing" in
London.. Based on what I learned about
British persons view of south east Asians----
way back ----in the early 1970s----it seems to me that lots of people over there would make an issue out of a situation that involved --a
significant number of pakistanis
a Pakistani physician with whom I used to work---confided in me that SAUDIS---and other oil rich sheiks-----come to Pakistan and to INDONESIA to buy little girls and boys to "take back home" for ---use (for the girls it is called "marriage" ------as he is a physician ---he was invited along to visit India and Indonesia with the boys on their trip to the markets.-----nice kid---he was HORRIFIED---sorta. (of course he told me all this before he discovered that I am
a jew-----he thought I am Christian.)

Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??


did I suggest that child prostitution is NEW in
England? HOWEVER---different ethnic groups do crimes-----with differing prevalences. Way back when I was a kid
(long long ago) ----there was lots of angst over a perception in my part of the USA----that GANGSTERS are generally ITALIAN
(remember? Al Capone?? mafia???----
it was not entirely a baseless perception ---mafia was active in that part of the world---
-----that fact was even featured in the movie series "the godfather" People were getting so uptight that some were claiming---
THE MAFIA DOES NOT EXIST IT IS AN ANTI ITALIAN LIE----yup---it did-------I have no idea what it is today---but the son of GOTTI went to jail.
a Pakistani physician with whom I used to work---confided in me that SAUDIS---and other oil rich sheiks-----come to Pakistan and to INDONESIA to buy little girls and boys to "take back home" for ---use (for the girls it is called "marriage" ------as he is a physician ---he was invited along to visit India and Indonesia with the boys on their trip to the markets.-----nice kid---he was HORRIFIED---sorta. (of course he told me all this before he discovered that I am
a jew-----he thought I am Christian.)

Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??


did I suggest that child prostitution is NEW in
England? HOWEVER---different ethnic groups do crimes-----with differing prevalences. Way back when I was a kid
(long long ago) ----there was lots of angst over a perception in my part of the USA----that GANGSTERS are generally ITALIAN
(remember? Al Capone?? mafia???----
it was not entirely a baseless perception ---mafia was active in that part of the world---
-----that fact was even featured in the movie series "the godfather" People were getting so uptight that some were claiming---
THE MAFIA DOES NOT EXIST IT IS AN ANTI ITALIAN LIE----yup---it did-------I have no idea what it is today---but the son of GOTTI went to jail.

I would suggest that most child prostitution in the UK would involve Brits; though I get your point about demonising particular groups. Guys like Savile aren't from Pakistan.

a Pakistani physician with whom I used to work---confided in me that SAUDIS---and other oil rich sheiks-----come to Pakistan and to INDONESIA to buy little girls and boys to "take back home" for ---use (for the girls it is called "marriage" ------as he is a physician ---he was invited along to visit India and Indonesia with the boys on their trip to the markets.-----nice kid---he was HORRIFIED---sorta. (of course he told me all this before he discovered that I am
a jew-----he thought I am Christian.)

Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??


did I suggest that child prostitution is NEW in
England? HOWEVER---different ethnic groups do crimes-----with differing prevalences. Way back when I was a kid
(long long ago) ----there was lots of angst over a perception in my part of the USA----that GANGSTERS are generally ITALIAN
(remember? Al Capone?? mafia???----
it was not entirely a baseless perception ---mafia was active in that part of the world---
-----that fact was even featured in the movie series "the godfather" People were getting so uptight that some were claiming---
THE MAFIA DOES NOT EXIST IT IS AN ANTI ITALIAN LIE----yup---it did-------I have no idea what it is today---but the son of GOTTI went to jail.

I would suggest that most child prostitution in the UK would involve Brits; though I get your point about demonising particular groups. Guys like Savile aren't from Pakistan.


ok I sorta got your point-----my actual point was------there is a bit of culture of child prostitution ---OVER THERE----ie in Pakistan-----sorta a cultural vice ---probably just as much as in London. Different ethnic groups do different crimes. -----in this case Pakistanis got a rep for child prostitution------but they are generally not alcoholics---------but then.....that is also true of ITALIANS -------should we discuss the prevalence of alcoholism amongst Irish women-----or will you call me a bigot if I do?
Dogsbreath you really are a mentally impotent puling shrew, Hitchens was the harshest critic of religion per se.
As far as I am concern I believe all religions including Islam are a complete load of bollocks, Do I believe you can condemn the many because of the few, the answer is no,
Read this dolt and educate yourself.
Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.

NB Cretin, notice how he does not differentiate

Perhaps you can help me out with something here,since I have been wondering about it for some time. Why is it that American trailer trash are inevitably far right in political orientation, but British trailer trash are almost always leftist? Your writing indicates you never made it past the third or fourth form, and you obviously have no comprehension of the written word as indicated in your inability to discern the various themes in Hitch's writing, so you are quite obviously lower class. What gives, though? Why is it that the bottom feeders here become dittoheads to far right propaganda while British bottom feeders become screaming leftists?

My current working theory has to do with the differing ways class struggle is manifested in our two countries, especially in regards to the dissimilar nature of our degree of heterogeneity.

What is your explanation for why British trailer trash are more like George Galloway than Christopher Hitchens?
Dogsbreath you really are a mentally impotent puling shrew, Hitchens was the harshest critic of religion per se.
As far as I am concern I believe all religions including Islam are a complete load of bollocks, Do I believe you can condemn the many because of the few, the answer is no,
Read this dolt and educate yourself.
Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.

NB Cretin, notice how he does not differentiate

Perhaps you can help me out with something here,since I have been wondering about it for some time. Why is it that American trailer trash are inevitably far right in political orientation, but British trailer trash are almost always leftist? Your writing indicates you never made it past the third or fourth form, and you obviously have no comprehension of the written word as indicated in your inability to discern the various themes in Hitch's writing, so you are quite obviously lower class. What gives, though? Why is it that the bottom feeders here become dittoheads to far right propaganda while British bottom feeders become screaming leftists?

My current working theory has to do with the differing ways class struggle is manifested in our two countries, especially in regards to the dissimilar nature of our degree of heterogeneity.

What is your explanation for why British trailer trash are more like George Galloway than Christopher Hitchens?

Dog----your insights fascinate me----I was born in the USA and grew up in a trailer trash town---(actually it was a fairly affluent town---sorta----at least no one was really poor---everyone lived in a private house----and there were some fairly wealthy people---thus on average it was considered AFFLUENT--
The people were very much long term ---descendants of british,, german, dutch---farm people in the USA-----lots of them really stupid and very REPUBLICAN----damn Nazi----the town was littered with Nazi pamphlets -----which I read as a child. My family was amongst the first of the jewish families----allowed blacks until about 1975---
VERY REPUBLICAN----Nazi and republican.

as a kid a confused republican with Nazi----and-----any female who drinks beer -----Nazi.
well----descendants of brits and germans etc ---drink beer---even the girls. The whole culture of that town ------maybe it got lifted out of Piccadilly (spelling?? geography?)
Dog----your insights fascinate me----I was born in the USA and grew up in a trailer trash town---(actually it was a fairly affluent town---sorta----at least no one was really poor---everyone lived in a private house----and there were some fairly wealthy people---thus on average it was considered AFFLUENT--
The people were very much long term ---descendants of british,, german, dutch---farm people in the USA-----lots of them really stupid and very REPUBLICAN----damn Nazi----the town was littered with Nazi pamphlets -----which I read as a child. My family was amongst the first of the jewish families----allowed blacks until about 1975---
VERY REPUBLICAN----Nazi and republican.

as a kid a confused republican with Nazi----and-----any female who drinks beer -----Nazi.
well----descendants of brits and germans etc ---drink beer---even the girls. The whole culture of that town ------maybe it got lifted out of Piccadilly (spelling?? geography?)

I grew up in the woods, myself, before my family moved down the hill to a small lumber town when I was 5. Think lower-middle class western redneck, and you can picture it.

I always felt like an alien to the culture there when I was young, though, and have long wondered whether my first 5 years being spent without any contact with other kids might have left me a bit less conformist than most, but it did leave me with something of an outsiders perspective on things. People did things for no other reason than other people did things and it made no inherent sense to me. Maybe, that's why I reject so much crap people come up with that just looks like double talk and mindless parroting of talking points to me.

I get fed up with leftists to about the same degree as I do the right wingers. It's all ditto, ditto, ditto instead of thought applied to an issue sans the constraining effects of a chosen ideology.
Dog----your insights fascinate me----I was born in the USA and grew up in a trailer trash town---(actually it was a fairly affluent town---sorta----at least no one was really poor---everyone lived in a private house----and there were some fairly wealthy people---thus on average it was considered AFFLUENT--
The people were very much long term ---descendants of british,, german, dutch---farm people in the USA-----lots of them really stupid and very REPUBLICAN----damn Nazi----the town was littered with Nazi pamphlets -----which I read as a child. My family was amongst the first of the jewish families----allowed blacks until about 1975---
VERY REPUBLICAN----Nazi and republican.

as a kid a confused republican with Nazi----and-----any female who drinks beer -----Nazi.
well----descendants of brits and germans etc ---drink beer---even the girls. The whole culture of that town ------maybe it got lifted out of Piccadilly (spelling?? geography?)

I grew up in the woods, myself, before my family moved down the hill to a small lumber town when I was 5. Think lower-middle class western redneck, and you can picture it.

I always felt like an alien to the culture there when I was young, though, and have long wondered whether my first 5 years being spent without any contact with other kids might have left me a bit less conformist than most, but it did leave me with something of an outsiders perspective on things. People did things for no other reason than other people did things and it made no inherent sense to me. Maybe, that's why I reject so much crap people come up with that just looks like double talk and mindless parroting of talking points to me.

I get fed up with leftists to about the same degree as I do the right wingers. It's all ditto, ditto, ditto instead of thought applied to an issue sans the constraining effects of a chosen ideology.

Even more interesting insights----almost five when we moved into Nazi-ville- a suburb----close to New York City----which was like-----"oh------we have civilization near by" for me and my sibs. It was about 1/2 hour to MANHATTAN---(center of the world for me and my sibs) and I had playmates who had NEVER been there, never saw Times Square, ------never even went to the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY (sorry---if you do not know it------its fantastic----)

BUT THEN THE 60s happened----the demographics began to change----and high school was FULL OF FLOWER CHILDREN---yes----they were ditto people too-------a few
holdouts-------my history class----exploded with laughter when one of the girls boasted
that she is a member of the DAR (daughters of the American revolution) it got even worse when she said "we republicans....."

capitalism was redefined as a dirty word
and in Israel to use pro-lifes vernacular between 20 to 40,000 "babies" were "murdered" last year in a country with one of the most Liberal abortion laws in the world. Your comments @ChrisL

This thread has nothing to do with abortion. :rolleyes-41: I guess you feel the need to change topics because of your big fat fail of rebuttal.
@ChrisL You introduced child marrtage in Pakistan what has that got to do with the OP, the whole thread relates to women's human rights. You obviously do not support the rights of a female to determine what happens to her body.

:lol: I wonder what the Muslims think about abortion? WHAT would they do? Hmmmm.
@ChrisL most if not all Muslim countries are far less liberal compared to the wonderful abortion law in Israel, a country that does support woman's rights. So will you join me Chrisl in applauding Israel for advancing a woman's right to choice in the ME?

Absolutely not. There is nothing "wonderful" about abortion sicko.
Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??


did I suggest that child prostitution is NEW in
England? HOWEVER---different ethnic groups do crimes-----with differing prevalences. Way back when I was a kid
(long long ago) ----there was lots of angst over a perception in my part of the USA----that GANGSTERS are generally ITALIAN
(remember? Al Capone?? mafia???----
it was not entirely a baseless perception ---mafia was active in that part of the world---
-----that fact was even featured in the movie series "the godfather" People were getting so uptight that some were claiming---
THE MAFIA DOES NOT EXIST IT IS AN ANTI ITALIAN LIE----yup---it did-------I have no idea what it is today---but the son of GOTTI went to jail.

I would suggest that most child prostitution in the UK would involve Brits; though I get your point about demonising particular groups. Guys like Savile aren't from Pakistan.


ok I sorta got your point-----my actual point was------there is a bit of culture of child prostitution ---OVER THERE----ie in Pakistan-----sorta a cultural vice ---probably just as much as in London. Different ethnic groups do different crimes. -----in this case Pakistanis got a rep for child prostitution------but they are generally not alcoholics---------but then.....that is also true of ITALIANS -------should we discuss the prevalence of alcoholism amongst Irish women-----or will you call me a bigot if I do?

Why on earth would I call you a bigot?? Because you see things from a different perspective to myself?? Not at all.
I am interested in why you would refer to the Republicans as Nazis though. Antisemitism and religious intolerance seems to be the domain of Democrats historically...the KKK being their main racial/religious activists up until the 70s. Frankly with Bill's reference to Obama "serving us coffee" and his attitudes towards women he seems more reflective of what you suggest are Republican traits than the Republicans are. I would suggest that most ethnic groups have their dirty laundry; the more lawless and unstable the systems the more dirty laundry.

Regarding Pakistan and child prostitution; it is not something I know much about at all. I've read a little about it but it all seem rather sordid. One must wonder whether poverty is the main driver though if there is a tolerance of that sort of thing then one must look at why the Law fails them.


Different ethnic groups do different crimes.

Statistically is that so? I suppose that in some transplanted communities it may seem so; here the Bikies are much more lawless than, say, Muslims though both have vast majorities of law abiding citizens. I do get the point though that the Mafia is far more likely to garotte their opponents than say the CWA. (Country Women's Association).


Different ethnic groups do different crimes.

Statistically is that so? I suppose that in some transplanted communities it may seem so; here the Bikies are much more lawless than, say, Muslims though both have vast majorities of law abiding citizens. I do get the point though that the Mafia is far more likely to garotte their opponents than say the CWA. (Country Women's Association).


anthropologically it is so.
Culturally the UK has forgotten more about child prostitution than the Pakistani's new, we exported the vice to our colonial conquests.The UK even populated counties like Australia with "child prostitutes".
Throughout the 19th century, philanthropists, church groups and others flourished, working to "rescue" children from "moral danger" - an all encompassing definition which covered anything from sexual activity before marriage to child prostitution.

In 1848, it was claimed that almost 2,700 girls in London between the ages of 11 and 16 were hospitalised because of venereal disease, many as a result of prosti tution. In 1875, the age of consent, which had remained at 12 since 1285, was raised to 13, partly as a result of concerns about child prostitution.

But concern continued and, in 1881, a select committee, set up to investigate the issue, reported that child prostitution was rampant. One police officer told the committee that, in London, children above the age of 13 could be procured "without any difficulty whatsoever". Another spoke of how it was "scarcely possible for anyone between nine o'clock in the evening, and one o'clock in the morning to walk along Pentonville Road without being accosted by about a dozen young girls between 13 and 14 years of age".

The famous editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, William Stead, launched an investigative campaign to uncover the extent of child prostitution by visiting brothels, and actually bought a child prostitute for himself to expose the double standards of the Victorian public. Stead was a brilliant publicist and before long the country was in uproar. A mass demonstration of 250,000 people converged on Trafalgar Square to demand an increase in the age of consent. In 1885, the Criminal Law Amendment Act was passed, raising the age of consent to 16.
Age of innocence Society The Guardian
Dogsbreath you really are a mentally impotent puling shrew, Hitchens was the harshest critic of religion per se.
As far as I am concern I believe all religions including Islam are a complete load of bollocks, Do I believe you can condemn the many because of the few, the answer is no,
Read this dolt and educate yourself.
Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It’s our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated.

NB Cretin, notice how he does not differentiate

Perhaps you can help me out with something here,since I have been wondering about it for some time. Why is it that American trailer trash are inevitably far right in political orientation, but British trailer trash are almost always leftist? Your writing indicates you never made it past the third or fourth form, and you obviously have no comprehension of the written word as indicated in your inability to discern the various themes in Hitch's writing, so you are quite obviously lower class. What gives, though? Why is it that the bottom feeders here become dittoheads to far right propaganda while British bottom feeders become screaming leftists?

My current working theory has to do with the differing ways class struggle is manifested in our two countries, especially in regards to the dissimilar nature of our degree of heterogeneity.

What is your explanation for why British trailer trash are more like George Galloway than Christopher Hitchens?
Oaf, you may like to pontificate on generalisations,I don't. Your obvious need to try and inflate your ego with pompous self aggrandising poppy cock is amusing, especially when broached by such an obvious plebeian.

"Hitch's writing" what a bumptious dolt you are
and in Israel to use pro-lifes vernacular between 20 to 40,000 "babies" were "murdered" last year in a country with one of the most Liberal abortion laws in the world. Your comments @ChrisL

This thread has nothing to do with abortion. :rolleyes-41: I guess you feel the need to change topics because of your big fat fail of rebuttal.
@ChrisL You introduced child marrtage in Pakistan what has that got to do with the OP, the whole thread relates to women's human rights. You obviously do not support the rights of a female to determine what happens to her body.

:lol: I wonder what the Muslims think about abortion? WHAT would they do? Hmmmm.
@ChrisL most if not all Muslim countries are far less liberal compared to the wonderful abortion law in Israel, a country that does support woman's rights. So will you join me Chrisl in applauding Israel for advancing a woman's right to choice in the ME?

Absolutely not. There is nothing "wonderful" about abortion sicko.
So you would condemn Israeli Woman's rights to abortion , does that also apply to the death of innocent children in Gaza?
a Pakistani physician with whom I used to work---confided in me that SAUDIS---and other oil rich sheiks-----come to Pakistan and to INDONESIA to buy little girls and boys to "take back home" for ---use (for the girls it is called "marriage" ------as he is a physician ---he was invited along to visit India and Indonesia with the boys on their trip to the markets.-----nice kid---he was HORRIFIED---sorta. (of course he told me all this before he discovered that I am
a jew-----he thought I am Christian.)

Stick to the topic. You are all over the place. It is impossible to a have meaningful discussion when you lack focus.

Your complaint seems unwarranted to me----my comment speaks to the issue of ---"more's" ------the usual accepted actions
---which among muslims of south east asia ----actually does include as a kind of vice which is DONE-----the selling by the very impoverished of children to wealthy oil guys.
It seems to me that using young girls as prostitutes-----in London---is just a hop, skip and a jump from that selling stuff that goes on
in south east asia. People do what people do.

Since when has prostitution, even child prostitution, not occurred in in the UK...especially the Isle of Man??


did I suggest that child prostitution is NEW in
England? HOWEVER---different ethnic groups do crimes-----with differing prevalences. Way back when I was a kid
(long long ago) ----there was lots of angst over a perception in my part of the USA----that GANGSTERS are generally ITALIAN
(remember? Al Capone?? mafia???----
it was not entirely a baseless perception ---mafia was active in that part of the world---
-----that fact was even featured in the movie series "the godfather" People were getting so uptight that some were claiming---
THE MAFIA DOES NOT EXIST IT IS AN ANTI ITALIAN LIE----yup---it did-------I have no idea what it is today---but the son of GOTTI went to jail.

I would suggest that most child prostitution in the UK would involve Brits; though I get your point about demonising particular groups. Guys like Savile aren't from Pakistan.


Take it from a Brit who knows what is happening, it does not involve Brits unless you count first or second generation Pakistani immigrants as Brits. The numbers of guys like Saville are few and far between, as are their victims. The Rochdale case spanned many years and at the end 1400 victims were found, and 250 perpetrators were named. Only 5 faced court proceedings for some reason ?
the take home here is----no one should mention the fact that this or that criminal happens to be a
muslim. It is ok to state that he happens to be Irish, or Italian or Jewish or hindu----but never mention muslim
Culturally the UK has forgotten more about child prostitution than the Pakistani's new, we exported the vice to our colonial conquests.The UK even populated counties like Australia with "child prostitutes".
Throughout the 19th century, philanthropists, church groups and others flourished, working to "rescue" children from "moral danger" - an all encompassing definition which covered anything from sexual activity before marriage to child prostitution.

In 1848, it was claimed that almost 2,700 girls in London between the ages of 11 and 16 were hospitalised because of venereal disease, many as a result of prosti tution. In 1875, the age of consent, which had remained at 12 since 1285, was raised to 13, partly as a result of concerns about child prostitution.

But concern continued and, in 1881, a select committee, set up to investigate the issue, reported that child prostitution was rampant. One police officer told the committee that, in London, children above the age of 13 could be procured "without any difficulty whatsoever". Another spoke of how it was "scarcely possible for anyone between nine o'clock in the evening, and one o'clock in the morning to walk along Pentonville Road without being accosted by about a dozen young girls between 13 and 14 years of age".

The famous editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, William Stead, launched an investigative campaign to uncover the extent of child prostitution by visiting brothels, and actually bought a child prostitute for himself to expose the double standards of the Victorian public. Stead was a brilliant publicist and before long the country was in uproar. A mass demonstration of 250,000 people converged on Trafalgar Square to demand an increase in the age of consent. In 1885, the Criminal Law Amendment Act was passed, raising the age of consent to 16.
Age of innocence Society The Guardian

And 130 years later some immigrants from a 3rd world cess pit reintroduce child prostitution on a large scale to rural Britain. Not in its capital or major cities but in its rural areas, and being protected by the very people who should have been seeing to it they were arrested and deported.
This thread has nothing to do with abortion. :rolleyes-41: I guess you feel the need to change topics because of your big fat fail of rebuttal.
@ChrisL You introduced child marrtage in Pakistan what has that got to do with the OP, the whole thread relates to women's human rights. You obviously do not support the rights of a female to determine what happens to her body.

:lol: I wonder what the Muslims think about abortion? WHAT would they do? Hmmmm.
@ChrisL most if not all Muslim countries are far less liberal compared to the wonderful abortion law in Israel, a country that does support woman's rights. So will you join me Chrisl in applauding Israel for advancing a woman's right to choice in the ME?

Absolutely not. There is nothing "wonderful" about abortion sicko.
So you would condemn Israeli Woman's rights to abortion , does that also apply to the death of innocent children in Gaza?

Take that up with the real murderers who put them on the front line as human shields. No comment on the many more innocent children mass murdered in Syria and Iraq by the warring regimes after power in those places. More children murdered in a week there than die in total in gaza.

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