UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

I read an article yesterday in which the writer mentioned how the mainstream press in the UK is calling this an "Asian" community issue. Nowhere else are Pakistanis called Asian... It looks like a deflection to not medieval Islamic culture as a root cause of the problem.

It's not a deflection - Pakistani's, Indians, are all called "Asians" - child trafficking is not a religious issue - and religion is not the root cause. Child trafficking occurs world wide, spans all religions - it just happens that in Rotherham, the Pakistani's are the perpetrator.

It is a deflection as the British see Chinese, Japanese, Malay, Vietnamese and Thai as Asians, and they are not the rapists. It has been a problem for many years due to Political Correctness not allowing the media to state Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Afghani, Somali, Iraqi and of course arab when dealing with muslim criminals. The Asian community is up in arms over the fact and see it as a racist slur against them by the last Labour neo Marxist government
@Phoenall the Goy
How many of those wonderful Pakistani migrant were recruited as commonwealth citizens by the NHS in the 60s? Which government was in power and who was the minister of health responsible for the recruitment?[/QUOT

Does not prove your claim, just makes you look foolish
@Phoenall the Goy . The answer you are dodging is the Conservative Minister for Health and well known Marxist that recruited the Commonwealth Pakistani's to work in the NHS was non other than Enoch rivers of blood Powell:muahaha:

Until you stop being a RACIST PRICK I will not reply to your insulting incitement but will report it as RACIST INCITEMENT
You know those demographics that team Palestine is so fond of forcing down everyones throats, well in the case of muslim families the unit has 7 parts. This is one mother, one father and 5 children so to find the numbers of adult muslim men you divide the total population by 7 for an approximate number. So using the accepted fornula we get an adult male population of all muslims of 398,090. Your second report is correct in as much as it is divided purely on sex and does not account for age, the terms used as misleading and should be males and females not men and women.

This is all guesswork on your part Phoenall - back it up. Of course some of that number - male and female, will be children - but you also have teens, grown children who are unmarried with no offspring, etc.

The reports of the court cases spoke of the men coming from different parts of Pakistan because the crimes were not centred on just Rotherham, but were nationwide. And the various areas attracted immigrants from all parts of Pakistan,

Can you provide links to support this (unbiased sources)? Tying the perpetrators to where they came from?

Nope it is in the CIA worldbook that clearly says that the average muslim household has 7 units, it also says that the average Christian household has 5 units. You also have elderly infirm people in that same 7 grouping.

ok...I looked at The World Factbook - perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see any breakdown of population demographics by religion.

I cant but the person who brought it up should be able too, as I said the perpetraters were from different parts of Pakistan and not all from the same area

No info to back it up then. Presumably from what you said about immigration patterns the Rotherham ring would be from the same area of Pakistan.

Try this then

Muslim Statistics Population - WikiIslam
I can find anything anywhere that states where they came from in Pakistan so for all we know they could have come from all over or they could have come from primarily one region.

You didn't look very hard.
Apart from my local knowledge, something most posters here don't have, I'm backed up by facts.

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 ndash 2013 Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

In Rotherham, the majority of known perpetrators were of
Pakistani heritage including the five men convicted in 2010

It also mentions similar crimes by Roma men.

BBC News - The fear of being seen as racist

Prof Alexis Jay's harrowing report revealed the abuse of more than 1,400 children - mainly by men of Pakistani heritage

Come on, Coyote, that's pretty basic stuff, but I do have the advantage of living in that area for many years, and knowing the streets we're talking about, as well as the idiot left wing mentality that infested RMBC.

The muslims that migrated to London come from many different parts of Pakistan, and settled in different parts of the city. The muslims in Leeds come from different parts of Pakistan to those who live in Rotherham or Rochdale or Oxford etc. They tended to stay in family/regional groups when they came here. They are so insular that they don't even integrate with other Pakistani regional groups, and you will find many large towns and cities have different enclaves in different parts from different parts of Pakistan, each with its own Mosque.

That makes sense and it's typical of immigrant patterns. So that would support that the Rotherham traffickers came from the same area then.

Not all as Rotherham has more than one muslim enclave, or as team Palestine likes to call them ghettos. My local town has 3 distinct muslim areas and the inhabitants come from at least 3 distinct areas, one being the Yemen making them full arab muslims. They look down on the Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims as we would look down on a dog turd

Most people collect together based on shared culture/national origin more than religion so that isn't surprising. Where I live we had many immigrant groups who came to mine - Ukrainian, Italian, Russian, German, etc. We have a multitude of seperate churches for each group and enclaves where they settled depsite the fact they are all "Christian".

Did they segregate themselves to the point that you felt in danger when you passed close to "their part of town" run along their laws and culture. If the answer is NO then you don't understand how muslims work. They are against integration and bridge building, they just want to rule and be top dog. In the UK we had Italian, Jamaican, Chinese, Jewish, Polish and Hungarian enclaves that soon became integrated into society through work and outside interests. The muslims refuse to integrate at all, we had a Hindu elected as chairman of a local social club because he mixed with the other members and brought his family to functions. He did not consume alcohol but did not demand that it be banned while he was in there, he drank tea, coffee and fruit juice so spending money in the club. He stood his round and would happily carry pints of beer to the other members. He and his family were invited to functions such as weddings, birthdays, engagements and funerals and he never looked out of place.
The muslims on the other hand hated the British so much they shunned everything. A well respected muslim were I worked died suddenly from an undiagnosed illness and we asked if we could show our respects to his family and attend the funeral. personal friends of his even asked his daughter what would be appropriate for the non muslims to do under the sad circumstances. The family became very nasty and aggressive to the extent that we felt fearful for our safety when they screamed that no infidels would defile the mosque at any time and that they would beat the crap out of any of his friends from work that turned up. So we all went to the pub for a drink in his memory.

It is a blog but it got some interesting information if true.

Prime Minister David Cameron has indicated that he is considering granting the border patrol new powers to seize passports from suspected jihadists, and introducing of a ban on travelling abroad to fight with IS. A government source has told the media: "We are considering measures to keep the country safe in the face of an increased threat level from Islamist extremism.
"The areas include making it harder for potential foreign fighters to travel abroad by making it easier to remove their passports through additional temporary seizure powers at the border.
"We are also looking at stopping British citizens from re-entering the country if they are suspected of terrorist activity abroad.

UK Special Forces Move Into London As Govt Fears Mumbai-Style Terrorist Spectacular
I can find anything anywhere that states where they came from in Pakistan so for all we know they could have come from all over or they could have come from primarily one region.

You didn't look very hard.
Apart from my local knowledge, something most posters here don't have, I'm backed up by facts.

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 ndash 2013 Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

In Rotherham, the majority of known perpetrators were of
Pakistani heritage including the five men convicted in 2010

It also mentions similar crimes by Roma men.

BBC News - The fear of being seen as racist

Prof Alexis Jay's harrowing report revealed the abuse of more than 1,400 children - mainly by men of Pakistani heritage

Come on, Coyote, that's pretty basic stuff, but I do have the advantage of living in that area for many years, and knowing the streets we're talking about, as well as the idiot left wing mentality that infested RMBC.

The muslims that migrated to London come from many different parts of Pakistan, and settled in different parts of the city. The muslims in Leeds come from different parts of Pakistan to those who live in Rotherham or Rochdale or Oxford etc. They tended to stay in family/regional groups when they came here. They are so insular that they don't even integrate with other Pakistani regional groups, and you will find many large towns and cities have different enclaves in different parts from different parts of Pakistan, each with its own Mosque.

That makes sense and it's typical of immigrant patterns. So that would support that the Rotherham traffickers came from the same area then.

Not all as Rotherham has more than one muslim enclave, or as team Palestine likes to call them ghettos. My local town has 3 distinct muslim areas and the inhabitants come from at least 3 distinct areas, one being the Yemen making them full arab muslims. They look down on the Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims as we would look down on a dog turd

Most people collect together based on shared culture/national origin more than religion so that isn't surprising. Where I live we had many immigrant groups who came to mine - Ukrainian, Italian, Russian, German, etc. We have a multitude of seperate churches for each group and enclaves where they settled depsite the fact they are all "Christian".

Did they segregate themselves to the point that you felt in danger when you passed close to "their part of town" run along their laws and culture. If the answer is NO then you don't understand how muslims work. They are against integration and bridge building, they just want to rule and be top dog. In the UK we had Italian, Jamaican, Chinese, Jewish, Polish and Hungarian enclaves that soon became integrated into society through work and outside interests. The muslims refuse to integrate at all, we had a Hindu elected as chairman of a local social club because he mixed with the other members and brought his family to functions. He did not consume alcohol but did not demand that it be banned while he was in there, he drank tea, coffee and fruit juice so spending money in the club. He stood his round and would happily carry pints of beer to the other members. He and his family were invited to functions such as weddings, birthdays, engagements and funerals and he never looked out of place.
The muslims on the other hand hated the British so much they shunned everything. A well respected muslim were I worked died suddenly from an undiagnosed illness and we asked if we could show our respects to his family and attend the funeral. personal friends of his even asked his daughter what would be appropriate for the non muslims to do under the sad circumstances. The family became very nasty and aggressive to the extent that we felt fearful for our safety when they screamed that no infidels would defile the mosque at any time and that they would beat the crap out of any of his friends from work that turned up. So we all went to the pub for a drink in his memory.


We have Muslim communities and enclaves. I've never felt uncomfortable nor have I been made to feel uncomfortable when going through them. Of course that is in the US.

The funny thing is, your claim "the Muslims hate the British" runs counter to a number of public opinion polls that conclude that Britain's Muslim community is more "British than the Brits" and feel themselves very much to be British.

That casts in doubt much of what you claim....and makes me wonder, what really is the difference?
You know those demographics that team Palestine is so fond of forcing down everyones throats, well in the case of muslim families the unit has 7 parts. This is one mother, one father and 5 children so to find the numbers of adult muslim men you divide the total population by 7 for an approximate number. So using the accepted fornula we get an adult male population of all muslims of 398,090. Your second report is correct in as much as it is divided purely on sex and does not account for age, the terms used as misleading and should be males and females not men and women.

This is all guesswork on your part Phoenall - back it up. Of course some of that number - male and female, will be children - but you also have teens, grown children who are unmarried with no offspring, etc.

The reports of the court cases spoke of the men coming from different parts of Pakistan because the crimes were not centred on just Rotherham, but were nationwide. And the various areas attracted immigrants from all parts of Pakistan,

Can you provide links to support this (unbiased sources)? Tying the perpetrators to where they came from?

Nope it is in the CIA worldbook that clearly says that the average muslim household has 7 units, it also says that the average Christian household has 5 units. You also have elderly infirm people in that same 7 grouping.

ok...I looked at The World Factbook - perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see any breakdown of population demographics by religion.

I cant but the person who brought it up should be able too, as I said the perpetraters were from different parts of Pakistan and not all from the same area

No info to back it up then. Presumably from what you said about immigration patterns the Rotherham ring would be from the same area of Pakistan.

Try this then

Muslim Statistics Population - WikiIslam

I don't trust WikiIslam as a source - it's recognized Islamophobic.

The Telegraph article gives a lot of interesting census statistics but I don't see how it applies to this incident. It doesn't support the allegation that the Rotherham sex trafficking ring (or other similar criminal rings) come from all over Pakistan or one area of Pakistan. :dunno:
I can find anything anywhere that states where they came from in Pakistan so for all we know they could have come from all over or they could have come from primarily one region.

You didn't look very hard.
Apart from my local knowledge, something most posters here don't have, I'm backed up by facts.

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997 ndash 2013 Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

In Rotherham, the majority of known perpetrators were of
Pakistani heritage including the five men convicted in 2010

It also mentions similar crimes by Roma men.

BBC News - The fear of being seen as racist

Prof Alexis Jay's harrowing report revealed the abuse of more than 1,400 children - mainly by men of Pakistani heritage

Come on, Coyote, that's pretty basic stuff, but I do have the advantage of living in that area for many years, and knowing the streets we're talking about, as well as the idiot left wing mentality that infested RMBC.

The muslims that migrated to London come from many different parts of Pakistan, and settled in different parts of the city. The muslims in Leeds come from different parts of Pakistan to those who live in Rotherham or Rochdale or Oxford etc. They tended to stay in family/regional groups when they came here. They are so insular that they don't even integrate with other Pakistani regional groups, and you will find many large towns and cities have different enclaves in different parts from different parts of Pakistan, each with its own Mosque.

That makes sense and it's typical of immigrant patterns. So that would support that the Rotherham traffickers came from the same area then.

Not all as Rotherham has more than one muslim enclave, or as team Palestine likes to call them ghettos. My local town has 3 distinct muslim areas and the inhabitants come from at least 3 distinct areas, one being the Yemen making them full arab muslims. They look down on the Pakistani/Bangladeshi muslims as we would look down on a dog turd

Most people collect together based on shared culture/national origin more than religion so that isn't surprising. Where I live we had many immigrant groups who came to mine - Ukrainian, Italian, Russian, German, etc. We have a multitude of seperate churches for each group and enclaves where they settled depsite the fact they are all "Christian".

Did they segregate themselves to the point that you felt in danger when you passed close to "their part of town" run along their laws and culture. If the answer is NO then you don't understand how muslims work. They are against integration and bridge building, they just want to rule and be top dog. In the UK we had Italian, Jamaican, Chinese, Jewish, Polish and Hungarian enclaves that soon became integrated into society through work and outside interests. The muslims refuse to integrate at all, we had a Hindu elected as chairman of a local social club because he mixed with the other members and brought his family to functions. He did not consume alcohol but did not demand that it be banned while he was in there, he drank tea, coffee and fruit juice so spending money in the club. He stood his round and would happily carry pints of beer to the other members. He and his family were invited to functions such as weddings, birthdays, engagements and funerals and he never looked out of place.
The muslims on the other hand hated the British so much they shunned everything. A well respected muslim were I worked died suddenly from an undiagnosed illness and we asked if we could show our respects to his family and attend the funeral. personal friends of his even asked his daughter what would be appropriate for the non muslims to do under the sad circumstances. The family became very nasty and aggressive to the extent that we felt fearful for our safety when they screamed that no infidels would defile the mosque at any time and that they would beat the crap out of any of his friends from work that turned up. So we all went to the pub for a drink in his memory.

@Phoenall the Goy
You know those demographics that team Palestine is so fond of forcing down everyones throats, well in the case of muslim families the unit has 7 parts. This is one mother, one father and 5 children so to find the numbers of adult muslim men you divide the total population by 7 for an approximate number. So using the accepted fornula we get an adult male population of all muslims of 398,090. Your second report is correct in as much as it is divided purely on sex and does not account for age, the terms used as misleading and should be males and females not men and women.

This is all guesswork on your part Phoenall - back it up. Of course some of that number - male and female, will be children - but you also have teens, grown children who are unmarried with no offspring, etc.

The reports of the court cases spoke of the men coming from different parts of Pakistan because the crimes were not centred on just Rotherham, but were nationwide. And the various areas attracted immigrants from all parts of Pakistan,

Can you provide links to support this (unbiased sources)? Tying the perpetrators to where they came from?

Nope it is in the CIA worldbook that clearly says that the average muslim household has 7 units, it also says that the average Christian household has 5 units. You also have elderly infirm people in that same 7 grouping.

ok...I looked at The World Factbook - perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see any breakdown of population demographics by religion.

I cant but the person who brought it up should be able too, as I said the perpetraters were from different parts of Pakistan and not all from the same area

No info to back it up then. Presumably from what you said about immigration patterns the Rotherham ring would be from the same area of Pakistan.

Try this then

Muslim Statistics Population - WikiIslam

I don't trust WikiIslam as a source - it's recognized Islamophobic.

The Telegraph article gives a lot of interesting census statistics but I don't see how it applies to this incident. It doesn't support the allegation that the Rotherham sex trafficking ring (or other similar criminal rings) come from all over Pakistan or one area of Pakistan. :dunno:

Take that up with the poster who claimed that the 1400 rapes were dome by pakistani muslims from one small part of Pakistan

the links show the demographics of the muslim family satellite
You know those demographics that team Palestine is so fond of forcing down everyones throats, well in the case of muslim families the unit has 7 parts. This is one mother, one father and 5 children so to find the numbers of adult muslim men you divide the total population by 7 for an approximate number. So using the accepted fornula we get an adult male population of all muslims of 398,090. Your second report is correct in as much as it is divided purely on sex and does not account for age, the terms used as misleading and should be males and females not men and women.

This is all guesswork on your part Phoenall - back it up. Of course some of that number - male and female, will be children - but you also have teens, grown children who are unmarried with no offspring, etc.

The reports of the court cases spoke of the men coming from different parts of Pakistan because the crimes were not centred on just Rotherham, but were nationwide. And the various areas attracted immigrants from all parts of Pakistan,

Can you provide links to support this (unbiased sources)? Tying the perpetrators to where they came from?

Nope it is in the CIA worldbook that clearly says that the average muslim household has 7 units, it also says that the average Christian household has 5 units. You also have elderly infirm people in that same 7 grouping.

ok...I looked at The World Factbook - perhaps I'm missing it, but I don't see any breakdown of population demographics by religion.

I cant but the person who brought it up should be able too, as I said the perpetraters were from different parts of Pakistan and not all from the same area

No info to back it up then. Presumably from what you said about immigration patterns the Rotherham ring would be from the same area of Pakistan.

Try this then

Muslim Statistics Population - WikiIslam

I don't trust WikiIslam as a source - it's recognized Islamophobic.

The Telegraph article gives a lot of interesting census statistics but I don't see how it applies to this incident. It doesn't support the allegation that the Rotherham sex trafficking ring (or other similar criminal rings) come from all over Pakistan or one area of Pakistan. :dunno:

Take that up with the poster who claimed that the 1400 rapes were dome by pakistani muslims from one small part of Pakistan

the links show the demographics of the muslim family satellite

I took it up with both of you - there is no evidence either way :dunno:
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.
This thread is based on a news article by NY Times. I have taken great care as to not hurt people's sensibilities. Beyond that, facts do need to be reported as they are. I do not think death penalty is warranted for drug pushing crimes; such espousal is simply barbaric. I do believe that those Pakistanis who committed horrific crimes against little girls should be punished with lengthy prison time. The cause of Islamic fundamentalism in UK goes beyond simple PCness. Islamic fundamentalists have strong support base within UK elites. This is the root cause of the problem.
Take that up with the poster who claimed that the 1400 rapes were dome by pakistani muslims from one small part of Pakistan

the links show the demographics of the muslim family satellite

I do not agree with you on gross generalizing Muslim community. However, it is impossible to miss the fundamental point: the ensuing embarrassment (perceived) was not brought forth by media/people who are discussing it. The responsibility for the embarrassment lies solely on the perpetrators. Albeit, I do not think an ordinary Muslim who has nothing to do with this crime has any cause for embarrassment. This is a problem which needs to be discussed. That is what we are doing.

Muslims particularly Pakistanis are angels and they are not on the scrutiny here; it is the perpetrators and their enablers.
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?
And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. .

And if it isn't, you blame a lot of innocent people for nothing.
The brand of Islam people from the tribal regions of Pakistan follow is far too extreme for my tastes but, even after contact with that group, I have insufficient evidence to draw that conclusion.
However, there's no argument about one thing, there is a problem subgroup, just we don't really know how big it is.
My dentist was a Pakistani, and a very nice chap. One day, a Pakistani lady collapsed in the surgery, so I walked her home in order to make sure she was safe as she may well have fainted again.
At the end of her road, she asked me to stop and turn around as her family would have gone mad if she'd been seen with a white non Muslim - she was unaware of my religion.
Muslims in this country would have thanked me and made sure I was fed and watered before I was allowed out of the house.
The point being, Muslims are very different from each other.
Do you want to know what really gets me about the idiotic OP and the moronic mod?
Instead of wanting to solve the problem of child abuse, they prefer to use these kids to promote hatred of Muslims, not try to solve the real problems in the UK.
There's no argument, there have been several Asian gangs at this, most appear to be from Pakistani families, but we can't ignore all other groups guilty of crimes, just to promote our favourite reason to hate.
Just to make it clear, I'm accusing the OP. moronic mod and supports of not caring about child abuse, or at least putting the problem second to scoring political points.
The lot are almost as disgusting as the bastards that actually committed the crimes, and the political idiots that hid them in fear of supposed racism.
Do you want to know what really gets me about the idiotic OP and the moronic mod?
Instead of wanting to solve the problem of child abuse, they prefer to use these kids to promote hatred of Muslims, not try to solve the real problems in the UK.
There's no argument, there have been several Asian gangs at this, most appear to be from Pakistani families, but we can't ignore all other groups guilty of crimes, just to promote our favourite reason to hate.
Just to make it clear, I'm accusing the OP. moronic mod and supports of not caring about child abuse, or at least putting the problem second to scoring political points.
The lot are almost as disgusting as the bastards that actually committed the crimes, and the political idiots that hid them in fear of supposed racism.

Agree - the police should not be hindered by "political correctness" in pursuing this - if they had not been, this could have been closed down far sooner.
Do you want to know what really gets me about the idiotic OP and the moronic mod?
Instead of wanting to solve the problem of child abuse, they prefer to use these kids to promote hatred of Muslims, not try to solve the real problems in the UK.
There's no argument, there have been several Asian gangs at this, most appear to be from Pakistani families, but we can't ignore all other groups guilty of crimes, just to promote our favourite reason to hate.
Just to make it clear, I'm accusing the OP. moronic mod and supports of not caring about child abuse, or at least putting the problem second to scoring political points.
The lot are almost as disgusting as the bastards that actually committed the crimes, and the political idiots that hid them in fear of supposed racism.

There is hatred on this forum. You are part of that hate brigade. I have seen your hateful comments about Jews in the past. You have calmed down a bit lately. But nevertheless, you are nothing but a two bit hater. Don't pretend otherwise. My complaint is against British elites who allow Islamic terrorists/criminals to flourish in Britain.

You have contributed one good point and that is we should identify the perpetrators accurately. Other than that you have wasted the bandwidth.

If you want to discuss the topic objectively, do so or else stay out.
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland

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