UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

Do you want to know what really gets me about the idiotic OP and the moronic mod?
Instead of wanting to solve the problem of child abuse, they prefer to use these kids to promote hatred of Muslims, not try to solve the real problems in the UK.
There's no argument, there have been several Asian gangs at this, most appear to be from Pakistani families, but we can't ignore all other groups guilty of crimes, just to promote our favourite reason to hate.
Just to make it clear, I'm accusing the OP. moronic mod and supports of not caring about child abuse, or at least putting the problem second to scoring political points.
The lot are almost as disgusting as the bastards that actually committed the crimes, and the political idiots that hid them in fear of supposed racism.

There is hatred on this forum. You are part of that hate brigade. I have seen your hateful comments about Jews in the past. You have calmed down a bit lately. But nevertheless, you are nothing but a two bit hater. Don't pretend otherwise. My complaint is against British elites who allow Islamic terrorists/criminals to flourish in Britain.

You have contributed one good point and that is we should identify the perpetrators accurately. Other than that you have wasted the bandwidth.

If you want to discuss the topic objectively, do so or else stay out.

I don't really do hate, but I do post the odd tongue in cheek post/thread designed to show the stupidity of the Muslim haters.
Of course, these people are far too stupid to see the point, but I got the idea you were more intelligent than that.
However, the major issue here, apart from the filthy crimes and filthy criminals, is how the bastards managed to get away with it for so long, and I know the answer to that.
The idiotic left wing ideals that infested RMBC, and a lot of other bits of England.
I don't really do hate, but I do post the odd tongue in cheek post/thread designed to show the stupidity of the Muslim haters.
Of course, these people are far too stupid to see the point, but I got the idea you were more intelligent than that.
However, the major issue here, apart from the filthy crimes and filthy criminals, is how the bastards managed to get away with it for so long, and I know the answer to that.
The idiotic left wing ideals that infested RMBC, and a lot of other bits of England.

What I am trying to say is that it is more than just the left wing colluding with these jihadis/criminals. I strongly believe that these guys have support within the British government. May be the intelligence agencies? I do not know. I am just trying to understand this mess. The problem of course is not going to go away by bashing Muslims or even Pakistanis. The problem will only go away by locking these jihadis/criminals and their enablers.
Do you want to know what really gets me about the idiotic OP and the moronic mod?
Instead of wanting to solve the problem of child abuse, they prefer to use these kids to promote hatred of Muslims, not try to solve the real problems in the UK.
There's no argument, there have been several Asian gangs at this, most appear to be from Pakistani families, but we can't ignore all other groups guilty of crimes, just to promote our favourite reason to hate.
Just to make it clear, I'm accusing the OP. moronic mod and supports of not caring about child abuse, or at least putting the problem second to scoring political points.
The lot are almost as disgusting as the bastards that actually committed the crimes, and the political idiots that hid them in fear of supposed racism.

There is hatred on this forum. You are part of that hate brigade. I have seen your hateful comments about Jews in the past. You have calmed down a bit lately. But nevertheless, you are nothing but a two bit hater. Don't pretend otherwise. My complaint is against British elites who allow Islamic terrorists/criminals to flourish in Britain.

You have contributed one good point and that is we should identify the perpetrators accurately. Other than that you have wasted the bandwidth.

If you want to discuss the topic objectively, do so or else stay out.

I don't really do hate, but I do post the odd tongue in cheek post/thread designed to show the stupidity of the Muslim haters.
Of course, these people are far too stupid to see the point, but I got the idea you were more intelligent than that.
However, the major issue here, apart from the filthy crimes and filthy criminals, is how the bastards managed to get away with it for so long, and I know the answer to that.
The idiotic left wing ideals that infested RMBC, and a lot of other bits of England.

Don't forget the positive RACISM that was in play all during the lefts reign of power. The promotion of unsuitable people just because of their race/religion that led to major problems when push came to shove. Remember the curt case when the muslim police officer was promoted above his abilities and he sued the force because he was shown to be incapable of doing the job.
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland
@Phoenall the Goy, I live in the North West perhaps we can meet in the middle?
Don't forget the positive RACISM that was in play all during the lefts reign of power. The promotion of unsuitable people just because of their race/religion that led to major problems when push came to shove. Remember the curt case when the muslim police officer was promoted above his abilities and he sued the force because he was shown to be incapable of doing the job.

Did I suggest otherwise?
What I am trying to say is that it is more than just the left wing colluding with these jihadis/criminals. I strongly believe that these guys have support within the British government. May be the intelligence agencies? I do not know. I am just trying to understand this mess. The problem of course is not going to go away by bashing Muslims or even Pakistanis. The problem will only go away by locking these jihadis/criminals and their enablers.

I'm unsure the idiot left actually colluded with these bastards, more tried to ignore it. Of course, that doesn't make them any less guilty, just more stupid.
As for government and intel, who knows what they get up to and, most importantly, why?
North East why were do you live Scotland

Leave the Newcastle brown alone, you post crap when you're pissed.

Don't like Newcastle brown, prefer flavoured water or decaf tea

Something wrong somewhere. The quotes keep fucking up
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland
@Phoenall the Goy, I live in the North West perhaps we can meet in the middle?

Rochdale by any chance......................................
Don't forget the positive RACISM that was in play all during the lefts reign of power. The promotion of unsuitable people just because of their race/religion that led to major problems when push came to shove. Remember the curt case when the muslim police officer was promoted above his abilities and he sued the force because he was shown to be incapable of doing the job.

Did I suggest otherwise?

Just clarifying your post for those that don't live in the UK
North East why were do you live Scotland

Leave the Newcastle brown alone, you post crap when you're pissed.

Don't like Newcastle brown, prefer flavoured water or decaf tea

Fuck a duck; you're gay as well as stupid.

Nope just on medication that means I have to be careful of what I eat and drink, would not want to bleed out because I drank a bottle of Broon ale or ate some cabbage
North East why were do you live Scotland

Leave the Newcastle brown alone, you post crap when you're pissed.

Don't like Newcastle brown, prefer flavoured water or decaf tea

Fuck a duck; you're gay as well as stupid.

Nope just on medication that means I have to be careful of what I eat and drink, would not want to bleed out because I drank a bottle of Broon ale or ate some cabbage
Ah, just as weak in body as you are in mind.
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland
@Phoenall the Goy, I live in the North West perhaps we can meet in the middle?

Rochdale by any chance......................................

Unlikely - it's hard being a cowboy in Rochdale.
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland
@Phoenall the Goy, I live in the North West perhaps we can meet in the middle?

Rochdale by any chance......................................
@Phoenall the Goy Ah I see you want to lay flowers at your old boyfriend Cyrils grave, no wonder you bleed out after the punishment your hoop took.
Ps Cyril Smith does not sound muslim. Cyril Smith the predatory paedophile protected by establishment - Telegraph
North East why were do you live Scotland

Leave the Newcastle brown alone, you post crap when you're pissed.

Don't like Newcastle brown, prefer flavoured water or decaf tea

Fuck a duck; you're gay as well as stupid.

Nope just on medication that means I have to be careful of what I eat and drink, would not want to bleed out because I drank a bottle of Broon ale or ate some cabbage
Ah, just as weak in body as you are in mind.

Are you a doctor to make that diagnosis, or are you just an immature ISLAMONAZI
The issue is being distorted by a good few people.
The thread is based on distorted numbers, taking only times and places that support the number in the thread title, but ignoring all the cases not committed by Muslims.

The truth is simple.
There are too many radicals within some sections of the UK Muslim population and these need to be dealt with - preferably by education before the bastard element try to corrupt them.
The second relates more to the thread. The criminal element in the UK Muslim population know they're effectively shielded by PC stupidity, so they're emboldened and commit more and more crime.
This also applies to other minority groups such as the West Indian drug dealers.
In fact, much of the drug trade in Sheffield is Pakistani Muslims and West Indian gangs, but no one cares to say it for fear of being branded racist.
The truth isn't racist, it's the truth.
I have a great dislike of drug dealers, advocating the death penalty for anyone arrested with more than a user quantity of ANY drug, and enforced rehabilitation for anyone with a user quantity, but the drugs trade continues, often because no one wants to point out many of the major players.
A few years ago, Sheffield saw drug related shooting. The Jamaicans worked out the Pakistanis were using taxis as dead letter boxes, so the Jamaicans hijacked the taxis, and shot at a least one of the drivers.
Big hoo har at the time, but the gangs were still intact when I left the UK some years later.
The left have been so successful at beating racism (or their version of what is racist), the criminal elements are using their stupidity for cover, encouraging idiots such as the OP and moronic mod to post hate bollocks and lies.
All groups have a bastard element, including Muslims, but that doesn't mean all of any group is bad, just the idiot end.

And if the idiot end is the majority of that group then you have a major problem that no amount of education will ever put right. The left did not stamp our racism they just hid it behind closed doors, and used free speech as examples of racism. It is not racist to claim that Pakistanis are organised drug dealers because it is true, it is not racism to say that Pakistani men are more likely to rape children because it is true. It is not racist to say that the Koran teaches intolerance, violence and theft because it is true. But the left in their wisdom decided to claim that these are all racism and incitement because they did not want civil disturbances .
@Phoenall the Goy,more unsubstantiated racist claptrap. In which part of the UK do you exist?

North East why were do you live Scotland
@Phoenall the Goy, I live in the North West perhaps we can meet in the middle?

Rochdale by any chance......................................

Unlikely - it's hard being a cowboy in Rochdale.

Cowboy builder or Cowboy car salesman ?

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