UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.


Was just about to make a post about this in CE. Thought I'd check in here first.

"The landmark report which exposed widespread failures of the council, police and social services revealed:

* Victims were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, terrorised with guns, made to witness brutally-violent rapes and told they would be the next if they spoke out;
* They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated;
* One victim described gang rape as 'a way of life';
* Police 'regarded many child victims with contempt';
* Some fathers tried to rescue their children from abuse but were arrested themselves;
* The approximate figure of 1,400 abuse victims is likely to be a conservative estimate of the true scale of abuse."
Racism fears stopped social workers saving children from sexual exploitation from Asian men in ONE TOWN Mail Online

I don't buy the 'not reported for fear of being called racist' though. More inclined to think it's a Colorado City, Az. sorta thing where the abusers were part of the city council and police.
Rape of every description is such a massive problem nowadays it's not a Muslim problem, or an FLDS problem or a Catholic problem. It's not even a religion problem. It's an 'us' problem. It's like the entire human race is breaking down all at once and I'm unable to figure out why. Worse still, I wonder if it's always been like this and it's only now starting to come to light.
Once again, I have to be honest, regardless of who it upsets.
In my home area, Rotherham, the largest immigrant group is easily Pakistanis, and I didn't like the vast majority of the ones I met.
That doesn't mean I hated them, or even had anything against them, but they were almost always trouble to deal with, to the point I was always too busy if a Pakistani called me to do a job.
Indians, Chinese and other ethnic groups tended to be a bit fussy, but they were paying for work so I had no objection, but Pakistanis were always a pain in the fucking arse, always wanting a discount on the agreed price or two extra jobs doing for free.
One silly fucker told me he wanted to use my ladders to get a bed into the loft and the man on the phone had promised I would do it.
I explained I was the man on the phone and gave him a fuck off tablet.
"Get fucked", or "fuck off" were common phrases I would utter as I walked out of the door. Much as it was very probably racists of me to deliberately turn down the work, it wasn't worth wasting the fuel going to their place, only for them to attempt to rip me off.
Now I've had a good rant and the daft fuckers on the forum will have some nice anti Muslim ammunition, all the other Muslims I dealt with were fine, with no serious problems at all.
There are cultural issues here, not religious ones.

Exactly what others have found, they will renege on the bills and laugh at you when you demand payment. A friend of mine soon sorted one out who refused to pay for building work done, after 6 months of asking he sent a letter saying that unless he was paid for the work he would remove the doors windows and roof as he was the legal owner until the bill was paid. One month later ne turned up and started to remove the tiles from the roof, the muslim came out screaming and threatening and was told to pay the bill. The muslim phoned the police who came to see what the problem was, the builder shoed them the original bill and all the letters demanding payment. The police told the muslim that the builder was within the law to take back his property, and the muslim should have paid the bill. While this was going on the roof had been stripped and 3 windows had been removed. The muslim ran in and came out with a stack of notes to pay the original bill. Hew then demanded the builder replace the roof and windows to which the builder replied that will be £50,000 in cash up front or get someone else to do it. The police just stood there laughing at the muslims face. The builder never did finish the job............
According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Are you ignorant or just stupid?

"An officer and a Muslim Zionist

"From the age of zero I was told that Israel stole Palestine from us, but when I was 14 I woke up. I discovered that Jews are not bad," says Ala Wahib, an operations officer at a key IDF training base, and the highest-ranked Muslim officers in the Israeli army."
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Thanks for that - it makes you look like the daft bastard you are.
Rape of every description is such a massive problem nowadays it's not a Muslim problem, or an FLDS problem or a Catholic problem. It's not even a religion problem. It's an 'us' problem. It's like the entire human race is breaking down all at once and I'm unable to figure out why. Worse still, I wonder if it's always been like this and it's only now starting to come to light.
According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Are you ignorant or just stupid?

"An officer and a Muslim Zionist

"From the age of zero I was told that Israel stole Palestine from us, but when I was 14 I woke up. I discovered that Jews are not bad," says Ala Wahib, an operations officer at a key IDF training base, and the highest-ranked Muslim officers in the Israeli army."

One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths
I thought this was about Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England.

I agree. This incident does not reflect on Pakistanis in general and Muslims in particular. Peaceful Muslims get slammed by both: the fundamentalist elements aided by the western government (in this case UK) and the population among the western countries which is ever ready to crucify them for the deeds of extremists.

According to the Koran and hadiths there is no such thing as a peaceful muslim , there is just a soldier of allah. So to combat this threat we should remove it from our midst. Israel has shown the way by building a wall between them and the ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS.

Thanks for that - it makes you look like the daft bastard you are.

Care to show that the Koran and hadiths are wrong then ?
One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths

As opposed to when Christians do it following the Bible? Or would you rather not talk about that?
One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths

As opposed to when Christians do it following the Bible? Or would you rather not talk about that?

Lets talk about it I have nothing to hide. Show a case in the last 50 years were a main stream Christian sect has caused a member to murder innocent people in the name of God, and has invoked God's name while doing it. Like Catholics, Protestants, Anglican, Methodists, Baptists etc.

This should be good
One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths

As opposed to when Christians do it following the Bible? Or would you rather not talk about that?

Lets talk about it I have nothing to hide. Show a case in the last 50 years were a main stream Christian sect has caused a member to murder innocent people in the name of God, and has invoked God's name while doing it. Like Catholics, Protestants, Anglican, Methodists, Baptists etc.

This should be good
First off what religion are you @Phoenall ?
The Balkans war created a Serbian Warlord called Arkan, he was openly supported by the Serbian Orthodox Christian church in his massacres of Muslims.The "Tigers" would target Mosques and defiled some of the victims by cutting the orthodox cross on their bodies Bloody handiwork of Arkan World news The Observer
One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths

As opposed to when Christians do it following the Bible? Or would you rather not talk about that?

Lets talk about it I have nothing to hide. Show a case in the last 50 years were a main stream Christian sect has caused a member to murder innocent people in the name of God, and has invoked God's name while doing it. Like Catholics, Protestants, Anglican, Methodists, Baptists etc.

This should be good
First off what religion are you @Phoenall ?
The Balkans war created a Serbian Warlord called Arkan, he was openly supported by the Serbian Orthodox Christian church in his massacres of Muslims.The "Tigers" would target Mosques and defiled some of the victims by cutting the orthodox cross on their bodies Bloody handiwork of Arkan World news The Observer

My religion is unimportant and as for Bosnia were the muslims little angels who did no wrong. I have heard and seen what muslims were doing to anyone they caught, from gang rapes till the victim died to beheadings. From people burnt to death to children eaten after cooking them. Now you were saying about Main stream Christian sect that acts like the muslims do and scream god is good as they hack children to death...........
I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.

you have no need to worry, the sensible Brits still hold a massive majority over the Fascist scum. The Rotherham case is disgusting, 14000 acts of abuse over 16 years is inexcusable.But to put it into perspective using another horrifying stat, in 2011 there were 23,097 cases of sexual abuse reported in the UK.
Did you ever watch dateline A Better Creep Trap Is Dateline NBC s pedophile series journalism or law enforcement - Stephen Battaglio
One swallow does not a summer make

I refer you to the Fort Hood incident when a muslim army doctor went on a rampage and murdered his fellow soldiers. That was a muslim acting in accordance to the Koran and hadiths

As opposed to when Christians do it following the Bible? Or would you rather not talk about that?

Lets talk about it I have nothing to hide. Show a case in the last 50 years were a main stream Christian sect has caused a member to murder innocent people in the name of God, and has invoked God's name while doing it. Like Catholics, Protestants, Anglican, Methodists, Baptists etc.

This should be good
First off what religion are you @Phoenall ?
The Balkans war created a Serbian Warlord called Arkan, he was openly supported by the Serbian Orthodox Christian church in his massacres of Muslims.The "Tigers" would target Mosques and defiled some of the victims by cutting the orthodox cross on their bodies Bloody handiwork of Arkan World news The Observer
as I though you are fascist goyim

My religion is unimportant and as for Bosnia were the muslims little angels who did no wrong. I have heard and seen what muslims were doing to anyone they caught, from gang rapes till the victim died to beheadings. From people burnt to death to children eaten after cooking them. Now you were saying about Main stream Christian sect that acts like the muslims do and scream god is good as they hack children to death...........
I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.

you have no need to worry, the sensible Brits still hold a massive majority over the Fascist scum. The Rotherham case is disgusting, 14000 acts of abuse over 16 years is inexcusable.But to put it into perspective using another horrifying stat, in 2011 there were 23,097 cases of sexual abuse reported in the UK.
Did you ever watch dateline A Better Creep Trap Is Dateline NBC s pedophile series journalism or law enforcement - Stephen Battaglio

And how many were done by perverted Pakistani muslim men that see white females as easy meat. It is one thing to report the crime but another for the authorities to take action. How many centres of Pakistani muslim perversion have been uncovered to date, and if they all have 1400 victims how close to your 23,000 does it come ?
I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.

you have no need to worry, the sensible Brits still hold a massive majority over the Fascist scum. The Rotherham case is disgusting, 14000 acts of abuse over 16 years is inexcusable.But to put it into perspective using another horrifying stat, in 2011 there were 23,097 cases of sexual abuse reported in the UK.
Did you ever watch dateline A Better Creep Trap Is Dateline NBC s pedophile series journalism or law enforcement - Stephen Battaglio

And how many were done by perverted Pakistani muslim men that see white females as easy meat. It is one thing to report the crime but another for the authorities to take action. How many centres of Pakistani muslim perversion have been uncovered to date, and if they all have 1400 victims how close to your 23,000 does it come ?
You really are a thick goy. 1400 divided by 16 years = an average of 87.5 abuse victims per year in this case in Rotheram. The 23000 victims of abuse was in one year.
I hope this will not affect the good relations between the UK and Pakistan.

It is so sad that those little girls were abused like that. David Cameron strikes me as an honest guy. Under his watch, I have seen lots of child groomers getting busted.

You can read the full story by clicking on the link below but be warned: it is a very sordid tale.

you have no need to worry, the sensible Brits still hold a massive majority over the Fascist scum. The Rotherham case is disgusting, 14000 acts of abuse over 16 years is inexcusable.But to put it into perspective using another horrifying stat, in 2011 there were 23,097 cases of sexual abuse reported in the UK.
Did you ever watch dateline A Better Creep Trap Is Dateline NBC s pedophile series journalism or law enforcement - Stephen Battaglio

And how many were done by perverted Pakistani muslim men that see white females as easy meat. It is one thing to report the crime but another for the authorities to take action. How many centres of Pakistani muslim perversion have been uncovered to date, and if they all have 1400 victims how close to your 23,000 does it come ?
You really are a thick goy. 1400 divided by 16 years = an average of 87.5 abuse victims per year in this case in Rotheram. The 23000 victims of abuse was in one year.

Who said that the 1400 individuals were spread over 16 years, link please to substantiate this. They could have all been done in 4 years. But you did not answer my question how many of the reported sexual abuse claims were by muslims ?

You do not seem to have grasp of geopolitics. You need to know few things:

1. Pakistan was created by coercion by Brits. Britain continues to provide support to Jihadis who cross into India to launch terrorist attacks.
2. The strongest supporter of Pakistan Army in the US is the Jewish Lobby which enabled it to gain billions of dollars of free weapons.
So many people are using this to push an anti Muslim agenda.
In fact, it's a given sections of Muslims with serious issues, and from specific parts of Pakistan.
Saying it's "Muslims" is very much like saying all white people smash car windows to steal your stereo, when it's white drug abusers who did it.
The people with a hate agenda don't really give a flying shit about the abuse, more using it to bash Muslims.
That makes them pathetic little turds, not far from being as bad as the bastards that committed these nasty crimes.

It is widespread across all Pakistan, and it is not just small numbers from one part of Pakistan at all. Not all the men arrested were Pakistani muslims, some were Somali muslims, Iraqi muslims, Afghani muslims, Palestinian muslims and Saudi muslims. The standing total of arrests stands at over 500 to date out of a population of adult male muslims of 300,000, an alarming figure when you consider that the indigenous numbers are under 20, and the Jews are 1. Or in percentage terms 0.5% of all adult muslims in the UK are child rapists, while adult Jewish men are 0.00000001%, Catholic priests 0.0000001% and indigenous 0.000000000001 %. Clearly an eye opener for those of a humanitarian POV, and makes you wonder why the crime was covered up for 12 years. Nothing to do with hate of muslims at all just hate of their religion that commands then to act like this to prove they are "emulating" the perfect muslim. Unless you have lived with this for the last 20 years then you don't know what it has been like. The threats of violence if you try and intervene, the beatings, gang rapes, torture and threat of arrest if you don't shut up and move away.

Religion has little to do with this pedophilia.It's not about "emulating" the prophet - it's about horribly abusing children for money. Many Muslims in the community were disgusted, horrified and angered. These men will not have many friends or supporters.

According to the news:Rotherham Child Sex Abuse Men Not Pakistanis are to Blame - Yahoo News UK
The expose of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham this week found that 1,400 children were subjected to appalling abuse over a period of 16 years. The victims identified in the inquiry carried out by Professor Alexis Jay were as young as 11, and the majority were female. The perpetrators were described as being almost exclusively of Pakistani heritage.

That means a small number might have been Muslims from elsewhere or not Muslim at all.

I can find anything anywhere that states where they came from in Pakistan so for all we know they could have come from all over or they could have come from primarily one region.

The Muslim population in the UK, in 2011 was 2,786,635 (according to wikipedia). Are you claiming only 300,000 of those are male?

According to 1stEthical Charitable Trust
Whilst the national ratio was 49% : 51% in favour of women, Muslim men outnumbered women 52% : 48%

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