UK Parliament openly discussed Israeli WAR CRIMES... nothing has changed :frown:

Let's not discuss the real issues and simply focus on a ridiculous narrative. That will definitely lead to peace.
Why can't we discuss the real issues? What purpose does it serve to have your multiple circular threads which lead nowhere?

These specific war crimes are the obvious ones:
disproportionate violence
ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements
running the worlds largest outdoor prison
collective punishment
attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets

This subject about the 2014 war between Israel and Gaza need not be brought up again. Why did you resurrect it, abi? Israel was tired of the thousands of rockets raining down from Gaza. and they were fed up with them. You make it sound like Israel attacked Gaza in 2014 for no reason at all. Hamas fired rockets deliberately from schools and hospitals to raise the number of civilian casualties. Why rehash this?
This subject about the 2014 war between Israel and Gaza need not be brought up again. Why did you resurrect it, abi? Israel was tired of the thousands of rockets raining down from Gaza. and they were fed up with them. You make it sound like Israel attacked Gaza in 2014 for no reason at all. Hamas fired rockets deliberately from schools and hospitals to raise the number of civilian casualties. Why rehash this?
Why lie?

Since 2000, 996 people have been killed in terror attacks.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide.
We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

Leave the worn out terrorist card in the trash with the warn out antisemite card.

This is the war criminality that must be addressed, not ignored.
This subject about the 2014 war between Israel and Gaza need not be brought up again. Why did you resurrect it, abi? Israel was tired of the thousands of rockets raining down from Gaza. and they were fed up with them. You make it sound like Israel attacked Gaza in 2014 for no reason at all. Hamas fired rockets deliberately from schools and hospitals to raise the number of civilian casualties. Why rehash this?
Why lie?

Since 2000, 996 people have been killed in terror attacks.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide.
We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

Leave the worn out terrorist card in the trash with the warn out antisemite card.

This is the war criminality that must be addressed, not ignored.

The rockets caused much disruption in daily life. Ppl could not go to work, school, shopping, etc.
This subject about the 2014 war between Israel and Gaza need not be brought up again. Why did you resurrect it, abi? Israel was tired of the thousands of rockets raining down from Gaza. and they were fed up with them. You make it sound like Israel attacked Gaza in 2014 for no reason at all. Hamas fired rockets deliberately from schools and hospitals to raise the number of civilian casualties. Why rehash this?
Why lie?

Since 2000, 996 people have been killed in terror attacks.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide.
We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

Leave the worn out terrorist card in the trash with the warn out antisemite card.

This is the war criminality that must be addressed, not ignored.

"...spamming the board with links to multiple threads you have opened is simply a waste of bandwidth"
Why can't we discuss the real issues? What purpose does it serve to have your multiple circular threads which lead nowhere?

These specific war crimes are the obvious ones:
disproportionate violence
ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements
running the worlds largest outdoor prison
collective punishment
attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets

As "War crimes" go, that is pretty weak shit.

Here I just goggled war crimes. Here is some of the softer images, I suggest you check out the others at this link.

war crimes - Google Search


Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

And here we are almost four years later facing the exact same issues. I have heard governments complain but then stick their thumbs up their ass and do nothing, or worse give Israel more support.

BDS are the only people in the world who are seriously addressing these issues.

Let's shout slogans and cause Palestinians to get fired from jobs - quiet a solution, no You're not delusional.
Let's shout slogans and cause Palestinians to get fired from jobs - quiet a solution, no You're not delusional.
Your solution is to occupy these people for decades, treat them less than human, claim you only want peace, but you're not delusional?
This subject about the 2014 war between Israel and Gaza need not be brought up again. Why did you resurrect it, abi? Israel was tired of the thousands of rockets raining down from Gaza. and they were fed up with them. You make it sound like Israel attacked Gaza in 2014 for no reason at all. Hamas fired rockets deliberately from schools and hospitals to raise the number of civilian casualties. Why rehash this?
Why lie?

Since 2000, 996 people have been killed in terror attacks.

Between 2000 and 2013, 4,806 people in Israel committed suicide.
We need to put the rocket and mortar attacks against Israel in perspective.

Leave the worn out terrorist card in the trash with the warn out antisemite card.

This is the war criminality that must be addressed, not ignored.

996 people killed by rocket attacks?

The perspective is that that is not acceptable.

If some neighboring nation was doing that to America, we would show you what "disproportionate violence" really is.
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

Accusations are not "reality", where is the benefit of the doubt? Use some logic.
It is difficult for Europeans to criticize or sanction Israel for what they do to the Palestinians. Historically, Europeans created the ghettos, did the holocaust etc. The British (and Europeans) sanctioned their own in Rhodesia and South Africa, but Israel who is doing the same thing to the non-Jews as the Rhodesians and South Africa was doing to the non-whites is held to a different standard. That's the problem.
996 people killed by rocket attacks?

The perspective is that that is not acceptable.

If some neighboring nation was doing that to America, we would show you what "disproportionate violence" really is.
I get that, but look at the same time frame for Israelis who bombed families in their sleep. The numbers for zionist terrorism far surpass what Hamas has done.

And Israelis kill themselves far more often than Palestinians kill them. It's not even close.
996 people killed by rocket attacks?

The perspective is that that is not acceptable.

If some neighboring nation was doing that to America, we would show you what "disproportionate violence" really is.
I get that, but look at the same time frame for Israelis who bombed families in their sleep. The numbers for zionist terrorism far surpass what Hamas has done.

And Israelis kill themselves far more often than Palestinians kill them. It's not even close.

Sorry, Louie. You don't know what you're cutting and pasting.

‘Unliveable’: Gaza’s rising suicide rates
996 people killed by rocket attacks?

The perspective is that that is not acceptable.

If some neighboring nation was doing that to America, we would show you what "disproportionate violence" really is.
I get that, but look at the same time frame for Israelis who bombed families in their sleep. The numbers for zionist terrorism far surpass what Hamas has done.

And Israelis kill themselves far more often than Palestinians kill them. It's not even close.

Americans killed far more Japanese in WWII, than they killed of US.

That seems normal to me. Someone attacks you, killing your people, you fight back, hard.

If you kill more of them then they did of you, that is a good thing.

What cultural background do you have that does not share this?
Let's not discuss the real issues and simply focus on a ridiculous narrative. That will definitely lead to peace.

And most importantly, lets ignore that 80% of the area assigned to the creation of a national Jewish homeland has already been given away to the Arabs and now they want 1/2 of the rest as well.
Let's not discuss the real issues and simply focus on a ridiculous narrative. That will definitely lead to peace.

And most importantly, lets ignore that 80% of the area assigned to the creation of a national Jewish homeland has already been given away to the Arabs and now they want 1/2 of the rest as well.
Totally wrong and what has that to do with the OP?

Here is the short introduction:
Israeli forces unlawfully killed Palestinian civilians, including children, in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), and detained thousands of Palestinians from the OPT who opposed Israel’s continuing military occupation, holding hundreds in administrative detention. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained rife and was committed with impunity. The authorities continued to promote illegal settlements in the West Bank, including by attempting to retroactively “legalize” settlements built on private Palestinian land, and severely restricted Palestinians’ freedom of movement, closing some areas after attacks by Palestinians on Israelis. Israeli forces continued to blockade the Gaza Strip, subjecting its population of 1.9 million to collective punishment, and to demolish homes of Palestinians in the West Bank and of Bedouin villagers in Israel’s Negev/Naqab region, forcibly evicting residents. The authorities imprisoned conscientious objectors to military service and detained and deported thousands of asylum-seekers from Africa.
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories 2016/2017
Let's not discuss the real issues and simply focus on a ridiculous narrative. That will definitely lead to peace.

No matter how thin You try to slice, constantly blaming one side will never bring to peace, just stiffen each side.
No matter how thin You try to slice, constantly blaming one side will never bring to peace, just stiffen each side.
When a group from one continent invades the land of those from another continent, occupies them in a most brutal fashion for decades and forms a government that brings their state sponsored terrorism to the indigenous people who were there for centuries, you can blame them

This is very straight forward. Please read the report in the OP prior to responding.
Let's not discuss the real issues and simply focus on a ridiculous narrative. That will definitely lead to peace.

And most importantly, lets ignore that 80% of the area assigned to the creation of a national Jewish homeland has already been given away to the Arabs and now they want 1/2 of the rest as well.
Totally wrong and what has that to do with the OP?

Here is the short introduction:
Israeli forces unlawfully killed Palestinian civilians, including children, in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), and detained thousands of Palestinians from the OPT who opposed Israel’s continuing military occupation, holding hundreds in administrative detention. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained rife and was committed with impunity. The authorities continued to promote illegal settlements in the West Bank, including by attempting to retroactively “legalize” settlements built on private Palestinian land, and severely restricted Palestinians’ freedom of movement, closing some areas after attacks by Palestinians on Israelis. Israeli forces continued to blockade the Gaza Strip, subjecting its population of 1.9 million to collective punishment, and to demolish homes of Palestinians in the West Bank and of Bedouin villagers in Israel’s Negev/Naqab region, forcibly evicting residents. The authorities imprisoned conscientious objectors to military service and detained and deported thousands of asylum-seekers from Africa.
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories 2016/2017

100% accurate and it has everything to do with the OP as the entire diatribe from the pally propaganda machine is geared towards ignoring the facts and trying to mask the true nature of the conflict. The Arab effort to subjugate the Jewish people and deny them their fair tribal rights to a homeland
No matter how thin You try to slice, constantly blaming one side will never bring to peace, just stiffen each side.
When a group from one continent invades the land of those from another continent, occupies them in a most brutal fashion for decades and forms a government that brings their state sponsored terrorism to the indigenous people who were there for centuries, you can blame them

This is very straight forward. Please read the report in the OP prior to responding.

Straight forward BS I think is what you meant to say.

how about a group from the Arabian peninsula invaded Judea and now is trying to revise history such that all of a sudden there's no such thing as tribal rights.

The Judaic people developed in Judea since at least the early to mid bronze age. Period.

No amount of your pally propaganda revisionist history is going to change that

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