UK Parliament openly discussed Israeli WAR CRIMES... nothing has changed :frown:

I've asked that question so many times. Never been answered.
Start a thread. It was answered multiple times and the answer is obvious.

You did not answer it here. The answer is obvious. I provided it. YOu dodged.
POST 34.

Will you answer now?


The Proper response to occupation depends on the occupation.

After two or three generations of starting wars and losing them?

Time for a negotiated peace.

One where you are not going to get what you want.
Indeed, the Palestinians should have never gone to Europe and attack the Zionists.
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.

The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005. The Gazans had every opportunity right then to transform their nation into a thriving, successful, peaceful place with some really nice beaches. They chose wrong. There are consequences.

You can't possibly be suggesting that Israel open the borders and remove the sea blockade. Just what do you think would happen? With weapons coming in from Iran and Qatar?
The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005.
Another big fat Israeli lie.

What else you got?
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.

The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005. The Gazans had every opportunity right then to transform their nation into a thriving, successful, peaceful place with some really nice beaches. They chose wrong. There are consequences.

You can't possibly be suggesting that Israel open the borders and remove the sea blockade. Just what do you think would happen? With weapons coming in from Iran and Qatar?
The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005.
Another big fat Israeli lie.

What else you got?

Not a lie. Israel left Gaza. Withdrew completely.
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.

The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005. The Gazans had every opportunity right then to transform their nation into a thriving, successful, peaceful place with some really nice beaches. They chose wrong. There are consequences.

You can't possibly be suggesting that Israel open the borders and remove the sea blockade. Just what do you think would happen? With weapons coming in from Iran and Qatar?
The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005.
Another big fat Israeli lie.

What else you got?

Not a lie. Israel left Gaza. Withdrew completely.
Not to mention Israel patrolling Palestinian airspace and territorial waters and attacking Palestinians in their own territory.

You call that "left?"
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

Why was a State of Jewdea, not created for Jewdeans?

why are you a lowlife anti-semite?

Judea is the former name of Israel, twit.
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.
All caps? Having a melt down?

Funny thing though. Were there rocket attacks from Gaza before 2005. No.

The attacks started AFTER Israel left Gaza.

Funny how you do not know history very well.
Occupation starts 1967.

First rocket 2001.

anything else the voices in your head are telling you, terrorist supporter?
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.
All caps? Having a melt down?

Funny thing though. Were there rocket attacks from Gaza before 2005. No.

The attacks started AFTER Israel left Gaza.

Funny how you do not know history very well.
Occupation starts 1967.

First rocket 2001.

Wait. What?! The occupation began in 1967? Not 1948 (or earlier).
I want to know what abi thinks the proper response to rockets and mortars SHOULD be.

The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005. The Gazans had every opportunity right then to transform their nation into a thriving, successful, peaceful place with some really nice beaches. They chose wrong. There are consequences.

You can't possibly be suggesting that Israel open the borders and remove the sea blockade. Just what do you think would happen? With weapons coming in from Iran and Qatar?
The occupation in Gaza IS ended. It was ended with the Israeli withdrawal in 2005.
Another big fat Israeli lie.

What else you got?

Not a lie. Israel left Gaza. Withdrew completely.
Not to mention Israel patrolling Palestinian airspace and territorial waters and attacking Palestinians in their own territory.

You call that "left?"

No. I call that consequences. See my previous post.
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

Why was a State of Jewdea, not created for Jewdeans?

why are you a lowlife anti-semite?

Judea is the former name of Israel, twit.

There were two States. One Kingdom of Israel and another Kingdom of Judea.

In any Case, Israel is for Israelis and the Israelites.

Why does the right wing have any problems with alleged Judeans, if no State of Judea exists in modern times?
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

disproportionate violence,

Sounds serious! What's the law against disproportionate violence?

ruining peace negotiations

Oh noes! They ruined peace negotiations. DERP!

running the worlds largest outdoor prison

The Israelis run North Korea?
That is correct but that begs a question,

If Israel is not occupying Palestine because there never was a State of Palestine, Who did Egypt and Jordan occupy in 1948?
Dammit Tinmore! I am too tired to deal with your



:biggrin: :) ;)
Back to war criminality and the mindset it stems from:

If Israel is not occupying Palestine because there never was a State of Palestine, Who did Egypt and Jordan occupy in 1948?

That's OK, everybody ducks that question.

I certainly don't duck that question. Israel. And the occupation ended when Jordan and Egypt signed peace treaties with Israel. Confirming the international border between Jordan and Egypt and Israel.

This isn't actually HARD, you know.
If Israel is not occupying Palestine because there never was a State of Palestine, Who did Egypt and Jordan occupy in 1948?

That's OK, everybody ducks that question.

I certainly don't duck that question. Israel. And the occupation ended when Jordan and Egypt signed peace treaties with Israel. Confirming the international border between Jordan and Egypt and Israel.

This isn't actually HARD, you know.
I certainly don't duck that question. Israel.
You wouldn't have a link to that, would you?

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