UK police escort muslim mob to attack Tommy Robinson

Appeasement only escalates jihadists and Islamic supremacists. Tommy Robinson stands against abusive Islamic supremacist doctrine at great personal cost and others need to support him in doing the same to stop further Islamic supremacist incursions.
Yes, the cost included being thoroughly humiliated in the EU elections where he lost his deposit, ffs. Shows the support his nonsense has.
Appeasement only escalates jihadists and Islamic supremacists. Tommy Robinson stands against abusive Islamic supremacist doctrine at great personal cost and others need to support him in doing the same to stop further Islamic supremacist incursions.
Yes, the cost included being thoroughly humiliated in the EU elections where he lost his deposit, ffs. Shows the support his nonsense has.

So you think appeasing muslims is a ok? Figures
So you think appeasing muslims is a ok? Figures
So does everyone else as shown by the hilariously humiliating election results. He lost his deposit!

Well of course most know very well how pathetically politically correct the English are.

The video made that very clear.

As also we are not far behind many on this board demonstrate.

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