Ukraine about to force moscow to surrender, For putin and his horde , it is all downhill.

Ukraine about to force moscow to surrender​

For pootler and his horde , it is all downhill.

I wish, but not looking for it anytime soon. We are talking about a country that will bankrupt itself to achieve goals of it's leadership in expanding control and influence. I support, supporting Ukraine, to make sure Russia doesn;t continue it's empire rebuild by attacking NATO countries and forcing their oppression and control of all free countries.

bad news for pootler and his ui


bad news for pootler and his ui

View attachment 675998
Russia and Ukraine is an empty shell of itself and is nothing economically. They already control most of the ports now bye bye

You are selling our weapons we're giving you

That Zelensky is a fucking corrupt pos.......But I would fuck his wife

Fight your own shit. We got a GD invasion of terrorists, drug smugglers, criminals invading us

Blame that studdering incestuous pedophile crapping the floors in the WH. This would never have happened under Trump
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Putin would not even attempt to do that until a libturd president

You see the horror of Afghanistan???.....Who wouldn't take advantage of that....Bye Bye Taiwan
Okay, let's speculate. Putin decided to challenge the US and personally Trump and put forward demands as he did in December. If you haven't read them, I will briefly list them - the US should take obligations to scale down their military in Europe, not to build military infrastructure in East European NATO countries, halt completely a military cooperation with post-Soviet states, not to expand NATO and so in.

What answer would be?
Putin would not even attempt to do that until a libturd president

You see the horror of Afghanistan???.....Who wouldn't take advantage of that....Bye Bye Taiwan
Why wouldn't Putin have dared to invade? Putin had already ignored Trump's protests about a longer range cruise missile forcing Trump to withdraw from the 1987 intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, so what makes you think Putin would be afraid of Trump's objection to the invasion?
So, no military supplies to Ukraine and no sanctions against Russia. That exactly?
The "military supplies" were sent to get kickbacks to Poopeypants. Sanctions against Russia? Like buying oil from them to help fund the attack on the Ukraine? Babble on Looneytunes.
So, no military supplies to Ukraine and no sanctions against Russia. That exactly?
Yes. Allow the Russians to conquer the whole Ukraine, invade Poland and Germany, and only then, when they are exhausted - fight them.
Ruining American economy now - won't help to win the war.
The better way would be preventing the war - recognise Crimea as part of Russia and grant human rights (including Russian, Hungarian, Polish and Greek languages as regional).
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