Ukraine and $10 per Gallon Gasoline?

The keystone pipeline is running full force under Biden, he did NOT shut it down.

He stopped Keystone XL pipeline from being built to carry foreign shale oil from Canada to the gulf, where it would be sold to foreigners overseas.

Sorry but sold here as well. The pipeline was an indirect route to a refinery that can convert that shale to energy. Yes, the oil is still making it's way there, but at a slow pace since it's railed in instead of piped in. That doesn't help us now.

What gets imported

The Gulf Coast imported more than 3.3 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2016.

Most of that oil came from Latin America and the Middle East. Only 9 percent of the crude oil imported to the Gulf Coast came from Canada.

The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.

If the pipeline transfers as much crude oil to the Gulf Coast as the federal government expects, total imports would increase by about 25 percent.

IMHO, $10 gasoline is a guarantee of a world-wide depression that will last a very long time and would include the US. Too many small businesses would not survive, and all those employees would be out of work and stay that way. Those who believe the country could switch to renewable energy sources are delusional if they think it could realistically happen anytime soon.

Forget $10.00 a gallon. Even $5.00 or $6.00 a gallon could easily put us in a recession, and that's quite possible given Dementia made us dependent on Russia for our energy. One wrong move in retaliation for the Ukraine invasion and that's what we are going to see.
Who cares if WWIII just began? Higher fuel prices means more green energy!!!

LEFTISTS LOVE WAR! Watch CNN, they are so happy there is a war.

We used our grocery store purchase accumulated 85 cents off per gallon yesterday to fill up the jeep. That brought the price per gallon for regular unleaded to $2.92. Guess we'll be buying a shit ton of turkeys and pounds of frozen shrimp to get more gas discounts.

Bold financial strategy.
As of today, the US is still buying Russian oil funding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Biden still refuses to allowing drilling and pipelines in the US.

And as fuel prices increase from the war he started, Putin makes more money.


Biden is corrupt.
So there is a lesson in all of this for Democrats to learn. There's a price to pay for stealing elections.

Not one of the feckless lefties on this board who voted for Biden will ever learn anything from what Biden has done to fuck up America.

They are retarded sheep.

Look, I will do it now.

Lefties, cite one thing in the history of leftists in American politics that you disagree with.

They will not.
Sorry but sold here as well. The pipeline was an indirect route to a refinery that can convert that shale to energy. Yes, the oil is still making it's way there, but at a slow pace since it's railed in instead of piped in. That doesn't help us now.

What gets imported

The Gulf Coast imported more than 3.3 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2016.

Most of that oil came from Latin America and the Middle East. Only 9 percent of the crude oil imported to the Gulf Coast came from Canada.

The Keystone XL pipeline was designed to transport oil to the Gulf Coast because refineries in the region are already equipped to process heavier crude oils, like those found in Canada’s Alberta province. The same kind of crude oil comes to the region from Latin America.

If the pipeline transfers as much crude oil to the Gulf Coast as the federal government expects, total imports would increase by about 25 percent.

Do you know the difference between conventional crude oil and Chinese tarsands?
As of today, the US is still buying Russian oil funding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Biden still refuses to allowing drilling and pipelines in the US.
Xiden needs to remove all of the domestic restrictions and give tax incentives for our domestic producers to ramp up everything. Of course he won't do that.
Xiden needs to remove all of the domestic restrictions and give tax incentives for our domestic producers to ramp up everything. Of course he won't do that.
Domestic producers are making money, but instead of investing in more capacity they are returning profits to shareholders. If they expand production too quickly, they will likely regret it as they have before.
Domestic producers are making money, but instead of investing in more capacity they are returning profits to shareholders. If they expand production too quickly, they will likely regret it as they have before.
They have been buying their own stock and not domestically producing, so you incentivize them to produce.

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