Ukraine begins anti-terrorist operations in eastern part of country

The coup government in Kiev needs to re-evaluate the strength of support they can expect from their EU/DC puppeteers. Georgia got slapped down pretty firmly when they went about poking a sharp stick at the Russian bear.
Here we see again the fact that the term "terrorist" has no meaning at all.

Men wearing masks come pretty close. The EU are being a bunch of weanies about the whole deal. Let's see what Adolf Putin does next.
Here we see again the fact that the term "terrorist" has no meaning at all.

Men wearing masks come pretty close.
I know what you mean...

The people of Donetsk want to vote. The Kiev puppets of the EU don't want them to vote.

This is a civil war. The EU puppets are outnumbered.
The people of Donetsk want to vote. The Kiev puppets of the EU don't want them to vote.

This is a civil war. The EU puppets are outnumbered.

I hope you siding with the ex-communist KGB man works well for you.

The people of Donetsk want to vote. The Kiev puppets of the EU don't want them to vote.

This is a civil war. The EU puppets are outnumbered.

Did Putin write your talking points?
Ukraine leader says anti-terror operation under way in Donetsk region -

So Putin says there are no Russian solider or special ops involved. Let's see what he does now.

I fully expect the Putin lovers on here to begin their defense of their beloved comrade soon.
Can you wrap your mind around the possibility that Putin is less in the wrong than Obama on this one?

A couple of thugs engaged in a global game of 'who has the bigger cock'. So far Putin appears to be winning.
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Ukraine leader says anti-terror operation under way in Donetsk region -

So Putin says there are no Russian solider or special ops involved. Let's see what he does now.

I fully expect the Putin lovers on here to begin their defense of their beloved comrade soon.

Good to see the Ukrainian gov't finally showing some balls.

But of course, Putin will say "Look! They are oppressing Russians! I have every right to attack now!" and Russia's "peaceful occupation" of the area will be justified (at least in his fucked up mind).
The people of Donetsk want to vote. The Kiev puppets of the EU don't want them to vote.

This is a civil war. The EU puppets are outnumbered.

You're a fool if you think these "protesters" are Ukranian citizens. They may be Russian, but how Russian are they? Are they Ukranian Russian, or KGB Russian?
Ukraine leader says anti-terror operation under way in Donetsk region -

So Putin says there are no Russian solider or special ops involved. Let's see what he does now.

I fully expect the Putin lovers on here to begin their defense of their beloved comrade soon.
Can you wrap your mind around the possibility that Putin is less in the wrong than Obama on this one?

A couple of thugs engaged in a global game of 'who has the bigger cock'. So far Putin appears to be winning.
Putin has home field advantage in Ukraine.
Maybe Mexico will receive some "Democracy funding" from Moscow next?
Ukraine leader says anti-terror operation under way in Donetsk region -

So Putin says there are no Russian solider or special ops involved. Let's see what he does now.

I fully expect the Putin lovers on here to begin their defense of their beloved comrade soon.

Good to see the Ukrainian gov't finally showing some balls.

But of course, Putin will say "Look! They are oppressing Russians! I have every right to attack now!" and Russia's "peaceful occupation" of the area will be justified (at least in his fucked up mind).

It is an illegal group holding power in Kiev. There is no elected government. You really need to start with the basics. These are the people who appointed themselves the rulers after the coup.

And Putin hasn't attacked before. Why should he now?
Here we see again the fact that the term "terrorist" has no meaning at all.

Men wearing masks come pretty close. The EU are being a bunch of weanies about the whole deal. Let's see what Adolf Putin does next.

Men wearing masks like Svoboda during the coup? How do I know they are Svoboda? See the yellow arm bands with the Wolfsangel on them?

Svoboda's first logo. :eusa_angel: Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy. I know what it is.

Just so you can connect the dots. Here is the logo. Svoboda you must remember was part of the muscle behind the coup who ended up scoring some very high cabinet positions after they overthrew the legal government.

Just so you can connect the dots. Here is the logo. Svoboda you must remember was part of the muscle behind the coup who ended up scoring some very high cabinet positions after they overthrew the legal government.

"Svoboda s an extreme far-right party, basically fascist and anti-semitic. Its previous name, the Social-National Party of Ukraine says much.

"Svoboda Party has six major cabinet ministries in the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Tyahinybok, its head, has given speeches in the past deriding 'kikes' and in 2005 wrote a letter to the president calling for an investigation into 'organised Jewry and criminality in Ukraine'.

"Svoboda is part of an alliance of European neo-fascists, the Alliance of European National Movements, which includes France’s National Front, the British National Party and Hungary’s Jobbik.
"Among the key posts, the Svoboda Party now controls the General Prosecutor’s Office.

"Deputy Prime Minister, Oleksandr Sych, is from Svoboda and will have key economic responsibilities.

"As well Svoboda controls the Ecology Ministry and the important Agriculture Ministry."

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.
The US engineered a coup that was spearheaded by neo-Nazis on Russia's western border. What would you expect Putin to do? How would the US respond to similar Russian "Democracy enhancement" in Mexico?
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.

Oh piss off. Putin propagandists my ass. Svoboda's history is long, dark and well known. Putin wasn't putting out propaganda in 1999 was he now when they formed.

This was a coup plain and simple and appallingly blatant by the opposition forces. The constitutionality of the impeachment is more than in question because the Rada vote was never reviewed by the Supreme Court.

I'm third generation Uk and have been following the situation intently in the Ukraine as soon as I realized that Svoboda and Private Sector were taking over the protests and using this as a way to violently overthrow the duly elected government.

Re: Crimea. It's a fucking no brainer that the ethnic Russians in Crimea were turning to Russia considering the Svoboda goons in Kiev are sworn to abolish the Russian language as well as and here comes the fucking biggie abolish Crimea's autonomy.

Hello? Hello again? The thugs in power have this right in their party platform. No one needs any Russian propaganda when it comes to these uber right wing asswipes known as Svoboda.

Their history is out their going back for over a decade.
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