Ukraine begins anti-terrorist operations in eastern part of country

Here's where they fucked up on the impeachment. Whoopsies. The sons of bitches didn't follow their constitution.

The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the procedure of impeachment, in the event that he or she commits state treason or other crime.

The issue of the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is initiated by the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

To conduct the investigation, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a special temporary investigatory commission whose composition includes a special procurator and special investigators.

The conclusions and proposals of the temporary investigatory commission are considered at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

For cause, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by no less than two-thirds of its constitutional composition, adopts a decision on the accusation of the President of Ukraine.

The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition, after the review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and the receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime.

M of A - Ukraine: Move To Replace The President Is Illegal
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.
The US engineered a coup that was spearheaded by neo-Nazis on Russia's western border. What would you expect Putin to do? How would the US respond to similar Russian "Democracy enhancement" in Mexico?
The US engineered a coup?

What evidence do we have that this is true?
Svoboda holds what?

36 of 460 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament?

136 of 3056 administrative regions in the Ukraine?

3 of 22 cabinet posts (now that Defense has resigned and been replaced)?

Am I missing some important piece of information, or are we making far too much out of Svoboda's participation in the New Government?
Svoboda holds what?

36 of 460 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament?

136 of 3056 administrative regions in the Ukraine?

3 of 22 cabinet posts (now that Defense has resigned and been replaced)?

Am I missing some important piece of information, or are we making far too much out of Svoboda's participation in the New Government?

Key cabinet posts and wide ranging appointments to various key committees.

Why just the other day one of the members of the freedom of speech committee was a participant in beating the shit out of a television executive and forcing him to resign.

Did you see the video of that one? Svoboda MP's proudly took the video of them beating the man over the head.

And in Rada they punched the shit out of a pro Russian MP. They are undoubtedly the new muscle for the illegal government.
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We're not talking Svoboda slumming here with their posts. They received as a bonus for being the muscle in the coup the Deputy Prime Minister position, the head of agriculture and environmental ministries.

But the biggest plum Svoboda got was the position of AG. That should terrify many. New Prosecutor General.

Now why would that scare some? Because Svoboda right in its party platform want to make "ukrainaphobia" a criminal offense.

AKA a way to throw any political opposition into jail for criticizing the government.
Even if a concession is made to admit thugs and Nazi's and devil worshiping mother raping, father raping, puppy kicking bastards were involved in some kind of illicit, illegal, dirty dealing coup, why would it be up to Russia to come to the rescue? Under what internationally accepted and legal authority do the Russian's have to solve the problems of Ukraine?

There are all kinds of ways the Russian's could be involved in internationally agreed upon ways to challenge the legitimacy of the Kiev government. There are also all kinds of ways to provide and insure protection for Ukrainian's of Russian ethnicity.

There is a good reason the world has rejected the actions of Putin and the Russian's. Very inconvenient for those who continue to promote Putin and his propaganda, but UN votes are UN votes. You can disagree with the UN about just about everything. You can consider them to be pretty much useless. What you can not do is refuse to acknowledge that the countries of the world community have judged the Ukraine government to be the legitimate government of the Ukrainian people and that the elections in Crimea were fake and not legitimate.

No matter what excuses and rants are used, Russia has no legal standing to interfere with the internal working and business of Ukraine. None.
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.

Oh piss off. Putin propagandists my ass.

I'm third generation Uk and have been following the situation intently in the Ukraine as soon as I realized that Svoboda and Private Sector were taking over the protests and using this as a way to violently overthrow the duly elected government.

No, you piss off with your third generation bullshit. What does that even mean? Does it mean you and your family haven't been back to Ukraine since your grandparents came over here a half a century ago? Are you in contact with family in Ukraine at the present time? When is the last time you were there? When is the last time you communicated with somebody IN Ukraine? Have you spoken to any Ukrainian's getting out of there before it gets even more dangerous? Are you even aware that some Ukrainian's are getting out because of what the Russian's are doing? All the Ukrainian's I met last week in Poland and Lithuania were running not from Svoboda and Private Sector, they were running from Moscow Russian's. The ethnic Russian Ukrainians who might want to speak, or have spoken against Putin and Moscow are in grave danger.
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These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.
The US engineered a coup that was spearheaded by neo-Nazis on Russia's western border. What would you expect Putin to do? How would the US respond to similar Russian "Democracy enhancement" in Mexico?

We engineered the coup? I am just sure you can give me a link for that, right?
Putin doesn't need to put out propaganda against Svoboda. They revel in their thuggery.

Here they are in action just recently. Aren't they sweet? This is who our leaders are backing. And Svoboda not only taped the beating to force the executive to resign, they proudly put it up on the internet.

Freedom of speech appears to be the latest casualty in Ukraine.

Parliament members of the far-fight Svoboda party strong-armed their way into the private office of Ukraine's National Television Company and beat up its president.


The head of Ukraine’s state-run televison was brutalized by right-wing members of the Svoboda party, who forced him to resign and then posted their attack on the Internet.

Read more: Head of Ukraine TV slapped around by politicians, forced to resign on camera - NY Daily News


The acting CEO of Ukraine’s National Television Company, Aleksandr Panteleymonov, facing the camera, was beaten and humiliated by right-wing parliament members who forced him to sign a resignation letter.

The attackers proudly posted their handiwork online.

Head of Ukraine TV slapped around by politicians, forced to resign on camera - NY Daily News
These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.

Oh piss off. Putin propagandists my ass.

I'm third generation Uk and have been following the situation intently in the Ukraine as soon as I realized that Svoboda and Private Sector were taking over the protests and using this as a way to violently overthrow the duly elected government.

No, you piss off with your third generation bullshit. What does that even mean? Does it mean you and your family haven't been back to Ukraine since your grandparents came over here a half a century ago? Are you in contact with family in Ukraine at the present time? When is the last time you were there? When is the last time you communicated with somebody IN Ukraine? Have you spoken to any Ukrainian's getting out of there before it gets even more dangerous? Are you even aware that some Ukrainian's are getting out because of what the Russian's are doing? All the Ukrainian's I met last week in Poland and Lithuania were running not from Svoboda and Private Sector, they were running from Moscow Russian's. The ethnic Russian Ukrainians who might want to speak, or have spoken against Putin and Moscow are in grave danger.

I have family in the Ukraine. I currently live amongst the third largest population of Ukrainians outside the Ukraine in western Canada. Third only after the Ukraine and Russia. We are very linked to what is happening in all sectors of the Ukraine.

We're so freaking Uk where I live my elementary school in Vita is named after Schevchenko. :eusa_angel: I'm very connected.

And royally pissed off that we are backing goons who seized power.
Even if a concession is made to admit thugs and Nazi's and devil worshiping mother raping, father raping, puppy kicking bastards were involved in some kind of illicit, illegal, dirty dealing coup, why would it be up to Russia to come to the rescue? Under what internationally accepted and legal authority do the Russian's have to solve the problems of Ukraine?

There are all kinds of ways the Russian's could be involved in internationally agreed upon ways to challenge the legitimacy of the Kiev government. There are also all kinds of ways to provide and insure protection for Ukrainian's of Russian ethnicity.

There is a good reason the world has rejected the actions of Putin and the Russian's. Very inconvenient for those who continue to promote Putin and his propaganda, but UN votes are UN votes. You can disagree with the UN about just about everything. You can consider them to be pretty much useless. What you can not do is refuse to acknowledge that the countries of the world community have judged the Ukraine government to be the legitimate government of the Ukrainian people and that the elections in Crimea were fake and not legitimate.

No matter what excuses and rants are used, Russia has no legal standing to interfere with the internal working and business of Ukraine. None.
Since when has Legality ever stopped the Big Guns?
Even if a concession is made to admit thugs and Nazi's and devil worshiping mother raping, father raping, puppy kicking bastards were involved in some kind of illicit, illegal, dirty dealing coup, why would it be up to Russia to come to the rescue? Under what internationally accepted and legal authority do the Russian's have to solve the problems of Ukraine?

There are all kinds of ways the Russian's could be involved in internationally agreed upon ways to challenge the legitimacy of the Kiev government. There are also all kinds of ways to provide and insure protection for Ukrainian's of Russian ethnicity.

There is a good reason the world has rejected the actions of Putin and the Russian's. Very inconvenient for those who continue to promote Putin and his propaganda, but UN votes are UN votes. You can disagree with the UN about just about everything. You can consider them to be pretty much useless. What you can not do is refuse to acknowledge that the countries of the world community have judged the Ukraine government to be the legitimate government of the Ukrainian people and that the elections in Crimea were fake and not legitimate.

No matter what excuses and rants are used, Russia has no legal standing to interfere with the internal working and business of Ukraine. None.

I don't give a rats ass on what the UN votes for. Neither does Crimea. Considering Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of her autonomy and ban the Russian language among others including Greek, it's a no brainer that the Crimeans voted to join Russia.

No arm twisting needed because they know damn well how much the west and Kiev hate them.

There was no invasion. There has been no interference. None. No proof of any. Just goons in Kiev screaming the sky is falling because they need the West's money. It's simple.

Now why is eastern Ukraine pro Russia? It's a no brainer. You speak Russian, you are ethnic Russian and Kiev wants to make Ukrainaphobia a criminal offense, ban the Russian language, strip Crimea of her autonomy, and on and on you bettcha Russia looks better than the west.

Just look at Crimea. BTW until the mid 50's Crimea was a part of Russia and had been for centuries till Nikita gave it as a present to the Ukraine.

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Even if a concession is made to admit thugs and Nazi's and devil worshiping mother raping, father raping, puppy kicking bastards were involved in some kind of illicit, illegal, dirty dealing coup, why would it be up to Russia to come to the rescue? Under what internationally accepted and legal authority do the Russian's have to solve the problems of Ukraine?

There are all kinds of ways the Russian's could be involved in internationally agreed upon ways to challenge the legitimacy of the Kiev government. There are also all kinds of ways to provide and insure protection for Ukrainian's of Russian ethnicity.

There is a good reason the world has rejected the actions of Putin and the Russian's. Very inconvenient for those who continue to promote Putin and his propaganda, but UN votes are UN votes. You can disagree with the UN about just about everything. You can consider them to be pretty much useless. What you can not do is refuse to acknowledge that the countries of the world community have judged the Ukraine government to be the legitimate government of the Ukrainian people and that the elections in Crimea were fake and not legitimate.

No matter what excuses and rants are used, Russia has no legal standing to interfere with the internal working and business of Ukraine. None.

I don't give a rats ass on what the UN votes for. Neither does Crimea. Considering Kiev wanted to strip Crimea of her autonomy and ban the Russian language among others including Greek, it's a no brainer that the Crimeans voted to join Russia.

No arm twisting needed because they know damn well how much the west and Kiev hate them.

There was no invasion. There has been no interference. None. No proof of any. Just goons in Kiev screaming the sky is falling because they need the West's money. It's simple.

Now why is eastern Ukraine pro Russia? It's a no brainer. You speak Russian, you are ethnic Russian and Kiev wants to make Ukrainaphobia a criminal offense, ban the Russian language, strip Crimea of her autonomy, and on and on you bettcha Russia looks better than the west.

Just look at Crimea. BTW until the mid 50's Crimea was a part of Russia and had been for centuries till Nikita gave it as a present to the Ukraine.

Then again, after centuries of Russian ethnic cleansing and attempted genocides against Ukrainians and Tatars, and moving Russians in to fill the vacuum, it's not all that surprising that the Russians hold a majority in several of those regions.

Time to divide the damned thing up into East Ukraine and West Ukraine, and let the goddamned Russkies annex the friggin' East.

Assuming that NATO forward-deploys assets into all the countries bordering Russia, as tripwires against any future Russian mischief and misadventures.
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These Putin propagandist want you the think that for some reason, if the wrong Ukrainians came to power in Ukraine, a foreign country, specifically Russia has some kind of right to interfere with the Ukrainians who came to power (the parliament was elected and impeached the President). That is the propaganda the Russian's are using. They contest the way the Parliament fulfilled it's constitutional obligations and rights.They insist some of the Ukrainian's who came to power are bad people, Nazi's. Therefore the Russian's have the right to invade Ukraine. No discussions with other countries, no UN or neutral observers. Just the Russian's. For the record, the world accepts the current government in Kiev as legitimate and rejects the annexing of Crimea.
The US engineered a coup that was spearheaded by neo-Nazis on Russia's western border. What would you expect Putin to do? How would the US respond to similar Russian "Democracy enhancement" in Mexico?
The US engineered a coup?

What evidence do we have that this is true?
Historical evidence?

"Quite a number of post WWII coups are believed to have been US-assisted, like the one in Iran in 1953. Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, who sought to turn Iran into a full democracy was ousted with the help of the US and replaced by the Shah, who then ruled as absolute monarch for the next 26 years.

"It was the potential... to leave Iran open to Soviet aggression - at a time when the Cold War was at its height and when the United States was involved in an undeclared war in Korea against forces supported by the USSR and China - that compelled the United States [REDACTED] in planning and executing TPAJAX [the code name of the coup operation]," reads the CIA document, declassified in 2013 and cited by the Foreign Policy.

"Similarly the US’s hand is seen in the 1954 coup in Guatemala, the in the Congo 1960, in South Vietnam 1963, in Brazil 1964, and Chile in 1973."

Google: "Victoria Nuland and Fuck the EU" if you have doubts about Ukraine.

Coups for export: US has history of supporting anti-govt upheavals ? RT News
The US engineered a coup that was spearheaded by neo-Nazis on Russia's western border. What would you expect Putin to do? How would the US respond to similar Russian "Democracy enhancement" in Mexico?
The US engineered a coup?

What evidence do we have that this is true?
Historical evidence?

"Quite a number of post WWII coups are believed to have been US-assisted, like the one in Iran in 1953. Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, who sought to turn Iran into a full democracy was ousted with the help of the US and replaced by the Shah, who then ruled as absolute monarch for the next 26 years.

"It was the potential... to leave Iran open to Soviet aggression - at a time when the Cold War was at its height and when the United States was involved in an undeclared war in Korea against forces supported by the USSR and China - that compelled the United States [REDACTED] in planning and executing TPAJAX [the code name of the coup operation]," reads the CIA document, declassified in 2013 and cited by the Foreign Policy.

"Similarly the US’s hand is seen in the 1954 coup in Guatemala, the in the Congo 1960, in South Vietnam 1963, in Brazil 1964, and Chile in 1973."

Google: "Victoria Nuland and Fuck the EU" if you have doubts about Ukraine.

Coups for export: US has history of supporting anti-govt upheavals ? RT News

What does this have to do with Ukraine in 2014?
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Svoboda holds what?

36 of 460 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament?

136 of 3056 administrative regions in the Ukraine?

3 of 22 cabinet posts (now that Defense has resigned and been replaced)?

Am I missing some important piece of information, or are we making far too much out of Svoboda's participation in the New Government?
Depends how much significance you attach to the importance of those who threw fire bombs at police officers in order to drive an elected president from office, doesn't it?

It's as least as "important" as the three Ukrainian billionaires who've have been picked by an un-elected Prime Minister to head key political or advisory posts.

"The non-elected or provisional Ukrainian government headed by 39-year old Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has made key regional appointments as Governors in the industrial pro-Russian eastern Ukraine..."

"Ihor Kolomoisky, a metals, banking and media baron worth between $3 and $6 billion, will be governor of his native region Dnipropetrovsk.

"He built his billions as a crony of convicted fraudster, ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko. He is an Ukrainian-Israeli business oligarch of Jewish descent with a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship although dual citizenship is not recognized by Ukraine.

"Until now he has controlled his business empire from Switzerland.

"Serhiy Taruta, the country’s 16th-richest man, was put in charge of the strategic coal mining region of Donetsk.
Serhiy Taruta is a Ukrainian businessman, chairman of Industrial Union of Donbas, and President of FC Metalurh Donetsk. According to Forbes magazine, he ranks among the 500 richest people in the world, with his estimated wealth being around 2 billion US dollars. [2]

"Most eyebrow-raising is the role of Ukraine’s richest man, billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, former money backer of Yanukovych. Akhmetov has pledged to 'do everything possible to maintain the integrity of our country.'

"Akhmetov, whose SCM Group controls nearly half of the country’s coal, steel, ore and thermoelectricity sectors is listed as the 47th richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of US 15.4 billion.

"He allegedly won his billions through ties to organized crime..."

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today
Just as a reminder why the Ukrainian people rose up against Yanukovich

Dozens of people were killed as he cracked down on protestors. It was then that public opinion really turned against him.

A protest against his decision to abandon a far-reaching European Union partnership deal in November 2013 morphed into a huge - and violent - campaign to push him from power.

But it was the deaths of at least 88 people, many of them protesters shot dead by uniformed snipers in 48 hours of bloodshed, that ultimately brought him down.

Ukraine violence: dozens killed as protesters clash with armed police | World news |

Parliament voted 328-0 to impeach him.

BREAKING ? Ukraine?s parliament 328 ? 0 votes to impeach President Yanukovych and call elections for 25 May | InvestmentWatch

He was also tremendously corrupt. It is estimated that he looted the country of billions of dollars.

Ukraine's disgraced president, Viktor Yanukovych, used to boast to other heads of state about how corrupt he was, according to Georgia's former president Mikheil Saakashvili. ...

Saakashvili's comments suggest the Ukrainian leader was brazen in his abuse of office. Saakashvili was president of Georgia from 2004 until November, and met Yanukovych on numerous occasions.

He recalled one incident in particular, at the 2011 UN general assembly in New York, when he said Yanukovych bragged at length about how his corrupt government worked, in front of Saakashvili and a group of leaders from post-Soviet countries.

"He would talk very loudly about how he had corrupted senior officials, in the supreme court and the constitutional court," Saakashvili said during an interview in the Ukrainian capital, where he is meeting with opposition leaders after Yanukovych's downfall. "He didn't care who he was talking to; the guy did not have any idea about morality."

Saakashvili said Yanukovych was unique among post-Soviet leaders, even the notoriously ruthless and corrupt central Asian dictators. "The others might be cynical but not to the extent of denouncing themselves. I wasn't that surprised he would do these things, but I was surprised how open he was about it."

He said Yanukovych took great pleasure in talking about his corruption and judicial abuse. "He would tell me at length about criminal cases. He would elaborate on every small detail, and was obsessed and fascinated with the fact that he could really play around with the courts. It's a sign of people who have had problems with the law in the past. It's also a very Soviet mentality; Stalin used to sign the verdict on every serious case."

Viktor Yanukovych boasted of Ukraine corruption, says Mikheil Saakashvili | World news |

If Obama ordered 88 protestors shot dead, and he was impeached with a 300-0 vote in the House, and former world leaders were saying that he openly bragged about his corruption, would Republicans be saying he shouldn't resign?
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Svoboda holds what?

36 of 460 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament?

136 of 3056 administrative regions in the Ukraine?

3 of 22 cabinet posts (now that Defense has resigned and been replaced)?

Am I missing some important piece of information, or are we making far too much out of Svoboda's participation in the New Government?
Depends how much significance you attach to the importance of those who threw fire bombs at police officers in order to drive an elected president from office, doesn't it?

It's as least as "important" as the three Ukrainian billionaires who've have been picked by an un-elected Prime Minister to head key political or advisory posts.

"The non-elected or provisional Ukrainian government headed by 39-year old Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has made key regional appointments as Governors in the industrial pro-Russian eastern Ukraine..."

"Ihor Kolomoisky, a metals, banking and media baron worth between $3 and $6 billion, will be governor of his native region Dnipropetrovsk.

"He built his billions as a crony of convicted fraudster, ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko. He is an Ukrainian-Israeli business oligarch of Jewish descent with a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship although dual citizenship is not recognized by Ukraine.

"Until now he has controlled his business empire from Switzerland.

"Serhiy Taruta, the country’s 16th-richest man, was put in charge of the strategic coal mining region of Donetsk.
Serhiy Taruta is a Ukrainian businessman, chairman of Industrial Union of Donbas, and President of FC Metalurh Donetsk. According to Forbes magazine, he ranks among the 500 richest people in the world, with his estimated wealth being around 2 billion US dollars. [2]

"Most eyebrow-raising is the role of Ukraine’s richest man, billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, former money backer of Yanukovych. Akhmetov has pledged to 'do everything possible to maintain the integrity of our country.'

"Akhmetov, whose SCM Group controls nearly half of the country’s coal, steel, ore and thermoelectricity sectors is listed as the 47th richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of US 15.4 billion.

"He allegedly won his billions through ties to organized crime..."

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today
Nowhere here do I see evidence of a US -engineered coup in Ukraine in 2014.
The US engineered a coup?

What evidence do we have that this is true?
Historical evidence?

"Quite a number of post WWII coups are believed to have been US-assisted, like the one in Iran in 1953. Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, who sought to turn Iran into a full democracy was ousted with the help of the US and replaced by the Shah, who then ruled as absolute monarch for the next 26 years.

"It was the potential... to leave Iran open to Soviet aggression - at a time when the Cold War was at its height and when the United States was involved in an undeclared war in Korea against forces supported by the USSR and China - that compelled the United States [REDACTED] in planning and executing TPAJAX [the code name of the coup operation]," reads the CIA document, declassified in 2013 and cited by the Foreign Policy.

"Similarly the US’s hand is seen in the 1954 coup in Guatemala, the in the Congo 1960, in South Vietnam 1963, in Brazil 1964, and Chile in 1973."

Google: "Victoria Nuland and Fuck the EU" if you have doubts about Ukraine.

Coups for export: US has history of supporting anti-govt upheavals ? RT News

What does this have to do with Ukraine in 2014?
What does Victoria Nuland have to do with Ukraine in 2014?
She picked the current unelected Prime Minister, for starters:

"Let’s listen to little bit more of the leaked conversation between the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Victoria Nuland, the top U.S. diplomat for Europe.

"VICTORIA NULAND: Good. So, I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea.

"GEOFFREY PYATT: Yeah. I mean, I guess, you think—in terms of him not going into the government, just let him sort of stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m just thinking, in terms of sort of the process moving ahead, we want to keep the moderate democrats together. The problem is going to be Tyahnybok and his guys. And, you know, I’m sure that’s part of what Yanukovych is calculating on all of this. I kind of—

"VICTORIA NULAND: I think—I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. He’s the guy—you know, what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week. You know, I just think Klitsch going in, he’s going to be at that level working for Yatsenyuk. It’s just not going to work."

A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup | Democracy Now!
Just as a reminder why the Ukrainian people rose up against Yanukovich

Dozens of people were killed as he cracked down on protestors. It was then that public opinion really turned against him.

A protest against his decision to abandon a far-reaching European Union partnership deal in November 2013 morphed into a huge - and violent - campaign to push him from power.

But it was the deaths of at least 88 people, many of them protesters shot dead by uniformed snipers in 48 hours of bloodshed, that ultimately brought him down.

Ukraine violence: dozens killed as protesters clash with armed police | World news |

Parliament voted 328-0 to impeach him.

BREAKING ? Ukraine?s parliament 328 ? 0 votes to impeach President Yanukovych and call elections for 25 May | InvestmentWatch

He was also tremendously corrupt. It is estimated that he looted the country of billions of dollars.

Ukraine's disgraced president, Viktor Yanukovych, used to boast to other heads of state about how corrupt he was, according to Georgia's former president Mikheil Saakashvili. ...

Saakashvili's comments suggest the Ukrainian leader was brazen in his abuse of office. Saakashvili was president of Georgia from 2004 until November, and met Yanukovych on numerous occasions.

He recalled one incident in particular, at the 2011 UN general assembly in New York, when he said Yanukovych bragged at length about how his corrupt government worked, in front of Saakashvili and a group of leaders from post-Soviet countries.

"He would talk very loudly about how he had corrupted senior officials, in the supreme court and the constitutional court," Saakashvili said during an interview in the Ukrainian capital, where he is meeting with opposition leaders after Yanukovych's downfall. "He didn't care who he was talking to; the guy did not have any idea about morality."

Saakashvili said Yanukovych was unique among post-Soviet leaders, even the notoriously ruthless and corrupt central Asian dictators. "The others might be cynical but not to the extent of denouncing themselves. I wasn't that surprised he would do these things, but I was surprised how open he was about it."

He said Yanukovych took great pleasure in talking about his corruption and judicial abuse. "He would tell me at length about criminal cases. He would elaborate on every small detail, and was obsessed and fascinated with the fact that he could really play around with the courts. It's a sign of people who have had problems with the law in the past. It's also a very Soviet mentality; Stalin used to sign the verdict on every serious case."

Viktor Yanukovych boasted of Ukraine corruption, says Mikheil Saakashvili | World news |

If Obama ordered 88 protestors shot dead, and he was impeached with a 300-0 vote in the House, and former world leaders were saying that he openly bragged about his corruption, would Republicans be saying he shouldn't resign?

Well 88 people also included policemen killed by the rioters. You do realize that the Right Sector and Svoboda were armed.

Lived in armed encampments. Loaded for bear with molotov cocktails.

Very organized. This was not a situation of "the people" rising up. It was the Opposition parties and their supporters rising up.

Now the vote for the impeachment was illegal and unconstitutional and I have already put up the data regarding the necessity of the Supreme Court of the Ukraine to have impartial oversight before any vote is taken. I put up that part of the Constitution.

Re: corruption Nothing has been proven. I'll wait. There are a quizzillion allegations and gossip floating around now but no proof to date.

He and his party were duly elected in 2010. Of that there is no doubt. Eastern Ukraine fully supported Mr. Yanukovych in elections and they know better than anyone else that the opposition seized power illegally.

Check the electoral map. If you lived in Eastern Ukraine would you be happy with the opposition seizing power?

Especially Crimeans who know damn well part of the party platform of Svoboda was and is to abolish the autonomy of Crimea and repeal the law that protected minority languages in the country?

And hey if you think we're polarized over here, yikes we look like we're having a love in on election day compared to the Ukraine. Check it out.

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