Ukraine guerilla war

Actually, I'm pro American. And the best way to be patriotic is to be, at least, realistic.
And the shizophrenic mantras about "evil barbaric afro asiatic hordes" are just stupid.

Do you work for the Russian government?

There's a lot of Russian agents browsing the internet these days, looking to spread disinformation.
Do you work for the Russian government?
There's a lot of Russian agents browsing the internet these days, looking to spread disinformation.
And if you really believe that it is really easy to attack an oil well is Syberia - you were disinformed, but not by me.
AFAIK, the best result of the Ukrainian 'guerrilla warriors', was a blast in a bus in Voronezh. 2 civilians were killed, 24 - woundes. Not very impressive result.
They’ll throw in the towel the minute the soviet army crosses the border and become pro USSR again. Complication is there won’t be any crossing over. Who needs Ukraine now that it’s piss-poor having gone democratic owing to your help?

Just so lefties know.
You are supporting right wing ultra nationalist groups in your weird obsession with Putin.
A war has been 'SCHEDULED'. What crap.

Already media won't deal with the uncomfortable fact of hilliary spying on a candidate and a president. They don't want you to know anything about the Freedom convoys in Canada around the world or here. They don't want you to know what is going on with people pushing back against these illegal freedom stifling restrictions in WESTERN COUNTRIES so they just don't report on it..or....default position...LIE.

This is just one more thing to keep you distracted and in the dark. Maybe on Feb 16th there will be some really ugly stuff going on in Western Nations to put down their so called insurrection of the people wanting their freedom. Canada shooting Truckers, or kidnapping their children. Anything can happen.
Otis Mayfield
The US had all the advantages in Vietnam--and still ''lost''. The US, England, and Russia ''lost'' in Afghanistan
What Russia has going for it is that Ukraine used to be part of Russia--where as in the other wars, the Big Boys were not part of or know the area
If there is a war on February 16th then I will drop trou on court square and give Otis 30 minutes to draw a crowd.


To hide biden crime evidence.

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