Ukraine Hots Up as US and UK Fight Each Other


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
I make no apologies for lifting the front part of Bernard's blog at Moon of Alabama today .
He weighs up the immediate UK and US battle for getting rid of the Nazi Midget Zelensky and deciding on his successor .
I doubt it makes a huge difference whether Zaluzhny or somebody else takes over .

Regardless , it will next allow the US to pursue a policy of minimising their disastrous loss and offering terms for a negotiated settlement .
I feel certain that the inner Kremlin remains dedicated to the idea of
fully taking Zaporozhye , Kherson , Kharkov and Odessa before listening seriously to any peace proposals .
But a change of military leadership and likely Presidency will open the way for Russian opposition to push for a far more immediate settlement and coupled with a huge propaganda and PR drive to achieve it .

I strongly want Uncle Volodyas's original SMO objectives to be attained in order to smash US corruption influence and eradicate as far as possible the Nazi element remaining in Kyiv and western Ukraine .

So it will be most instructive to see what happens next, given that Ukraine is on its literal knees, but Russia might have its eyes fixed on the next Deep State war arena which could well be Syria yet again . But more so this time around .

See Monkey Werx for US troop movements to and near Syria
All imho .

Various Ukrainian media (in Russian) report of plans to fire this or that general. Andrei Yermak, Zelenski's chief of office and the real power behind him, is currently in the U.S., allegedly to get the okay for firing the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army General Zaluzny. Other Ukrainian media are calling for Zaluzny to become the new president. Tomorrow CIA director Burns is expected to be in Kiev to tell Zelenski that his time is up and that he, Zelenski, will have to go.

Simplicius writes:

It appears obvious that two competing factions are trying to outdo each other in the sphere of Western media. Zaluzhny fired his shot in the unsanctioned Economist piece, and it would seem that Zelensky backers are doing their own parallel counter-work.
Larry Johnson reminds of the larger powers who are behind this fight:

One critical point I failed to make in yesterday’s article regarding the competing narratives regarding Zelensky and General Zalushny — it looks like the Brits are backing Zalushny while the CIA is trying to save Zelensky and dump Zalushny. I base that conclusion on the fact that the Economist, a British publication with close ties to MI-6, gave Zalushny the celebrity treatment, while the Washington Post, the go-to rag for the CIA, blamed Zalushny for Nord Stream.
Fun to watch, unless you are on the frontline.
I make no apologies for lifting the front part of Bernard's blog at Moon of Alabama today .
He weighs up the immediate UK and US battle for getting rid of the Nazi Midget Zelensky and deciding on his successor .
I doubt it makes a huge difference whether Zaluzhny or somebody else takes over .

Regardless , it will next allow the US to pursue a policy of minimising their disastrous loss and offering terms for a negotiated settlement .
I feel certain that the inner Kremlin remains dedicated to the idea of
fully taking Zaporozhye , Kherson , Kharkov and Odessa before listening seriously to any peace proposals .
But a change of military leadership and likely Presidency will open the way for Russian opposition to push for a far more immediate settlement and coupled with a huge propaganda and PR drive to achieve it .

I strongly want Uncle Volodyas's original SMO objectives to be attained in order to smash US corruption influence and eradicate as far as possible the Nazi element remaining in Kyiv and western Ukraine .

So it will be most instructive to see what happens next, given that Ukraine is on its literal knees, but Russia might have its eyes fixed on the next Deep State war arena which could well be Syria yet again . But more so this time around .

See Monkey Werx for US troop movements to and near Syria
All imho .

Various Ukrainian media (in Russian) report of plans to fire this or that general. Andrei Yermak, Zelenski's chief of office and the real power behind him, is currently in the U.S., allegedly to get the okay for firing the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army General Zaluzny. Other Ukrainian media are calling for Zaluzny to become the new president. Tomorrow CIA director Burns is expected to be in Kiev to tell Zelenski that his time is up and that he, Zelenski, will have to go.

Simplicius writes:

Larry Johnson reminds of the larger powers who are behind this fight:

Fun to watch, unless you are on the frontline.
Good informative post for those who aren't keeping up with Larry Johnson, Ritter, and others who are getting the truth out.

There's definitely trouble coming in Zelensky's world and the US probably don't care anymore. Zelensky is obviously having mental difficulties and could blow the cover for the whole war.
Agree that US are hell bent on dropping Midget Man ASAP, but believe they need to present the changes so that it appears to minimise the shame of having supported another big loss .
Which is why I expect them to go through the motions of looking for peace , knowing it will never happen , but then using Russia's refusal of what will be silly proposals to make it look as though Russia= Bad , and, US= Peaceful . The usual crap .

Equally the US would love to stop further financial support to Kyiv and instead put money and effort against the escalation of the ME conflict, which remains increasingly likely if Israel continues their stupid and wicked scorched earth campaign in Gaza .
Leave the occupied areas to Russia and join the rest of Ukraine to NATO. Either that or stop this shitshow.
Leave the occupied areas to Russia and join the rest of Ukraine to NATO. Either that or stop this shitshow.
The problem is, that Russia won't allow "the rest of Ukraine" join NATO, either. And if NATO don't want to fight against Russia for the whole Ukraine (with Crimea, Donbass, Zaporijia and Kherson regions), they definitely won't fight with Russia for lesser prize - "the rest of Ukraine". They shouldn't have to start this shitshow for starters.
Why the fuck did Putin do this shit, man?

Who thought it was a great idea to make basically Russia's farmland into a DMZ against the West?

I had a relative from Ukraine. Came to the US in 1933.
Agree that US are hell bent on dropping Midget Man ASAP, but believe they need to present the changes so that it appears to minimise the shame of having supported another big loss .
Which is why I expect them to go through the motions of looking for peace , knowing it will never happen , but then using Russia's refusal of what will be silly proposals to make it look as though Russia= Bad , and, US= Peaceful . The usual crap .

Equally the US would love to stop further financial support to Kyiv and instead put money and effort against the escalation of the ME conflict, which remains increasingly likely if Israel continues their stupid and wicked scorched earth campaign in Gaza .
I don't think the US wants out. It will know that they will never get back in again. This US scam was the best chance by far of destroying Russia or having it destroyed by the Ukrainian proxy.

This war against Russia was supposed to be the culmination of all America's wars that had the destruction of Russia as the primary objective.
The problem is, that Russia won't allow "the rest of Ukraine" join NATO, either.

Exactly, but there's more. The Ukraine can't join Nato because that puts America directly up against Russia. That can't be and all sides agree. re: (article 5)

Any backing off by America will become it's permanent loss against Russia and the loss of any US chances of destroying Russia/the Brics/China too.

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