Ukraine Nonsense May Interrupt Obama Vacation Cycle


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Jul 21, 2009
That bastard Vladimir Putin has finally gone too far. His mischief in the Crimea might actually scuttle President Obama's Vacation Getaway of the Month. Politico reports:

Vladmir Putin has put President Obama's vacation plans on hold.
Obama is headed to Coral Reef High School in the southern part of Miami, Florida on Friday for an event about education and the economy that first lady Michelle Obama had been expected to attend as well. What hadn’t been known was that Obama’s daughters were planning to come with them, and that the four were going to extend the trip for a brief family getaway.

Now, the White House tells POLITICO that he’s reconsidering.

How in the world could anyone at the White House have thought a quick family getaway was appropriate at this juncture, especially given Obama's reputation for incessant golfing? (There are two 18-hole golf courses at the club where they planned to stay. Can you imagine what the press would have done to George Bush for jetting off to a golf holiday while a major world crisis like this was unfolding?)

I wasn't exaggerating with that Obama Vacation of the Month crack, either, as Keith Koffler at White House Dossier notes "It would be the Obamas’ – each of them – third vacation of the year. And it’s only March." In just a couple of weeks, the First Lady will whisk the First Daughters, plus her own mother, off on a sightseeing trip to China.

But remember, the Obamas are hard-scrabble champions of the little guy who understand how the middle class lives! I can already picture the contemptuous sneer that will form on Vladimir Putin's face when he sees Barack Obama hitting the links in sunny Florida while Russian troops are marching through the Crimea

Ukraine crisis threatens to interrupt President Obama's pepetual cycle of vacations and fundraising
Poor Obama! This crisis is forcing him to cut back on his vacation time! OH THE HUMANITY!!!!
I have never seen a President who takes so much vacations as this one!

Huh. Then you must be either blind or less than six years old.



At the same point in Bush's presidency, the 43rd president had spent 367 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his parent's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, according to a count by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller. Obama, who doesn't own a vacation home, has spent a total of 92 days of his presidency on vacation, according to Knoller.

Here's what I don't get. Why do you tards trot this shit out every six months? Do you really think we forget what dumbasses you are after the last time we proved you wrong?
I have never seen a President who takes so much vacations as this one!

Huh. Then you must be either blind or less than six years old.



At the same point in Bush's presidency, the 43rd president had spent 367 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his parent's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, according to a count by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller. Obama, who doesn't own a vacation home, has spent a total of 92 days of his presidency on vacation, according to Knoller.

Here's what I don't get. Why do you tards trot this shit out every six months? Do you really think we forget what dumbasses you are after the last time we proved you wrong?

You guys keep pushing those lies.

CBS had it in for the Bush family, so they decided to count weekends as vacation time. They also counted working holidays in Crawford TX as vacations, which really weren't like going to Martha's Vinyard or Hawaii.

You see, they love counting on a different scale when it comes to Obama.

Obama has golfed roughly 200 times since becoming president. We could count every time he went golfing as vacation time, but then that would be how they counted Bush's off time, which really wasn't ever really off time.
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I have never seen a President who takes so much vacations as this one!

Huh. Then you must be either blind or less than six years old.



At the same point in Bush's presidency, the 43rd president had spent 367 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his parent's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, according to a count by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller. Obama, who doesn't own a vacation home, has spent a total of 92 days of his presidency on vacation, according to Knoller.

Here's what I don't get. Why do you tards trot this shit out every six months? Do you really think we forget what dumbasses you are after the last time we proved you wrong?

You guys keep pushing those lies.

CBS had it in for the Bush family, so they decided to count weekends as vacation time. They also counted working holidays in Crawford TX as vacations, which really weren't like going to Martha's Vinyard or Hawaii.

Would you like the link to all the other websites that verify it? How about FactCheck and Politifact?

And do you really think Obama doesn't work on vacations too? Here's more for ya...

Obama's Martha's Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford

Republicans argue that Bush’s vacations were cheaper because many of them were taken at his ranch in Crawford, TX, but this is not true. President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125). The flight from the White House to Crawford is 1,435.8 miles each way. The distance from the White House to Martha’s Vineyard is 494.8 miles. The flight to Martha’s Vineyard is 75 minutes. The cost of Obama’s flight should be $214,000 each way. What Bush may have gained by owning the ranch was offset by the fact that his flight was three times longer. Obama’s hotel and flight still cost a little less than half as much as one Bush flight to Crawford.

President Bush also inflated his vacation costs, because he rarely just flew to Crawford and back. The Bush administration tried to combat criticism of the then president’s constant vacationing, by setting up a series of day trips on each vacation. President Bush’s “working vacations” cost taxpayers a small fortune, because he used Air Force One as his personal taxi service to make trips all across the country, and returned to Crawford at night.
Bush took trips all across the country. Is that like obama did the day after Benghazi when he went to a fundraiser in Las Vegas?
Huh. Then you must be either blind or less than six years old.



Here's what I don't get. Why do you tards trot this shit out every six months? Do you really think we forget what dumbasses you are after the last time we proved you wrong?

You guys keep pushing those lies.

CBS had it in for the Bush family, so they decided to count weekends as vacation time. They also counted working holidays in Crawford TX as vacations, which really weren't like going to Martha's Vinyard or Hawaii.

Would you like the link to all the other websites that verify it? How about FactCheck and Politifact?

And do you really think Obama doesn't work on vacations too? Here's more for ya...

Obama's Martha's Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford

Republicans argue that Bush’s vacations were cheaper because many of them were taken at his ranch in Crawford, TX, but this is not true. President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125). The flight from the White House to Crawford is 1,435.8 miles each way. The distance from the White House to Martha’s Vineyard is 494.8 miles. The flight to Martha’s Vineyard is 75 minutes. The cost of Obama’s flight should be $214,000 each way. What Bush may have gained by owning the ranch was offset by the fact that his flight was three times longer. Obama’s hotel and flight still cost a little less than half as much as one Bush flight to Crawford.

President Bush also inflated his vacation costs, because he rarely just flew to Crawford and back. The Bush administration tried to combat criticism of the then president’s constant vacationing, by setting up a series of day trips on each vacation. President Bush’s “working vacations” cost taxpayers a small fortune, because he used Air Force One as his personal taxi service to make trips all across the country, and returned to Crawford at night.

Not interested. I've heard all of the lies before.

The funny thing is, I don't remember it being like that when he was President. Bush was a workaholic. I kept better track of what he was doing then the liars in the media would like.

BTW, the press tried making his Dad look like he was constantly vacationing by running the same reel of him driving his boat, over and over again. This is just chapter to of Bush vacation bashing. Obama's never been much of a hard worker. He missed most votes while Senator and he misses most of his security briefs. The one earlier this week he was conspicuously absent.
This is kind of hilarious, the degree to which the righty kooks here isolate themselves in their anti-reality bubbles. They know what's true, by golly, and no stupid facts are going to change their minds.
With obama in Florida and Biden in the Virgin Islands no one will be in Washington. It's a great time for Putin to be on the ball.
With obama in Florida and Biden in the Virgin Islands no one will be in Washington. It's a great time for Putin to be on the ball.

Speaking of the's about to go up and Obama can't break his schedule of parties and fundraisers for nothing.
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To Bush's credit he seems to have spent most of his trips going to the Ranch. Obama is different. Moochelle even saw fit to take her extended family on a tax payer Bostwana safari. It's nice to see an ape get back to her roots I suppose.

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