Ukraine Nonsense May Interrupt Obama Vacation Cycle

Just look at Obana's average net approval ratings, link them and watch the lefties really go nuts. It seems like a faster path to the rubberroom.

While Crimea Burns, Obama Golfs


by William Bigelow

9 Mar 2014, 4:37 AM PDT

Question: What does Barack Obama do while ineffectually dealing with the Russia and Ukraine fight over the Crimea, watching that region burn, and also ordering the cutting of funds for missile defense for Israel while enabling Iran to continue heading for nuclear bomb-making capability, thus heating the Middle East to the boiling point?

Answer: He goes golfing. On Saturday, Obama joined former NFL star receiver Ahnmad Rashad ,former NBA star center Alonzo Mourning, and Cyrus Walker, Valerie Jarrett’s cousin, to go golfing in Key Largo, Florida. Obama brought the wife and kids for a weekend getaway. White House spokesman Josh Earnest explained that Obama was relishing warm-weather downtime.

While Crimea Burns, Obama Golfs
Certainly not as egregious as W golfing while having over 100,000 innocents killed while we seek to control their oil in Iraq...on the pretext of "protecting" us from a nation that never had the intent or power to attack us.
So begrudge our own prez some down time while endlessly denigrating him and elevating that reptilian hegemonic Putin..

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Certainly not as egregious as W golfing while having over 100,000 innocents killed while we seek to control their oil in Iraq...on the pretext of "protecting" us from a nation that never had the intent or power to attack us.
So begrudge our own prez some down time while endlessly denigrating him and elevating that reptilian hegemonic Putin..

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Bush did no golfing. He said as long as we had troops in harms way, the least he could do was give up golfing and pay attention to their needs instead.

obama not so much. He played cards while Americans in Libya were being killed. Did he not give a shit because they were Americans or because they were white?
"Bush did no golfing"...Yikes r u uninformed ...yes, he postured that he would give it up for a while...that lasted a couple of weeks...He also clocked more vaca time than any other prez in history....
Why don't u Obamahaters give it a least while our prez handles multiple crisis while safeguarding America and avoiding a war footing...?
Or are u America haters as well?

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I have never seen a President who takes so much vacations as this one!

Huh. Then you must be either blind or less than six years old.



At the same point in Bush's presidency, the 43rd president had spent 367 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his parent's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, according to a count by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller. Obama, who doesn't own a vacation home, has spent a total of 92 days of his presidency on vacation, according to Knoller.
Here's what I don't get. Why do you tards trot this shit out every six months? Do you really think we forget what dumbasses you are after the last time we proved you wrong?

Because they listen to self righteous assholes like this guy.

“Essentially the bargain that any president, I think, strikes with the American people is: ‘you give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.’ And the American people should have no patience for whatever is going through your head because you’ve got a job to do,” Obama says in the video.
“And so how I think about it is that you don’t make that decision unless you are prepared to make that sacrifice, that trade off, that bargain and I think that what’s difficult and important for somebody like myself who has a wonderful forbearing wife and two gorgeous young children is that they end up having to make some of those sacrifices with you,” he continued. “And that is a profound decision that you don’t make lightly.”

Obama in 2006: As president 'vacations, leisure is gone' | The Daily Caller

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