Ukraine´s new waves of reinforcements

That's so sad.
Our govt will fight until the very last Ukrainian child is killed.

I remember back when the whole Democrat ideology revolved around peace at all costs & never trusting the authorities
There was never such a time for either Democrats or Republicans either.
Another 1000 Ukey kids including girls killed today ,TitLoser .

All helped by TitLoser's Fake News which western Sheeple half believe .

Sleep well child killer TitLoser and your fellow Nazis

02.03.2023 (14:45)

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation​

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In Kupyansk direction, the attacks, launched by the Army Aviation, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems of the 'Zapad' Group of Forces, have resulted in neutralisation of the enemy units near Novosyolovskoye (Lugansk People's Republic), Masyutovka and Olshana (Kharkov region).

Over to 50 Ukrainian servicemen and two motor vehicles have been eliminated.

In addition, one munition depot of the AFU 14th Mechanised Brigade has been destroyed near Krasnoye Pervoye (Kharkov region).

In Krasny Liman direction, the active operations of the 'Tsentr' Group of Forces, as well as the attacks, launched by aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems, have resulted in neutralisation of the AFU manpower and hardware near Yampolovka (Donetsk People's Republic), Nevskoye and Chervonopopovka and Kuzmino (Lugansk People's Republic).

Up to 160 Ukrainian servicemen, seven armoured fighting vehicles and Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system have been destroyed.

In Donetsk direction, the active actions of the 'Yug' Group of Forces, as well as, air attacks and artillery have resulted in the neutralisation of about 270 Ukrainian servicemen, six infantry fighting vehicles, three armoured fighting vehicles, nine motor vehicles, Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and Msta-B and D-30 howitzers.

One AFU ordnance depot of 110th Mechanised Brigade and the AFU signal node have been destroyed near Avdeyevka (Donetsk People's Republic).

In South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, Operational-Tactical Aviation and the artillery of the 'Vostok' Group of Forces have launched a complex fire attack against the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) near Ugledar (Donetsk People's Republic), and Malaya Tokmachka and Kamenskoye (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, two armoured fighting vehicles, two pickup trucks, as well as, Msta-B and D-30 howitzers.

In Kherson direction, the attacks, launched by aviation and artillery, have resulted in neutralisation of up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, 30 motor vehicles, Msta-B howitzer, and a munition depot of the 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade near Tokarevka (Kherson region).

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralised 89 artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and hardware in 195 areas.
One Ukrainian Buk-M1 air defence missile system has been destroyed near Kramatorsk (Donetsk People's Republic).

In addition, one radar of S-300 surface-to-air missile system has been destroyed near Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region).

Fighter Aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces have shot down one Su-24 airplane of Ukrainian Air Force near Mikhailovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

One AFU Mi-8 helicopter has been shot down near Kurakhovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

Air defence facilities have shot down one Su-25 airplane of Ukrainian Air Force near Krynki (Kherson region).
In addition, one HIMARS MLRS missile has been intercepted. 14 AFU UAVs have been destroyed near Chugunovka (Kharkov region), Peski, Yakovlevka, Mineralnoye, Zavitne Bazhania (Donetsk People's Republic), Golaya Pristan, Cazachyi Lageri and Zburyevka (Kherson region). In total, 393 airplanes and 212 helicopters, 3,295 unmanned aerial vehicles, 407 air defence missile systems, 8,105 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 1045 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 4,247 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 8,665 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.
I remember back when the whole Democrat ideology revolved around peace at all costs & never trusting the authorities
That's complete bullshit. The Democrats are and have always been extremist authoritarian warmongers.

Just look at the warmongering Democratic party of slavery's track record.

Woodrow Wilson got the USA into WWI, a war that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. And Wilson reinstituted slavery to get the cannon fodder. Military conscription is a particularly abhorrent form of slavery.

Franklin Roosevelt got the USA into WWII, another war that had absolutely nothing to do with US national security. Roosevelt also reinstituted slavery at gunpoint. Roosevelt enslaved millions of innocent Americans, thus making him the largest and most cruel slavedriver in American history. He also implemented severe food rationing on ordinary Americans.

And of course Harry Truman used American slaves as cannon fodder during the Korean war. Another war with no vital US national security interests at stake.

Lyndon Johnson was also a notorious slave driver and war monger. LBJ reinstituted slavery to use innocent American slaves as cannon fodder in the Vietnam war.

That is some extremist authoritarian warmongering shit that the Democrats did. And in polls the Democrats consistently rank the most extremist authoritarian slave driving warmongers in American history at the top of their list of best presidents.

From an objective standpoint, a statement claiming that the Democrat ideology has ever been "peace at all costs and never trust authorities" is demonstrably false.
France24 identified 2 of the 3 "child soldiers" in the second video. One is a 23 year old female paramedic who volunteered in 2022, and the other a 25 year old male who also volunteered. They are young, but not children.

Maybe some of you should be asking why the Russians want to kill them?
France24 identified 2 of the 3 "child soldiers" in the second video. One is a 23 year old female paramedic who volunteered in 2022, and the other a 25 year old male who also volunteered. They are young, but not children.

Maybe some of you should be asking why the Russians want to kill them?
And why are we supposed to believe that fake news? If we see one, well could just look young, but three, arms thin like a matchstick? You really need to be dumber than a protozoon to come up that bullshit, man.
And why are we supposed to believe that fake news?
Well, you're the one posting the continuous stream of Russian propaganda...

They located and interviewed the people in the video. The interviews were televised.

Well, you're the one posting the continuous stream of Russian propaganda...

They located and interviewed the people in the video. The interviews were televised.

The boy soldier video does not necessarily show Elizabeth. Why "Elizabeth" looks much younger than Elizabeth?
Admittedly, it could be Elizabeth but this is all but a confirmation. This is just pseudo-journalism, it could be similar looking people saying what propaganda wants to hear.
Also, and this cannot be denied, children get indoctrinated and trained in Ukrainian nazi camps:

You cannot even wonder when such kids show up at the front lines.

Ukraine preparing "Russian atrocity":

Media staging combat situation:

You see, this is all fake and you cannot rely on any news coming from MSM, unless it doesn´t match the given points of view.
That's so sad.
Our govt will fight until the very last Ukrainian child is killed.

I remember back when the whole Democrat ideology revolved around peace at all costs & never trusting the authorities
Yes! The transformation is astonishing. Also on the issue of Free Speech, and belief in objective truth, especially that discovered by science.

To be fair, we're really talking about the liberal/Left wing of the Democrats, like The Nation magazine. Democrats led us into every major war of the 20th Century that we took part in. Hilary supported our invasion of Iraq. Obama kept us in Afghanistan.
[ ] (I suppose they would say, "The Republicans made me do it!")

And some of that group, like The Nation, are still true to their anti-war beliefs (but not to Free Speech, etc.), probably because they want the Americans, or the American-supported, side to lose any war it gets involved in, regardless of the merits of the case.
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France24 identified 2 of the 3 "child soldiers" in the second video. One is a 23 year old female paramedic who volunteered in 2022, and the other a 25 year old male who also volunteered. They are young, but not children.

Maybe some of you should be asking why the Russians want to kill them?

A rather childish interpretation .

Wrong place, wrong time --- laced with absurd bravado, might be a much more germane summary .
A rather childish interpretation .

Wrong place, wrong time --- laced with absurd bravado, might be a much more germane summary .
You are high on your own supply.

"Laced with absurd bravado" is an excellent description of your claims of Russian successes. BTW, posting the same stupid claims over and over will not make them come true, lol.

I hate to break it to you but this war will be settled on the battlefield, not on Internet forums...
I have posted consistently accurate info, unlike your soppy guesses.
Haha. You post Ru MoD nonsense. 8000 tanks, lol. They also claim to have destroyed 52 of the 20 HIMARS in Ukraine...IOW, they aren't even trying anymore. They just recycle the same clips over and over...

I think you are CaptainRussia reincarnated. He was just like you. You are a child. The grown-ups are talking, so you should hush.
A summary of what's being said would be nice, for those of us whose Ukrainian is a bit rusty.

And: have the Ukrainians resorted yet to the Russian method of recruitment, emptying their prisons?
"In Ukraine, they are actively preparing for a counteroffensive, the training of one of the fighters of the Ukrainian special forces got into the camera lens."


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