Ukrainian Government Start Reporting Your Casualties In The War!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Ukraine government is not bracing themselves for the difficulty in getting additional military and economic aid from the United States to fight their war against Russia. There is a large faction of the Republican party and a large number of Republican voters that don't support Ukraine's war to defend against Russia taking their sovereign land; make no mistake these Americans are acting bad they are absolutely wrong but that makes no difference these Americans have practical power that will impede and eventually will likely obstruct America's war assistance to Ukraine. These Republicans reasoning is multifaceted but their anti-Ukraine views have the strong potential to grow. Their main reasons stem from simple partisanship the Democrats are for the war so they are against it so they can get an edge during elections and possibly get back into power, these Republicans don't think Ukraine can win Russia has a lot of weapons and ammunition plus they are backed by powerful allies like China that don't want Ukraine to win because if Ukraine wins Russia will be permanently dramatically weakened so this nemesis of the United States and NATO will be dramatically weakened which they don't want and so they will backstop Russia with whatever it needs to not lose this war. Additional main reasons is that Putin represents right wing authoritarianism many Republicans like this ideology, it is anti-union, anti-LGBT, anti-human rights and anti-minority to just to list some so these Americans don't want to see this right wing ideology side lose the war; if Ukraine wins because of the Ukrainian character and natural wealth it will be a prosperous country with widespread prosperity amongst its people and many Republicans are vehemently opposed to such a society they want a society that promotes and protects a wealthy class at the expense of the masses so they do not want to see the rise of a strong society that opposes this view. There is other minor views amongst these Republicans but there is too many to list all of them; like some think the current Ukrainian government is a corrupt government why should America prop up a corrupt government, some think America's real threat is from China and its territorial ambitions in Asia not from Russia and some of these Republicans think we should be spending the money sent to Ukraine on the China problem, as if this is the practical choice.

To address this deteriorating support from the United States problem the Ukraine government should be releasing the Ukraine military's casualty figures on a monthly basis how many Ukranian soldiers, sailors and airmen have been killed and seriously wounded where they have lost a limb or a significant portion of an organ in this war against Russia. The Ukrainian government has to understand that what the American public hears in the media is that this promised and promoted Ukranian counter offensive is essentially a failure that the Ukrainian military's progress on the battlefield is extremely minor that what America and Ukraine's allies are facing with their support of Ukraine is essentially a stalemate and indefinitely into the future America sending large amount of money to Ukraine year upon year with basically no change in the outcome of the war. The Ukrainian government needs to give the American people an additional compelling reason to support their government in Washington to continue aiding the Ukrainian government in this war. It would help the Ukrainian government's cause if American people that understand the utmost serious gravity of this war could say to their fellow countrymen and countrywomen yes the counteroffensive is going extremely slow often a week goes by with only one or a few small Ukrainian towns recovered by the Ukrainian military but the Ukrainian people are fighting with great earnest and zeal "X" numbers of Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and "Y" number of Ukrainian soldiers have been seriously wounded in the last month the American people must support this great sacrifice of the Ukrainian people to combat this alarming threat to international order of a brutal authoritarian government taking the sovereign territory of a neighboring country, the American people must support this keeping the door locked on the aggression that the world saw during the twentieth century with the unlawful conquering of entire countries and the killing of tens and hundreds of thousands of people in this process! If the Ukrainian government cannot document success on the battlefield for all the military and financial aid the Free World has given Ukraine, at least document the effort the Ukrainian government is making on that front!
Not my circus, not my money. You had peace when Trump was President, but you voted for this shit. So enjoy.
Obviously they could never dare publish the real figures and invented nonsense would be immediately spotted , and, at best ,the Nazi Midget would have to try and defend the indifensible. Anyhow , there are only around 13 people in the world who think the Kyiv Nazis can hold out much longer . And half of those clowns post here .
Obviously they could never dare publish the real figures and invented nonsense would be immediately spotted , and, at best ,the Nazi Midget would have to try and defend the indifensible. Anyhow , there are only around 13 people in the world who think the Kyiv Nazis can hold out much longer . And half of those clowns post here .
You've raised the question of a Ukrainian people's coup attempt against their government.
And it must be kept in mind that only America and GB interfered to prevent a peaceful settlement in March 22.

In fact, Zelensky was elected on the promise of negotiating a peaceful settlement.

You're suggesting the most likely formulas for putting an end to this American war against Russia.

And in fact, the Ukraine has nothing to lose with a peace on Russia's terms, and everything to lose as Russia's offensive is about to march to Poland's borders!

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