What anti vax conspiracy theorists did next

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

It looks like they drifted into other conspiracy nonsense and far right politics. Damaged and vulnerable people have provided easy pickings for the wicked and cynical.

What it points to is a failing of mental health services in this country. These people need help but dont expect the tories to provide it.

I was worried a few years ago when my daughter and her friends attended a talk given by some wacky US evangelists. It was all right though.there was a free carvery at the end of the nonsense. They were just there for the food. not the indoctrination. Student life.
Communist Turdy once again quotes Fake News MI6 mouthpiece , The Guardian , for another piece of blatant propaganda and lies . You need to embrace science , Turdy , because pleading your low IQ coupled with Ignorance as your excuse will not allow you to escape being directly involved with mass murderers, as well as outing yourself as Anti Science, Anti Truth and a danger to real people .

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