Poll: Which court will overturn Trump's conviction for his NDA?

Which court will reverse the conviction of Trump for having an NDA?

  • The NY State Court Of Appeals

  • The US Supreme Court

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I'll take the interpretation of constitutional scholars over an innerweb troll who had to admit reading his posts makes you stupid, Simp.
Who is telling these loons the trial was all hunky dory?
You're deranged. :cuckoo:

Colangelo left the Department of Justice in April, 2021. He went to work with Bragg more than a year and a half later in December, 2022.

How in your defective brain is that Colangelo leaving Biden to go work for Bragg?
impenetrable ignorance combined with insulting arrogance. LOL DOn't ever change
Yes, there had to be another crime to resurrect dead misdemeanors. You are clueless.

There was no other crime offered, nor proven in court.

Poor Dumbfuck. He STILL doesn't understand those crimes were offered in court AND the jury unanimously agreed Trump's business records specified "legal services" in an attempt to cover up crimes.

I do agree that he had her sign an NDA. Where is the proof that he did so for his campaign vs for personal reasons? NDA’s are issued on a daily basis by wealthy, well-known people and by corporations. Trump has issued several himself in the past prior to being in politics. Is he guilty just because he happened to be running for President at the time? Nefarious at best.

In the meeting with David Pecker and Michael Cohen at Trump Tower, before the primary campaign season. Pecker also testified that when he called Trump about Karen McDougall, Trump told him to deal with Michael Cohen on the NDA'S for all of these stories. Cohen was his "point man" in these matters.

Pecker also testified that he agreed to publish negative stories about Trump's opposition, whether such stories were true or not. See story that Ted Cruz' father was part of the conspiracy to assasssinate JFK. Also, Pecker was free to publish the stories about Trump AFTER the election was over.

Hope Hicks broke down on the stand when testifying that Trump told her it was a good thing that Michael Cohen kept the SD story out of the press before the election.

Then there was the testimony of Corbett - the lawyer Cohen initially consulted about his arrest. Corbett testified that Cohen told him that he did it all on his own and Trump had nothing to do with his paying off Stormy Daniels. On cross examination, the prosecutor produced an email wherein Corbett is gloating about getting Cohen as a client as they would be able to "manage" what he told the prosecutors and protect Trump when the matter went to court.

Cohen countered that he wasn't honest with Corbett because he didn't trust the guy. He thought that Corbett would go straight to Gulliani and Trump with anything Cohen told him, and Cohen was proven 100% correct by that the email the prosecution found.

Instead of discrediting Cohen, Corbett actually provided further proof of the conspiracy to protect Trump from damaging information, and their willingness to have Cohen take full responsibility for these matters.

Trump's defense spent all of their time discrediting Cohen and Daniels' testimony, while not once calling David Pecker a liar, or Hope Hicks, or any of the other 18 witnesses who provided testimony that convicted Donald Trump. Or even mentioning the checks, invoices, and paperwork which provided the conspiracy.
impenetrable ignorance combined with insulting arrogance. LOL DOn't ever change

So you have NOTHING, as usual. When you don't even attempt to refute the post and go straight to insults, it's proof positive you can't refute the post, so you go straight to attacking the poster.

"Colangelo's decision in 2017 to take a job in the New York Attorney General’s Office – filling a role left vacant by the departure of his future boss, Bragg – led to the first in a series of cases against Trump.

Colangelo assisted a case in 2018 that dissolved Trump’s former NY-based charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, after prosecutors alleged that it had illegally coordinated with Trump’s 2016 campaign. The charity was dissolved after a judge found that Trump had "breached his fiduciary duty."

So Colangelo doesn't like Donald Trump, and this isn't the first time he's left a good job at Justice to go after Donald Trump. He's also had great success in prosecuting Trump. No wonder Dumb Donald is attempting to smear the guy.

Isn't it amazing the things you learn when you actually take the time to ready the links.
impenetrable ignorance combined with insulting arrogance. LOL DOn't ever change

A pity you projected that ironic post without the ability to prove my post wrong. This is why you really are the world's shittiest lawyer.

Matthew Colangelo was never the Associate Attorney General. On inauguration day, 2021, he was named the Acting Associate Attorney General. Three months later, an Associate Attorney General was appointed...

Colangelo didn't go work for Bragg until December, 2022, just as I said...

Oh, and before being the Acting Associate Attorney General, he worked for the NY Attorney General’s Office...

See that? I can backup what I say. You, being the world's shittiest lawyer, cannot. My advice to you is to stay in the sewer where you're safe. Now I sense a 'have a blessed day,' coming -- your words of surrender.
I have my money on the US Supreme Court since it looks like the NY State court of appeals is packed with nothing but Democrats. But hey, this trial was such a joke maybe they will try to save a little face for the state of NY.

There is no question this will be reversed once it gets to a real court.

As biased as the appeals court is, I have confidence that even they won't be able to let this travesty stand. The pressure will be on them to make the right decision, despite their politics.
It was. He was charged with violating § 175.10 with the underlying crime being § 17-152.

Just because you're ignorant of that doesn't mean the appellate courts will be.
The supposed violation of 175.10 occurred AFTER the election, so how the fuck does 17-152 come into play?

See, you are just to stupid to understand how weak and convoluted this shit case is.

You mean like Turley, the guy who's been wrong every step of the way?

Sorry sport, he hasn't been wrong every step of the way. He will be proven right on appeal once this shitburger gets to a real court.

And you will vanish from these threads.
Poor Dumbfuck. He STILL doesn't understand those crimes were offered in court AND the jury unanimously agreed Trump's business records specified "legal services" in an attempt to cover up crimes.

The data entry was done AFTER THE ELECTION, Moron. So tell us how the data entry was election interference.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The SC’s appellate jurisdiction gives them quite a bit of leeway in determining which cases they wish to take. A very simple argument that Trump‘s 6th Amendment right to a fair trial was violated in this case. This case was extroidnary in that this was a past President and current candidate being judged by a politically partisan court a few months before an election. There is ample justification for the SC to take up this case if needed.

None of this matters. The Democrats only care about winning he election. If they win, this will all fall by the way side. If Trump wins, they likely already have many more trumped up cases that partisan AGs and DAs are willing to take on.

Oh? What about this trial was constitutionally unfair?
In the meeting with David Pecker and Michael Cohen at Trump Tower, before the primary campaign season. Pecker also testified that when he called Trump about Karen McDougall, Trump told him to deal with Michael Cohen on the NDA'S for all of these stories. Cohen was his "point man" in these matters.

Pecker also testified that he agreed to publish negative stories about Trump's opposition, whether such stories were true or not. See story that Ted Cruz' father was part of the conspiracy to assasssinate JFK. Also, Pecker was free to publish the stories about Trump AFTER the election was over.

Hope Hicks broke down on the stand when testifying that Trump told her it was a good thing that Michael Cohen kept the SD story out of the press before the election.

Then there was the testimony of Corbett - the lawyer Cohen initially consulted about his arrest. Corbett testified that Cohen told him that he did it all on his own and Trump had nothing to do with his paying off Stormy Daniels. On cross examination, the prosecutor produced an email wherein Corbett is gloating about getting Cohen as a client as they would be able to "manage" what he told the prosecutors and protect Trump when the matter went to court.

Cohen countered that he wasn't honest with Corbett because he didn't trust the guy. He thought that Corbett would go straight to Gulliani and Trump with anything Cohen told him, and Cohen was proven 100% correct by that the email the prosecution found.

Instead of discrediting Cohen, Corbett actually provided further proof of the conspiracy to protect Trump from damaging information, and their willingness to have Cohen take full responsibility for these matters.

Trump's defense spent all of their time discrediting Cohen and Daniels' testimony, while not once calling David Pecker a liar, or Hope Hicks, or any of the other 18 witnesses who provided testimony that convicted Donald Trump. Or even mentioning the checks, invoices, and paperwork which provided the conspiracy.
I would ask you to back up that complete load of yaksqueeze, but we all know you can't.
A pity you projected that ironic post without the ability to prove my post wrong. This is why you really are the world's shittiest lawyer.

Matthew Colangelo was never the Associate Attorney General. On inauguration day, 2021, he was named the Acting Associate Attorney General. Three months later, an Associate Attorney General was appointed...

Colangelo didn't go work for Bragg until December, 2022, just as I said...

Oh, and before being the Acting Associate Attorney General, he worked for the NY Attorney General’s Office...

See that? I can backup what I say. You, being the world's shittiest lawyer, cannot. My advice to you is to stay in the sewer where you're safe. Now I sense a 'have a blessed day,' coming -- your words of surrender.
So Merchan isn't a real judge because he is an "acting" judge.

Sorry sport, he hasn't been wrong every step of the way. He will be proven right on appeal once this shitburger gets to a real court.

And you will vanish from these threads.


Sure he has. I saw Skylar bitchslap you earlier with Turley. I doubt Turley even believes Trump has a chance at the appellate level at this point. He's just saying that to try and save face following a string of miserably wrong predictions.

Sure he has. I saw Skylar bitchslap you earlier with Turley. I doubt Turley even believes Trump has a chance at the appellate level at this point. He's just saying that to try and save face following a string of miserably wrong predictions.
You and Skylar are both lying sacks of shit.

So much so that know you are relegated to telling us you can read Turley's mind.:auiqs.jpg:
It would interesting, and revealing, I'm sure, to be able to see who all is meeting/conversing during this time between the trial and the sentencing. I hope someone uses FOIA to get that information.
Well, they did meet with WH staff in the lead-up to the trial. I’m sure they’re meeting with the same staff to discuss what sentencing would most benefit the Biden campaign.

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