Ukrainian tank single handedly destroys massive Muscovite convoy east of Kyiv

1.) Putin is absolutely correct that Ukraine is a cesspool of vipers and international perverts.
2.) Zalenski came into power with the help of George Soros and an international cabal of banking pirates who hid behind NATO in order to seize that particular area of geography.
3.) The Russian separatists in Luhantz and Donbas have been undergoing a genocidal attack for 8 years running with little to no letup. Those who follow international events were well aware of the activity over the past decade.
4.) Ukraine had become the playground especially of Democrats but also of some wealthy Republican House and Senate members. Several of Mitt Romney's sons hold no show jobs for companies there just like Hunter Biden did.
5.) NATO definitely had designs on the place as a staging area for ballistic missiles pointed at Moscow.
6.) Putin is not on the offense he is actually on the defense.
7.) NATO and US have been ready for this for some time. Explains why Putin ran into a buzz saw.
8.) Some Ukrainian citizens have confirmed the brutality of the AZOV battalion...zalensky's personal SS.
9.) There are NATO and United States Marines there unofficially.
10.) Almost nothing that comes out of there that makes it to our ears can be trusted.
I'm not going to waste time refuting all of your points. But think about this. Why would NATO need Ukraine as a launching point for ballistic missiles when it's ballistic missiles are already in range of every major city in Russia? What Russia is afraid of is NATO installing anti-ballistic missile defenses along it's borders to nullify Russia's short, medium, intermediate range and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Actually, if you search closely you will discover that counting tanks captured, surrendered, and repaired from salvage, Ukraine has more tanks now than they had at the time of the invasion.

What is really interesting is the the Ukrainians seem to recognize the glaring weakness in the ammo storage system in the T-72s and are deliberately targeting that weakness when they fire and it totally destroys the tank.
This is flat out lie from mainstream western media. The only accountable website actually compiling the statistics shows that Ukraine has lost 6x more armor than Russia compared with total armor inventories.
I'm not going to waste time refuting all of your points. But think about this. Why would NATO need Ukraine as a launching point for ballistic missiles when it's ballistic missiles are already in range of every major city in Russia? What Russia is afraid of is NATO installing anti-ballistic missile defenses along it's borders to nullify Russia's short, medium, intermediate range and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Good God are you this dense?

NATO having a hyper sonic missile in Ukraine can reach Moscow in about 3 minutes.
...The only accountable website actually compiling the statistics shows that Ukraine has lost 6x more armor than Russia compared with total armor inventories.

Ukraine has lost about 12% of it's tanks, Russia about 17% (conservatively).

Pre-invasion real numbers:

At the end of 2021, Ukraine had 850 operational tanks. A little over half of them were upgraded beginning in 2017. There are 95 documented losses.

At the end of 2020, Russia had 2685 operational tanks. About 1200 of these had been upgraded beginning in 2000, but most of them (~900) are from 2010 and later. We can probably add 100 upgraded tanks to that number for 2021.

Before the invasion, most of the upgraded Russian tanks were deployed in BTG's. These were part of the 1200 tanks Russia sent into Ukraine.

Russia did not invade with their second string- the 1st Guards Tank Army is the elite Russian armor formation- their avatar goes back to WW2. They lost about 40% of their tanks in the attempt to take Kiev. Reason- completely inadequate infantry support. Russian armor columns rely on local and paramilitary forces for infantry support, the BTG's do not have large infantry components.

Russia has 448 documented tank losses, about 120 of them are T-72B or earlier, so almost 3/4 of the Russian losses were from the upgraded inventory.

Russia invaded with ~120 BTG's (out of 168 total), and have about 80 still in the fight. They've lost something like 45 BTG's worth of tanks, maybe 25-30 BTG's worth of AFV's, and 1.5+ MTA's worth of trucks. Putin is forming up 16 new BTG's, made up partly from the remnants of the invasion forces and partly from Reserves in Russia.

Ukraine has captured about 180 tanks- not all of them will be serviceable. But if half of them are, that means Ukraine is net even on tanks- they have replaced what they lost with captured kit.

Russia has plenty of artillery in reserve, and they still outnumber the Ukrainians in armor. But they are short on manpower. Ukraine has the manpower, but they are short on equipment.

That's why Russia is down to shelling civilian areas with long range artillery and air strikes, as they try to regroup in the east.

I keep hearing Russia isn't going to stay stupid, but I haven't seen anything to make me think it's happening...
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Russian commanders returning from the Kiev area said they never held territory- they held the roads, and they held towns. One needs to keep this in mind when you look at a map of Ukraine, and who controls what.

The ground won't dry out in the Donbas for 6 more weeks. If Russia is smart, they will use that time to regroup and refit. If they are stupid, they will try to keep advancing down the roads, and Ukraine will take them apart just like they did around Kiev.

Anyone who thinks Russia is "de-nazifying" Ukraine needs to look at the images from Irpin and Bucha and Borodyanka and Mariupol, and look at the refugee flows. Ukrainians aren't fleeing to Russia...
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What is really interesting is the the Ukrainians seem to recognize the glaring weakness in the ammo storage system in the T-72s and are deliberately targeting that weakness when they fire and it totally destroys the tank.
Ukraine operates the same tanks, so they know all about the jack-in-the-box feature.

The crew is sitting on top of a carousel autoloader, and one of two things can happen. Either the turret goes sky-high, or the ammo flares off and you get a 40 foot blowtorch through the hatch.

Neither outcome is survivable.

The other thing is that ERA becomes unstable over time just like artillery shells, and if you don't replace it on schedule it may not function as intended.

There are a lot of operators of these tanks around the world, and you can be sure they are paying attention.
This is flat out lie from mainstream western media. The only accountable website actually compiling the statistics shows that Ukraine has lost 6x more armor than Russia compared with total armor inventories.
LOL. You have no accountable news sites in Russia and are too apt to believe the propaganda printed in Pravda. You live in a fool's paradise of denial. The Russian army has proven itself to be poorly trained and equipped and the only thing working for it is it's propaganda mills and fools that believe it.
LOL. You have no accountable news sites in Russia and are too apt to believe the propaganda printed in Pravda. You live in a fool's paradise of denial. The Russian army has proven itself to be poorly trained and equipped and the only thing working for it is it's propaganda mills and fools that believe it.
The accountable website I'm talking about verifies each kill from pictures and discussions of each picture and archives each picture as evidence for each armor kill. That's the ONLY verifiable kill site.

Everything else claimed by anyone else is just dogshit
The accountable website I'm talking about verifies each kill from pictures and discussions of each picture and archives each picture as evidence for each armor kill. That's the ONLY verifiable kill site.

Everything else claimed by anyone else is just dogshit
Yes, but you use completely bogus numbers as your denominator. You neglect to recognize that of Russia's "12,000 tanks" about 9000 of them are Soviet era scrap iron, rusting away from the bottom up in fields.

It sounds like Putin has finally appointed an overall commander in charge of the war in Ukraine.


Russia has reorganised its military command - Western official​


Gordon Corera
Security correspondent, BBC News
A Western official confirmed Russia had now reorganised the command of its operations in Ukraine with the general now in charge having had extensive experience from Syria.
The forces which invaded on 24 February were organised and commanded separately from the district from which they had come.
“There was really poor coordination across those different commands,” said the official, since Russian forces had never trained to work in this way. The Southern Military District Commander is now in charge of operations to attempt to provide better co-ordination - this is reported to be General Alexander Dvornikov.
“That particular commander has a lot of experience of Russian operations in Syria. So we would expect the overall command and control to improve,” the official said.
In terms of timing, the Western official thought political imperatives might take precedence over military priorities in Russia pushing forward to get some kind of success ahead of 9 May when the country marks victory in World War II. Western officials said they were seeing the piecemeal sending of more forces towards Donbas rather than pausing to allow forces to regroup properly.
“There's a tension between the military logic of getting the force properly set for a reinvigorated Russian operation into the Donbas, potentially using more appropriate tactics and learning some of the lessons from the disastrous operations largely so far, against a political imperative to actually get on with the operation and move quickly,” said the official.
Russia is thought to have slightly fewer than 100 battalion tactical groups available for operations, once they have been reconstituted after current moves. This would be a "substantial" Russian force but the official said Russian tactics have meant that even with numerical advantages they have been held back by smaller numbers of Ukrainian units acting in a far smarter way and with surprise.
“Unless Russia is able to change its tactics, and be far more effective at using all the tools to its advantage, if it fails to do that, then it's very difficult to see how they succeed in even these limited objectives that they've reset themselves, and certainly not at the pace that I think they would hope to do," the official said."

From BBC:
Good God are you this dense?

NATO having a hyper sonic missile in Ukraine can reach Moscow in about 3 minutes.
Yeah and Russia with the missiles it ALREADY has on the NATO borders can hit NATO capitals. Russia already has road-mobile short, intermediate and intercontinental ranged missiles roving around it's territory capable of hitting every NATO country. RUSSIA is the one rattling it's nuclear-tipped sabers.
It sounds like Putin has finally appointed an overall commander in charge of the war in Ukraine.


Russia has reorganised its military command - Western official​


Gordon Corera
Security correspondent, BBC News
A Western official confirmed Russia had now reorganised the command of its operations in Ukraine with the general now in charge having had extensive experience from Syria.
The forces which invaded on 24 February were organised and commanded separately from the district from which they had come.
“There was really poor coordination across those different commands,” said the official, since Russian forces had never trained to work in this way. The Southern Military District Commander is now in charge of operations to attempt to provide better co-ordination - this is reported to be General Alexander Dvornikov.
“That particular commander has a lot of experience of Russian operations in Syria. So we would expect the overall command and control to improve,” the official said.
In terms of timing, the Western official thought political imperatives might take precedence over military priorities in Russia pushing forward to get some kind of success ahead of 9 May when the country marks victory in World War II. Western officials said they were seeing the piecemeal sending of more forces towards Donbas rather than pausing to allow forces to regroup properly.
“There's a tension between the military logic of getting the force properly set for a reinvigorated Russian operation into the Donbas, potentially using more appropriate tactics and learning some of the lessons from the disastrous operations largely so far, against a political imperative to actually get on with the operation and move quickly,” said the official.
Russia is thought to have slightly fewer than 100 battalion tactical groups available for operations, once they have been reconstituted after current moves. This would be a "substantial" Russian force but the official said Russian tactics have meant that even with numerical advantages they have been held back by smaller numbers of Ukrainian units acting in a far smarter way and with surprise.
“Unless Russia is able to change its tactics, and be far more effective at using all the tools to its advantage, if it fails to do that, then it's very difficult to see how they succeed in even these limited objectives that they've reset themselves, and certainly not at the pace that I think they would hope to do," the official said."

From BBC:
In Phase II, the West's problematic is that Dvornikov was born in the Primorskye Krai and very well could be Mohe-Jurchen (Manchu). In addition, if the intel is correct, 100s of Chinese Main Battle tanks and other vehicles are now headed northwest toward the Russia/Europe borders. It is said to be traveling at full speed, with stops only for scheduled refueling and no other delays. Many Russians will now get to photograph to the internet, that equipment passing through their country. The 6 Chinese Y-20s landing at the Nikola Tesla Airport at Belgrade, Serbia, apparently unloaded QH-22s, which are comparable to Patriots.
In Phase II, the West's problematic is that Dvornikov was born in the Primorskye Krai and very well could be Mohe-Jurchen (Manchu). In addition, if the intel is correct, 100s of Chinese Main Battle tanks and other vehicles are now headed northwest toward the Russia/Europe borders. It is said to be traveling at full speed, with stops only for scheduled refueling and no other delays. Many Russians will now get to photograph to the internet, that equipment passing through their country. The 6 Chinese Y-20s landing at the Nikola Tesla Airport at Belgrade, Serbia, apparently unloaded QH-22s, which are comparable to Patriots.
The SAM system is no surprise, other than (at the time) it was expected they would be going with S-300. That purchase was announced in 2020.

The delivery was typical China posturing- trying to showcase their airlift for the public.

The idea that a convoy of tanks and vehicles would be driving through Russia is pretty goofy. First, they would move that material by rail- they wouldn't drive it all the way to Ukraine on roads.

Second, Russian crews can't be expected to understand the Chinese battle management computers (or anything else in the crew cmpt.), so even if they had the crews to man additional tanks (they don't), they can't use Chinese armor. It's not like a PLA tank battalion is going to integrate with a Russian BTG, and Xi is not about to invade Ukraine and subject China to the same sanctions that Russia is under.

I would not expect a giant convoy of Chinese armor and trucks going through Russia to be well received by Russians, it certainly goes against the "special military operation" narrative.

Russia may turn to China for replenishment, but that would not come in time for this war. China can provide ammunition and MRE's, body armor, small arms, etc. Anything that's self-explanatory.

What Russia needs more than anything else is trucks. Xi could probably provide an assist on that if he wants to.

Finding drivers might be more of a challenge, considering the short life expectancy of Russian contractors in Ukraine these days...
From ISW 4/10:

The Russian Defense Ministry is reportedly offering cash bonuses to incentivize forces withdrawn from northeastern Ukraine to reenter combat operations. Radio Svoboda published images of a document on April 10 that it reported was issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on April 2 offering specific bonuses for Russian troops in Ukraine.[1] The document specifies large payments including 300,000 rubles for destroying a fixed-wing aircraft, 200,000 for destroying a helicopter, and 50,000 for armored vehicles and artillery. Radio Svoboda stated the payments are intended to coerce units withdrawn from the Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions to reenter combat. We have previously reported several instances of Russian soldiers refusing orders to return to Ukraine after being pulled back.[2]

Russian forces are implementing increasingly draconian measures to conscript previously ineligible personnel. The Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported on April 10 that Russian forces are now conscripting previously ineligible categories of people, including those with childhood disabilities and workers in protected industries.[3] The GUR reported that DNR/LNR authorities are enabling traffic inspectors to issue on-the-spot conscription notices and are establishing checkpoints on key highways. DNR and Russian military police are additionally reportedly destroying documents granting exemptions—such as medical records or work certificates—to forcibly conscript people.[4]
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The SAM system is no surprise, other than (at the time) it was expected they would be going with S-300. That purchase was announced in 2020.

The delivery was typical China posturing- trying to showcase their airlift for the public.

The idea that a convoy of tanks and vehicles would be driving through Russia is pretty goofy. First, they would move that material by rail- they wouldn't drive it all the way to Ukraine on roads.

Second, Russian crews can't be expected to understand the Chinese battle management computers (or anything else in the crew cmpt.), so even if they had the crews to man additional tanks (they don't), they can't use Chinese armor. It's not like a PLA tank battalion is going to integrate with a Russian BTG, and Xi is not about to invade Ukraine and subject China to the same sanctions that Russia is under.

I would not expect a giant convoy of Chinese armor and trucks going through Russia to be well received by Russians, it certainly goes against the "special military operation" narrative.

Russia may turn to China for replenishment, but that would not come in time for this war. China can provide ammunition and MRE's, body armor, small arms, etc. Anything that's self-explanatory.

What Russia needs more than anything else is trucks. Xi could probably provide an assist on that if he wants to.

Finding drivers might be more of a challenge, considering the short life expectancy of Russian contractors in Ukraine these days...
From ISW 4/10:

The Russian Defense Ministry is reportedly offering cash bonuses to incentivize forces withdrawn from northeastern Ukraine to reenter combat operations. Radio Svoboda published images of a document on April 10 that it reported was issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on April 2 offering specific bonuses for Russian troops in Ukraine.[1] The document specifies large payments including 300,000 rubles for destroying a fixed-wing aircraft, 200,000 for destroying a helicopter, and 50,000 for armored vehicles and artillery. Radio Svoboda stated the payments are intended to coerce units withdrawn from the Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions to reenter combat. We have previously reported several instances of Russian soldiers refusing orders to return to Ukraine after being pulled back.[2]

Russian forces are implementing increasingly draconian measures to conscript previously ineligible personnel. The Ukrainian Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported on April 10 that Russian forces are now conscripting previously ineligible categories of people, including those with childhood disabilities and workers in protected industries.[3] The GUR reported that DNR/LNR authorities are enabling traffic inspectors to issue on-the-spot conscription notices and are establishing checkpoints on key highways. DNR and Russian military police are additionally reportedly destroying documents granting exemptions—such as medical records or work certificates—to forcibly conscript people.[4]
The Trans-Siberian Railway is supposedly moving the Chinese tanks toward Moscow. There's no language problem, the new commander may not only be part Mohe-Jurchen, that is to saY, Manchu, he was born at one end of this railway at Ussuriysk, Primorskye Krai. Russians have already done language work in the Primorskye Krai, for example, Nikolaeva's A Grammar of Udihe.

Putin would know that it makes sense to move tanks now due to climate change:

2021 Aug 26 RFE RL Russia is Burning
'....that as forests retreat northward in the face of shifting climate and permafrost becomes arable land, the country's agricultural output could increase....Putin also focused on unusual flooding that has affected a swath of south Siberia, even briefly closing a bridge crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railway.'

Chernihiv Oblast, mentioned above, is the Ice Age origin of the nazi fylfot.
Well, the effeminates at CIA-MI6 got the Bucha massacre propaganda from the Urkun massacre of 1916 Kyrgyzstan, when they named Omurbekov as responsible for Bucha, which they shouldn't have done. Next, Ukrainians drag corpses into the street for staging and filming. But then, new CIA-MI6 conscripts too, are wet behind the ears. There were Kyrgyz fighters in the Donbas in 2015, so this is further evidence of the Ukraine's envy and indignance which would fuel the propaganda.

If anyone can solve language problems, it certainly would be Russian-Chinese collaboration, reminiscent of traditional light signaling across the Black Dragon River.

The Trans-Siberian Railway is supposedly moving the Chinese tanks toward Moscow. There's no language problem, the new commander may not only be part Mohe-Jurchen, that is to saY, Manchu, he was born at one end of this railway at Ussuriysk, Primorskye Krai. Russians have already done language work in the Primorskye Krai, for example, Nikolaeva's A Grammar of Udihe.

Putin would know that it makes sense to move tanks now due to climate change:
magic 8-ball.jpg

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