Ukrainians Believe Russian Invasion Will Fail

Im sorry to dissapoint you American boy lover but Russia is making substantial gains. Its only a matter of time before they give in.

Most of their military infrastructure has been destroyed, their Turkish drones, the "Wunderwaffe", are mostly gone and most of their jets are destroyed by the artillery. They are sitting ducks.

Soon, those neo nazis you funded will also be history in Mariupol.

If the people of Ukraine lose it will still cost Pootin and Russia much more than they realize.

Personally I hope your boys get into Kyiv and then the Ukrainian people blow all ways out and then blow the entire city up sending a Message to that tyrant this is what will happen all over the Ukraine if the Russian scum do not leave…

All the Ukrainian people have to do after that is just turn the Ukraine into another Afghanistan for Pootin and keep the war going for twelve years or more draining all of Russia resources.

May Gods of Valhalla crush the Russian Steep whores!
Russia is a gas station masquerading as a real country. Tell us, what was the point of invading Ukraine?
Controlling the flow of their resources and having their food basket back while keeping NATO and the West from controlling the country with a Western friendly Government…

Pooting might have miscalculated on the resolve of the Ukrainian people and their will from being held hostage by Russian tyranny…
Now they are the ones getting their asses kicked now that the offensive has begun.
While you american boy lovers at the US army are trying to figure out what genders to represent and how to fill your gender quota, Russia is developing new weapons and training us to protect Russia.

Do you really expect me to be afraid of Armies that portray themselves as women institutes?
Man you are terrible at playing the Rooskie part!
If the people of Ukraine lose it will still cost Pootin and Russia much more than they realize.

Personally I hope your boys get into Kyiv and then the Ukrainian people blow all ways out and then blow the entire city up sending a Message to that tyrant this is what will happen all over the Ukraine if the Russian scum do not leave…

All the Ukrainian people have to do after that is just turn the Ukraine into another Afghanistan for Pootin and keep the war going for twelve years or more draining all of Russia resources.

May Gods of Valhalla crush the Russian Steep whores!

Cowboy, Russia only marched in with 20.000 soldiers in the first day while the Russia AF destroyed most of Ukraines military infrastructure and airforce. Now their communication centers are being destroyed and their ammo depots too. Even their "Wunderwaffe", the Turkish bayraktar drones are mostly gone.

The US needed a month to invade to beat a small country like iraq with heavy cadualties.

Russia will need way less for a country thsts largrr than France.

We got us a Russian Troll today to spread Putin’s misinformation

Its one of few Forums where you can have a conversation as a Russian.

The last forum i registered to, a US army forum, kicked me out for being a Russian.

Wonder if this forum has Soldiers to talk to.
Cowboy, Russia only marched in with 20.000 soldiers in the first day while the Russia AF destroyed most of Ukraines military infrastructure and airforce. Now their communication centers are being destroyed and their ammo depots too. Even their "Wunderwaffe", the Turkish bayraktar drones are mostly gone.

The US needed a month to invade to beat a small country like iraq with heavy cadualties.

Russia will need way less for a country thsts largrr than France.
Keep dreaming and when Russia is stuck for a decade fighting this War and you change your name once again, well just just remember Russia and Pootin will be remember as being worse than Czar Nick who lost to Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin…
Its one of few Forums where you can have a conversation as a Russian.

The last forum i registered to, a US army forum, kicked me out for being a Russian.

Wonder if this forum has Soldiers to talk to.
Retired ones but you should worry about the other possible agencies that read and monitor boards like this…

Better yet do not and keep on preaching your stupidity!
Keep dreaming and when Russia is stuck for a decade fighting this War and you change your name once again, well just just remember Russia and Pootin will be remember as being worse than Czar Nick who lost to Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin…

If you think Russia is still the sick man it used to be in the USSR, then you will be in for a rude awakening.
If you think Russia is still the sick man it used to be in the USSR, then you will be in for a rude awakening.
Nah, I believe the USSR would have done it better, and I still thought they sucked as bad as your trolling…

Anyhoo, the fact is Russia and your boy Pootin suck, so get used to starving because the Iron Curtin is back and you are going to lose a lot more in the coming years and decades…
Nah, I believe the USSR would have done it better, and I still thought they sucked as bad as your trolling…

Anyhoo, the fact is Russia and your boy Pootin suck, so get used to starving because the Iron Curtin is back and you are going to lose a lot more in the coming years and decades…
The US the Afghanistan war before they even started it. You couldnt even defeat the terrorists you created, how do you want to fight another world power?

Better worry about China, because they are about to take Taiwan sooner or later and then Japan is next.
The US the Afghanistan war before they even started it. You couldnt even defeat the terrorists you created, how do you want to fight another world power?

Better worry about China, because they are about to take Taiwan sooner or later and then Japan is next.
Man you are terrible at this!

The Afghanistan War I am writing about is the one the U.S.S.R. lost and ran away with their tail tucked between their legs and Pootin is going to lose when it come to the Ukraine…

Now stop before you make me pee my depends from laughing so fucking hard at your poor attempt at being a Rooskie!
Man you are terrible at this!

The Afghanistan War I am writing about is the one the U.S.S.R. lost and ran away with their tail tucked between their legs and Pootin is going to lose when it come to the Ukraine…

Now stop before you make me pee my depends from laughing so fucking hard at your poor attempt at being a Rooskie!

That was the past, now we are in the present.

Keep thinking whst you want. At the end, Ukraine will fall and Zelebsky has to blame himself for thst.
No, Pootin holds all the blame and if I were a betting man then my bet is you will be leaving soon and Pootin will be found dead at his desk with a bullet in his head…
Putin was a KGB agent, he knows what he is doing.

Your current President is just a senile old man, he is as rotten as the society he leads.

At least Trump had a strong charactet Pztin could respect, even if he was just an overweight Businessman.
Putin was a KGB agent, he knows what he is doing.

Your current President is just a senile old man, he is as rotten as the society he leads.

At least Trump had a strong charactet Pztin could respect, even if he was just an overweight Businessman.
Terrible… Just Terrible…

First off American society might suck but still I prefer to live here than live in a country where your leader is a wannabe Stalin and let be truthful Stalin would have killed Pootin if they were alive during the same period of time and in the Government…

Just learn your boy is dumb as a box of rocks and Joe might be old and worthless but he ain’t the one that invaded the Ukraine and doing poorly at winning the war…
Terrible… Just Terrible…

First off American society might suck but still I prefer to live here than live in a country where your leader is a wannabe Stalin and let be truthful Stalin would have killed Pootin if they were alive during the same period of time and in the Government…

Just learn your boy is dumb as a box of rocks and Joe might be old and worthless but he ain’t the one that invaded the Ukraine and doing poorly at winning the war…
Bush invaded Iraq and killed many civilians on the way, Biden under Obama started the Syrian and Lybian civil wat by arming terrorists. Putin has done well denying you Syria.

Now he denies you Ukraine to us as a staging area against Russja.
Bush invaded Iraq and killed many civilians on the way, Biden under Obama started the Syrian and Lybian civil wat by arming terrorists. Putin has done well denying you Syria.

Now he denies you Ukraine to us as a staging area against Russja.
Yawn, Pootin is upset he wasn’t allowed into NATO, so now he want revenge…

Let be clear Pootin miscalculated on this invasion and trying to excuse his stupidity by saying “ look at what Bush II did “ is truly stupid on your part and I have no doubt you are not Russian…

So which basement are you writing from in the U.S.?
Bush invaded Iraq and killed many civilians on the way, Biden under Obama started the Syrian and Lybian civil wat by arming terrorists. Putin has done well denying you Syria.

Now he denies you Ukraine to us as a staging area against Russja.
I guess you never realized that Ukraine is nowhere near that size and doesn't come anywhere near the northern sea. And isn't next to Afghanistan, lol. Newb.
Really? You mean the game of risk is not really using an accurate map? Holy shit. Someone needs to form a mob and change that. Risk Lives Matter!

You remind me of Putin.

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