UK's May says "highly likely" Russia responsible for poisoning of ex-spy

When combining organophosphate with atropine, a Pubmed search brings up nerve agents, so atropine may possibly be the novichok antidote stored at Porton Down:

Organophosphate / Atropine
Oxidative stress in organophosphate poisoning: role of standard antidotal therapy. - PubMed - NCBI

Chinese do not metabolize diazepam very well, and would correspond with the development of nerve agents.

Combining streptomycetes and barley, there is....

[Variety-specific actinomycete complexes associated with barley roots in soddy podzolic soil]. - PubMed - NCBI

Combining streptomycetes and toxin, there is....

Tuscaloosa: Neurodegenerative Compound-Producing Soil Streptomyces
The Prevalence and Distribution of Neurodegenerative Compound-Producing Soil Streptomyces spp. - PubMed - NCBI
'....dopaminergic neurodegeneration.'
You're having a wonderful conversation with yourself....Somehow I doubt most here are interested...Like they might be in this:

Nikolai Glushkov, Russian Exile Linked To A Putin Critic, Dies In London

Nikolai Glushkov, a Russian exile who was a close friend of a noted critic of President Vladimir Putin, has died from an "unexplained" cause in London, police say. The Metropolitan Police says that its counterterrorism unit is handling the case "because of associations that the man is believed to have had."

Glushkov, 68, was a close friend of Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, a prominent critic of the Kremlin who was found dead in 2013. At the time, an inquiry found he had hanged himself — but Glushkov publicly disputed the idea that his friend and former business ally would have killed himself.

As British media began reporting Glushkov's death, the police issued a statement saying, "An investigation is underway following the death of a man in his 60s in Kingston borough."

The Two-Way

Britain Gives Russia 'Until Midnight' To Explain Use Of Nerve Gas

The London Ambulance Service had called police after being summoned to a house in New Malden, where the man was found dead.

"The death is currently being treated as an unexplained," police said, adding that the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command is leading the investigation as a precaution.

Police said that they believe they know the man's identity and that his family has been notified, but that officials are still awaiting a formal identification.

Glushkov's death comes a week after former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found poisoned in Salisbury, England. Officials in the U.K. say they were the victims of a Russian-engineered nerve agent. The father and daughter remain in critical condition, and British Prime Minister Theresa May has demanded answers from Russia about how the lethal Novichok nerve agent came to be used on U.K. soil.

"There is no evidence to suggest a link to the incident in Salisbury," police said day, as they announced the investigation into Glushkov's death.

Of the Skripal case, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said, "the use of this nerve agent would represent the first use of nerve agents on the continent of Europe since the Second World War."

Russian officials have rejected the idea that their government is responsible for the attack on Skripal. On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said such claims were "nonsense."

Still, the poisoning and now the unexplained death have resurfaced talk of what many see as a pattern of Russians who run afoul of the Kremlin and later die under suspicious or criminal circumstances.

The Two-Way

Former Putin Aide Died Of 'Blunt Force Injuries' In D.C., Medical Report Says

Just two years ago, the official report emerged about the death of Mikhail Lesin, a former Russian press minister and Putin adviser, whose death had originally been reported by Russian media outlets as the result of a heart attack — despite the fact that Lesin had died in a hotel in Washington, D.C., and that his death was eventually ruled to have been caused by "blunt force injuries." The manner of death was classified as "undetermined."

Another notable case involved Alexander Perepilichny, a Russian banker turned whistleblower who died during a jog near his home in Surrey. As NPR's Mary Louise Kelly reported, "Traces of a rare, poisonous flowering plant were found in his stomach."

As a close associate of Berezovsky, Glushkov was linked to one of the most successful of Russia's oligarchs to emerge from the collapse of the Soviet Union. Berezovsky had been an early ally of Putin — but their relationship changed drastically, culminating in the tycoon leaving Russia and being locked in a multi-billion-dollar legal battle with another oligarch, Roman Abramovich, over proceeds from the Sibneft oil company. That dispute was eventually settled in Abramovich's favor.

Describing the suspicions around Berezovsky's death in 2013, the Financial Times reported:

"He had, after all, long claimed President Putin ordered the 2006 poisoning with radioactive polonium-210 of one of Berezovsky's protégés, Alexander Litvinenko, the former KGB agent. He was set to be a witness in a potentially explosive inquest in October into Litvinenko's death."

Glushkov refused to believe there had been no foul play in Berezovsky's demise — particularly as it came years after the death of another ally, the Georgian billionaire Badri Patarkatsishvili, who had died of an apparent heart attack in Surrey.

"You have the deaths of Boris and Badri over a short period of time. Too many bodies are happening. I would say this is a little bit too much," Glushkov told The Guardian in 2013. He added that the list of prominent Russians who opposed Putin was continuing to shrink: "I don't see anyone left on it apart from me."

Berezovsky also controlled the Aeroflot airline — and Glushkov ran it for him. They were accused of embezzling from the enterprise, and in 2007, a Russian court ordered them to repay millions of dollars. But by then, Berezovsky had moved to London. Glushkov wasn't as fortunate; he served five years over money laundering and fraud, The Guardian reports, before following Berezovsky to England several years later.
Could this be another false flag event brought to us by the CIA or MI6? Much like the shoot down of the airliner over Ukraine...?

The ruling class seems intent on bringing us WWIII...and it seems many Americans are all for it.

Here is a bit of truth that won't be found anywhere in the MSM...Russia Did It! - LewRockwell
Could this be another false flag event brought to us by the CIA or MI6?
Oh yes my dear.

Read the article and the many referenced sources. Then get back to me.

Don't make the same mistake you made with Saddam's WMD. We have seen this act before, but some of us YOU included, seem incapable of learning from history.
We already reported on another thread that Youtube quickly scrubbed the Russian- language video that mentioned Porton Down. Youtube's castrating software is swift and fascist. U.S. Navy's scopolamine/truth serum (1947) links to scopoletin and atropine synthesis pathway, which atropine is the antidote to Novichok according to Mirzayanov's interview from Novaya Gazeta. Soros is part owner of Novaya Gazeta. Atropine is also the antidote to sarin. Assad is correct: sarin can be homemade,
According to the media, Glushkov links to Berezovsky. Berezovsky's hands were not tied when he hung himself. which still does not prove suicide.
We already reported on another thread that Youtube quickly scrubbed the Russian- language video that mentioned Porton Down. Youtube's castrating software is swift and fascist. U.S. Navy's scopolamine/truth serum (1947) links to scopoletin and atropine synthesis pathway, which atropine is the antidote to Novichok according to Mirzayanov's interview from Novaya Gazeta. Soros is part owner of Novaya Gazeta. Atropine is also the antidote to sarin. Assad is correct: sarin can be homemade,
It is clear Teresa May is a tool of the ruling class and Deep State. For her to accuse Russia of this murder, based on such flimsy evidence, proves my assertion. Amazingly nearly the entire western MSM accepted her flimsy evidence, without any critical analysis. Proving they are tools too.

It is clear the USA and several other nations possessed the chemical in question. This of course is ignored by the MSM and the warmongers.

If we don't have WWIII soon, we will be very lucky considering the criminals ruling the West. Trump may be the only impediment to WWIII.
This murder looks like a false flag attempt by CIA and MI6...MORE every day. No evidence to support Putin or Russia committing the act, yet leaders in UK KNOW it was them. WTF! ...and the western press is buying the bullshit. Who benefits from all this? The western ruling class does...since they are the ones you get rich from war.

Will the American people fall for yet again another covert act by their government, to get us into yet another war?

Pat Buchanan...

Britain has yet to identify the assassin who tried to murder the double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury, England. But Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson knows who ordered the hit. “We think it overwhelmingly likely that it was (Russian President Vladimir Putin’s) decision to direct the use of a nerve agent on the streets of the U.K.” Why Russia is the prime suspect is understandable. Novichok was created by Russia’s military decades ago, and Skripal, a former Russian intel officer, betrayed Russian spies to MI6.

But what is missing here is the Kremlin’s motive for the crime.

Skripal was convicted of betraying Russian spies in 2006. He spent four years in prison and was exchanged in 2010 for Russian spies in the U.S. If Putin wanted Skripal dead as an example to all potential traitors, why didn’t he execute him while he was in Kremlin custody?

Why wait until eight years after Skripal had been sent to England? And how would this murder on British soil advance any Russian interest?

Putin is no fool. A veteran intelligence agent, he knows that no rival intel agency such as the CIA or MI6 would trade spies with Russia if the Kremlin were to go about killing them after they have been traded.

Did Putin Order the Salisbury Hit? - LewRockwell
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We already reported on another thread that Youtube quickly scrubbed the Russian- language video that mentioned Porton Down. Youtube's castrating software is swift and fascist. U.S. Navy's scopolamine/truth serum (1947) links to scopoletin and atropine synthesis pathway, which atropine is the antidote to Novichok according to Mirzayanov's interview from Novaya Gazeta. Soros is part owner of Novaya Gazeta. Atropine is also the antidote to sarin. Assad is correct: sarin can be homemade,
It is clear Teresa May is a tool of the ruling class and Deep State. For her to accuse Russia of this murder, based on such flimsy evidence, proves my assertion. Amazingly nearly the entire western MSM accepted her flimsy evidence, without any critical analysis. Proving they are tools too.

It is clear the USA and several other nations possessed the chemical in question. This of course is ignored by the MSM and the warmongers.

If we don't have WWIII soon, we will be very lucky considering the criminals ruling the West. Trump may be the only impediment to WWIII.
Life is not a Clancy novel..get a grip.
OP resorts to simple sentences after others post complex concepts. Makes sense. Get a grip.
We already reported on another thread that Youtube quickly scrubbed the Russian- language video that mentioned Porton Down. Youtube's castrating software is swift and fascist. U.S. Navy's scopolamine/truth serum (1947) links to scopoletin and atropine synthesis pathway, which atropine is the antidote to Novichok according to Mirzayanov's interview from Novaya Gazeta. Soros is part owner of Novaya Gazeta. Atropine is also the antidote to sarin. Assad is correct: sarin can be homemade,
It is clear Teresa May is a tool of the ruling class and Deep State. For her to accuse Russia of this murder, based on such flimsy evidence, proves my assertion. Amazingly nearly the entire western MSM accepted her flimsy evidence, without any critical analysis. Proving they are tools too.

It is clear the USA and several other nations possessed the chemical in question. This of course is ignored by the MSM and the warmongers.

If we don't have WWIII soon, we will be very lucky considering the criminals ruling the West. Trump may be the only impediment to WWIII.
Life is not a Clancy novel..get a grip.
Truth is stranger than fiction my poor deluded friend.

If you knew history, you would know of the numerous false flag events committed by world leaders throughout world history to start wars.
We already reported on another thread that Youtube quickly scrubbed the Russian- language video that mentioned Porton Down. Youtube's castrating software is swift and fascist. U.S. Navy's scopolamine/truth serum (1947) links to scopoletin and atropine synthesis pathway, which atropine is the antidote to Novichok according to Mirzayanov's interview from Novaya Gazeta. Soros is part owner of Novaya Gazeta. Atropine is also the antidote to sarin. Assad is correct: sarin can be homemade,
It is clear Teresa May is a tool of the ruling class and Deep State. For her to accuse Russia of this murder, based on such flimsy evidence, proves my assertion. Amazingly nearly the entire western MSM accepted her flimsy evidence, without any critical analysis. Proving they are tools too.

It is clear the USA and several other nations possessed the chemical in question. This of course is ignored by the MSM and the warmongers.

If we don't have WWIII soon, we will be very lucky considering the criminals ruling the West. Trump may be the only impediment to WWIII.
Life is not a Clancy novel..get a grip.
Truth is stranger than fiction my poor deluded friend.

If you knew history, you would know of the numerous false flag events committed by world leaders throughout world history to start wars.
It is becoming more clear that the British government and western press blaming Russia for this, is clearly propaganda.

Russian Scientists Explain 'Novichok' - High Time For Britain To Come Clean (Updated)
While the British government blamed the Russians just a week after the incident in Salisbury happened it now seems interested in delaying any further investigations. It took more than two weeks after the incident for the British government to invite the OPCW to help with the case. The head of the OPCW says it will take another three weeks for the organization to analyze the samples the British laboratory now handed over. The British police requires several months to find out what happened to the Skripals.

How could the British government be sure of “Russian” involvement within a week and even expel Russian diplomats when the primary chemical experts on the issue will need three weeks for their first analyses and the British police predicts a several months long investigation?

The Russian scientist and their government have explained their history and position in relation to ‘Novichoks’ and the Skripal incident. It is high time now for the British government, its scientists at Porton Down and its greedy mafia of former(?) British intelligence officer and their criminal Russian emigres to come clean about their own roles in it.

Moon of Alabama

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