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UN: Israel 16th Most Prosperous Country

Taking into account those obstacles and it's absolutely amazing what the Israelis have accomplished!
True, running the world's largest open air prison camp called Gaza.

While at the same time governing a fascist state with a racist ideology and calling it a democracy.

Is quite an accomplishment in this day and age......... :cool:
Taking into account those obstacles and it's absolutely amazing what the Israelis have accomplished!
True, running the world's largest open air prison camp called Gaza.

While at the same time governing a fascist state with a racist ideology and calling it a democracy.

Is quite an accomplishment in this day and age......... :cool:

Kinda like the open air sharia prisons of the muslim world, don't you think?
Ironically the JEWS stole Israel from the Caanites.......:cool:

Ironically you Arabs stole land from the Persian, Jews of Arabia, Byzantines, Turks, Black Africans of Northern Africa (worst mass ethnically cleansing in WORLD history, in Albania, Serbia etc. The towelheads have the market cornered on stealing lands!!!
With what Israel has stolen and mooched, Haiti would be a prosperous country.

Funny, because that hasn't helped the Muslims. Ironically the MUSLIMS stole Pakistan from India in 1948. Despite a 1000 fold larger geography, that shithole Muslim country is lives in the dark ages. Same with the other country stolen from India, Bangladesh; that is a real shithole.

Not to mention all the shit hole Arab countries stolen from the native inhabitants on the Arabian peninsula. They started as a small band of thefts, rapist, raiders and murders. Then the grand-war0lord child molester Mohammed appeared and started the Muslim Crusades (Caliphates). First the murdered all the Jews that were the inhabitants of what is now Saudi Arabia. Then then conquer Babylon, Asyria, Persia, Byzantine Empire, the lands that are now Pakistan, Jordan and Lebanon. Then then pushed north into the caucuses and West into North Africa. Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, etc. all fell to the hand of Islam and the Islamic crusaders. Funny how all these countries had black African histories that were WIPED out in the 7th-9th centuries and were replaced with nearly 100% Arab populations. Many of these STOLEN LANDS have been BLESSED with great riches such as OIL and the Muslins have controlled them for centuries. Yet none emerge out of the dark ages and none ever move up in the rankings.

So you claim the Jews thrive on stolen land. With is hogwash, since Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world, so what is your excuse for Muslim failing on their stolen lands?

You're always complaining about the size, even though to me it's enough land. And it is beautiful land. But size doesn't have to do with everything, Jerusalem used to be a key trade center in the Middle East.

And Jerusalem ALWAYS had a Jewish majority. That should tell you something!
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Ironically the JEWS stole Israel from the Caanites.......:cool:

Ironically you Arabs stole land from the Persian, Jews of Arabia, Byzantines, Turks, Black Africans of Northern Africa (worst mass ethnically cleansing in WORLD history, in Albania, Serbia etc. The towelheads have the market cornered on stealing lands!!!

Jews of Arabia? The minority? Arabs of Arabia always were Arabic. They just became Muslims ya fool....:cuckoo::lol:


Lipush you say some of the weirdest things some times....

Israel ranked 16th out of 187 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index for 2012, released on Thursday. The ranking was one better than the country's ranking for 2011 from the standpoint of economy, education and health. Israel scored 900 out of a possible 1,000 points, as compared to top-ranked Norway's 995.

Israel was the highest-rated country in the Middle East. The closest Arab country was oil-rich Qatar at 36th place. The nearest immediate neighbor was Lebanon at No. 72. Only five of the 27 European Union members placed higher.

UN: Israel 16th Most Prosperous Country - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News
Good news for the American tax payer!!

Israhell can now turn down their yearly 3 billion Aid package in money and weapons from the U.S. ...... :cool:

Taking to mind that you're and antisemite, Sunni, I think its a poetic justice that you know your taxes save Jewish lives.

That's like a wheel turning.

No really BIK, your tax dollars go to Israel as you concede many times, yet most Israel's would piss on your Muslim graves if they had the chance. How does that make you feel?
Wow, wow, wow, you need to calm down and quit saying filthy things. God, and you're complaining about antisemitism and you wonder why.
Israel has lived on the mooch since before it was named.

I suspect the US subsidy of Israel rather helps them along.
The claim to be one of the world's most prosperous Countries isn't all that great when you consider how much they've been gifted by the US of A.

I wonder how the numbers would look if that American tax payers' cash was taken out of the maths.
Israel ranked 16th out of 187 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index for 2012, released on Thursday. The ranking was one better than the country's ranking for 2011 from the standpoint of economy, education and health. Israel scored 900 out of a possible 1,000 points, as compared to top-ranked Norway's 995.

Israel was the highest-rated country in the Middle East. The closest Arab country was oil-rich Qatar at 36th place. The nearest immediate neighbor was Lebanon at No. 72. Only five of the 27 European Union members placed higher.

UN: Israel 16th Most Prosperous Country - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News
Good news for the American tax payer!!

Israhell can now turn down their yearly 3 billion Aid package in money and weapons from the U.S. ...... :cool:

I agree 100%. If a country that prosperous, why do they need financial aid from the US? We are broke and getting even more in debt every day, the US should rethink it's all of it's foreign aid and not just Israel, we plain just can't afford to be everybody's Sugar Daddy.
Israel ranked 16th out of 187 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index for 2012, released on Thursday. The ranking was one better than the country's ranking for 2011 from the standpoint of economy, education and health. Israel scored 900 out of a possible 1,000 points, as compared to top-ranked Norway's 995.

Israel was the highest-rated country in the Middle East. The closest Arab country was oil-rich Qatar at 36th place. The nearest immediate neighbor was Lebanon at No. 72. Only five of the 27 European Union members placed higher.

UN: Israel 16th Most Prosperous Country - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's prime minister has rejected a vote by a U.N. body ranking Israel 16th out of 187 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index for 2012

Benjamin Netanyahu issued his statement Thursday after the U.N. voted

"This is a hypocritical council with an automatic majority against Israel," Netanyahu said. "This council ought to be ashamed of itself.
Ironically the JEWS stole Israel from the Caanites.......:cool:

Ironically you Arabs stole land from the Persian, Jews of Arabia, Byzantines, Turks, Black Africans of Northern Africa (worst mass ethnically cleansing in WORLD history, in Albania, Serbia etc. The towelheads have the market cornered on stealing lands!!!

Jews of Arabia? The minority? Arabs of Arabia always were Arabic. They just became Muslims ya fool....:cuckoo::lol:

The sacking of the Jews of Medina is well known, even by towel-heads!

MEDINA - JewishEncyclopedia.com

Arabs conquered Persia (modern day Iran).

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you're an uneducated fuck, but here is some history for you. The Arabs conquered all of the Arabia Pennisula (and NO they were tribe there - a minority amongst many groups of people) and pushed West into Northern African and East into Asia and North into Eastern Europe and even crossed the seas to conquer Spain and Portugal! They ethnically cleansed the natives from most of these lands including the people of the Arabia Pennisula and the Black Africans of Northern Africa! (with North Africa and the Arabian Pennisula getting it the worst)!

Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamic Crusades (Caliphates):
Dark Red (for Blood) - Expansion under Great Warlord, Rapist, Assassin and Child Molester - Muhammad, 622–632/A.H. 1-11
Pink (for faggots) - Expansion during the Rashidun Caliphate, 632–661/A.H. 11-40
Yellow (for cowards) - Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate, 661–750/A.H. 40-129


Maybe you should take a class in your own fucked up religion!!!
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Towel heads, Meccan dogs, 'Israel would piss on your Muslim graves', etc...These are the people the Palestinians are supposed to surrender to?
Israel has lived on the mooch since before it was named.

I suspect the US subsidy of Israel rather helps them along.
The claim to be one of the world's most prosperous Countries isn't all that great when you consider how much they've been gifted by the US of A.

I wonder how the numbers would look if that American tax payers' cash was taken out of the maths.

Balance the obstacles:
(1) Constantly being attacked by blood-thirsty, genocidal, bigoted and much larger neighbors.
(2) Necessity to spend a ultra large percentage of their budget on defense, because of the threats and attackes by her much larger neighbors.
(3) Economic boycotts by the RACIST muslim countries of the world.

(1) $1.5 B in military aid $1.5 in grants/loans (that Israel has to and does pay back - much like the loans we take from China). With a $253 B GDP, those amounts equate to 0.006% of their GDP individually!

The obstacles well out do the advantages by a mile and yet the Jews still prosper into a 1st world, high industrial and advanced, capitalistic democracy!
Towel heads, Meccan dogs, 'Israel would piss on your Muslim graves', etc...These are the people the Palestinians are supposed to surrender to?

I am an American not an Israeli!

I also don't think the Palestinians should surrender. I think they should start the 3rd intifada and start a large war, that way the Jews could finally expell all the towelheads from Israel, Judea and Samaria!
That's cool, but I think a good amount of it has to do with donations from Jewish groups outside of Israel. And reparations, etc...But also their tackling of resources near or in Palestinian territory. And near Lebanese territory.

Maybe but that's not all there is to it, you also look at how much the state encourage self developing of residents, which influence much. Almost every Israeli youth these days is looking for Academic studies. The Arab community also helps that.

Lips, don't you ever dream of going back home to the beaner country you came from?

I know you're trying to provoke, that's what you do best, but even with that, I'll give you an honest mature answer, which is "no".

If I was to stay in my birth place, I would have most likely died of hunger or lived in poverty my whole life. Instead, two wonderful Israelis took me in, fed me, gave me cloths, education, and helped my go chasing after my dreams.

My youth in Israel, my childhood here, was wonderful. I could not have, nor wished, to have changed it in any price. I got to see the most amazing things, live through wonderful experiences. My mother used to dress me with the prettiest dresses and help me get up when I felt like my legs were being tied. Since I was four days old, she saw me and knew she wants me in her life. That's an amazing thing, and I am, and always will be, thankful to her. I would not have changed my childhood joy even if being payed.

Btw, I see more and more that Jews find Medina to be important to them. But they won't tell why the Jews lost leverage there. For those who don't know there were three Jewish tribes in Medina. Known as Banu Qainuka'a, Banu Nadhir and Banu Qurayza. When Muhammad migrated to Medina they accepted him as the leader and he granted them the famous charter. He taught everyone to be more moderate and temperate in everything. They stopped drinking and gambling and also stopped taking loans at high interest rates from the Jews. Revenue started drying up for them and that's when they were losing economic influence there. They also realized Islam was the enemy of exploitation and a capitalist system. The three tribes agreed to defending the city from a siege as part of the charter. But on 627 they did not contribute any men or resources. This later lead them to being caught conspiring with the enemy for the destruction of the Muslims. They were going to attack from the rear if Amr Ibn Abd Wudd(enemy commander) over took the Muslims. This is when Muhammad allowed the Jews to chose their abitrator. They should have chosen Muhammad as he would have let them depart from Medina, but they made a costly mistake and chose Sa'aad ibn Muadh(leader of former allies). He invoked the Torah scriptures in which Moses ordered all men of the Caanites to be killed and women and children taken as slaves. Just to clarify the facts here, it's not what Jews call it.
Maybe but that's not all there is to it, you also look at how much the state encourage self developing of residents, which influence much. Almost every Israeli youth these days is looking for Academic studies. The Arab community also helps that.

Lips, don't you ever dream of going back home to the beaner country you came from?

I know you're trying to provoke, that's what you do best, but even with that, I'll give you an honest mature answer, which is "no".

If I was to stay in my birth place, I would have most likely died of hunger or lived in poverty my whole life. Instead, two wonderful Israelis took me in, fed me, gave me cloths, education, and helped my go chasing after my dreams.

My youth in Israel, my childhood here, was wonderful. I could not have, nor wished, to have changed it in any price. I got to see the most amazing things, live through wonderful experiences. My mother used to dress me with the prettiest dresses and help me get up when I felt like my legs were being tied. Since I was four days old, she saw me and knew she wants me in her life. That's an amazing thing, and I am, and always will be, thankful to her. I would not have changed my childhood joy even if being payed.


Ima is a troll hon, I wouldn't waste my breath.

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