UN: Israel committed "Complete Massacre" and "the worst ever" in Gaza

Of course you don’t know your nation of Israel is holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners, without charging them and in horrible conditions.

Which is better than they deserve. They should boil them in lard and bury them in Pig entrails. Like the Navy did with Osama the coward. The one that grabbed his daughter and used her as a human shield.

He did not get a burial at sea. He was buried with a 100 pounds pig guts.
Yes it's a holocaust while the so called international community stand watching, we are still waiting for the arrest warrants to be sent out for indicted Israeli military and Regime officials by the ICC which has been a joke up to now, it didn't take long to send one out for President Putin but then again he is Russian, many Countries can't even be bothered putting sanctions on the child killers, the inaction just drives them on to carry out more war crimes and atrocities with impunity.
You reap what you sow, Deadstick! Hamas leadership knew damned well what the Israeli response would be when they slaughtered 1,500 Israelis and took hundreds of hostages! There was always only one way this was going to end and it's with Israel going into Gaza and wiping out Hamas. As for the Palestinian people? When you elect homicidal maniacs you shouldn't be shocked when they act like homicidal maniacs! You've brought this upon yourselves. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you...I don't!

So, your point is what?

That Israel has managed to do a great deal of damage to the terrorist infrastructure, while being remarkably careful and precise, with minimal civilian incidental harm when contrasted to other wars? Yes, we agree.

While every one of those estimated 17,000 civilian deaths is a horrible tragedy (and for whom Hamas bears responsibility), a post like this is convincing that Israel has been scrupulous in following international humanitarian law.
You reap what you sow, Deadstick! Hamas leadership knew damned well what the Israeli response would be when they slaughtered 1,500 Israelis and took hundreds of hostages! There was always only one way this was going to end and it's with Israel going into Gaza and wiping out Hamas. As for the Palestinian people? When you elect homicidal maniacs you shouldn't be shocked when they act like homicidal maniacs! You've brought this upon yourselves. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you...I don't!
You can't excuse Genocide, today those IDF child killers wounded two Irish UN peacekeepers when they fired at them with a tank, in the past they have killed them, also a UN investigation found them Guilty of extermination, so go blow it through your arse.
20 tents were wiped out and no trace remains in mawasi Khan Yunis
  • The spokesperson for the Civil Defense reported that the airstrikes targeted a gathering of displaced persons' tents, consisting of at least 20 tents occupied by residents in an area claimed by the occupation to be humanitarian.
  • The intense bombardment left three large craters where the heavy explosive missiles used caused significant destruction.
    Several martyrs were buried under the rubble, and rescue teams face great difficulty in retrieving the bodies due to a lack of resources and absence of light sources.
  • There is widespread panic among the residents in the surrounding area, who were asleep and believed they were safe.️
  • The situation is extremely dire, and estimates suggest we are witnessing one of the most horrific massacres in this brutal war.️
  • Rescue operations are ongoing, and significant efforts are being made.
  • The occupation has become emboldened to commit such massacres amid complete silence from global institutions regarding its previous crimes.

Thank you for posting one of countless war crimes committed by the only modern military that has as its roots the Germany's SS armed and trained Zionist Haganah terrorist gang (1).
This is just one of innumerable facts that accomplishes two things:
1. It explains how so many urban Jews acquired advanced military training.
2. It renders apologists for Zionist genocide conspicuously mute.

Every weak excuse for Zionist genocide and war crime I've read has been some version of:
  • "It's all Hamas' fault." You mean the same Hamas that Israel funded?
  • "Hamas started it." As if Levantine conflicts didn't begin until 7 October 2023.
  • "But it's a "war"..." As if Hamas had a sophisticated Air Force, Navy, rogue nuclear arsenal, unlimited supplies of the world's most sophisticated weaponry etc etc

I can't remember how many excuses for mass murder, targeting children and bombing refugee camps etc that I've read but all of them have been exclusively dumb, dishonest, insulting and / or bigoted rubbish.

I can't think of any reason any ethical and rational person would even attempt to excuse the monstrosities committed by the current Israeli government.

Yes, Israel's propaganda mill and genocidal shills are running at full capacity but we've heard it all before and the same pro Israel Western MSM that routinely censors Zionist genocide can't hide this one.

Finally, I know that there are many ethical, generous and rational Israelis and Jews who have courageously joined the rest of the sane world in condemning this conspicuous genocidal land grab by Netanyahu and his ilk.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED
You can't excuse Genocide, today those IDF child killers wounded two Irish UN peacekeepers when they fired at them with a tank, in the past they have killed them, also a UN investigation found them Guilty of extermination, so go blow it through your arse.
Israel doesn't practice "Genocide", Deadstick! Hamas and Hezbollah on the other hand have it written into their charters! Israel responds to attacks on Israel. The UN has little to no credibility at this point. I'd be shocked if a UN "investigation" didn't find Israel to be totally to blame for the conflict which is why their investigations are worthless.
You reap what you sow, Deadstick! Hamas leadership knew damned well what the Israeli response would be when they slaughtered 1,500 Israelis and took hundreds of hostages! There was always only one way this was going to end and it's with Israel going into Gaza and wiping out Hamas. As for the Palestinian people? When you elect homicidal maniacs you shouldn't be shocked when they act like homicidal maniacs! You've brought this upon yourselves. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you...I don't!
Achilles glared at him and answered, "Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall and glut grim Ares with his life's blood. Be mindful of all your excellence [aretê]; you have need now to prove yourself indeed a bold warrior and fighter. You have no more chance, and Pallas Athena will forthwith vanquish you by my spear: you shall now pay me in full for the grief you have caused me on account of my comrades whom you have killed in battle."

Except the goat fuckers didn't kill the Israelis in battle. Like the cowards and boy-fuckers they are, they attacked unarmed women, children and old people.

I have never cared much for the followers of the pedophile, mohammed the child fucker but this just goes to show you -- They need to be destroyed completely
Thank you for posting one of countless war crimes ...
What "war crime" do you believe was committed in this operation?
  • "It's all Hamas' fault."
Hamas bears the responsibility for escalating the conflict on October 7 by perpetrating crimes against humanity on Israeli civilians within Israeli sovereign territory.
  • "Hamas started it."
Hamas spent nearly two decades preparing (building tunnels, importing weapons, training terrorists in Iran, making plans, gathering intelligence, radicalizing youth) for a war of this magnitude. Every time Hamas built a tunnel or bought a weapon instead of building a second water desalination plant or repairing sewage infrastructure, Hamas was moving towards a significant military operation and not towards peace and prosperity. This did not happen in a vacuum, it happened with a deliberate plan to bring a significant war.
  • "But it's a "war"..." As if Hamas had a sophisticated Air Force, Navy, rogue nuclear arsenal, unlimited supplies of the world's most sophisticated weaponry...
I don't know where this idea that war is a "symmetrical meeting of of two equal military forces with identical access to weapons" came from, but it is untrue. This particular war, instigated with the perpetration of crimes against humanity on Israel, is a war because a well-organized, well-trained military force carried out a well-planned attack on a sovereign nation.

Additionally, I will point out that while Hamas deliberately set up conditions in which the military operatives were embedded within and under civilians, Israel has deliberately developed and employed "the world's most sophisticated weaponry" to protect civilians and minimize incidental harm.
Death to Hamas.

Death to Hezbollah.

Go Team Israel.


$Billions for Israel.

Not one red cent for Gaza nor the West Bank nor Islamic Lebanon.

Let that Islamist-terrorist scum stagger-about blindly in the smoldering ruins.

Gazans can end this in a single day, by...

  • running-up the white flag of unconditional surrender
  • disbanding Hamas
  • turning Hamas leadership over to the IDF
  • turning Hamas cadre who participated in 10/7 over to the IDF
  • disclosing the location of all tunnels and weapons caches and military operations centers
  • deleting anti-Israel/anti-Jewish hate-propaganda from their school curriculum

Or they can continue to enjoy being bombed with large quantities of high explosives...
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It’s incredible to think that so many bigoted morons on the streets of capitals throughout the West think, somehow, Israel, with that tiny sliver of land, surrounded by the baying hounds of the Iranian Islamist behemoth, is the almighty and powerful aggressor in the Middle East.


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