UN Official: Aspects of US Drone Program Clearly 'War Crimes'

:lol: what BS.......


For four years, Mr. Obama has benefited at least in part from the reluctance of Mr. Bush’s most virulent critics to criticize a Democratic president. Some liberals acknowledged in recent days that they were willing to accept policies they once would have deplored as long as they were in Mr. Obama’s hands, not Mr. Bush’s.

“We trust the president,” former Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan said on Current TV. “And if this was Bush, I think that we would all be more up in arms because we wouldn’t trust that he would strike in a very targeted way and try to minimize damage rather than contain collateral damage.”


Nobody got a free ride like Bush

All because Obama refused to prosecute

Prosecute what? Rendition? Too bad Obama didn't that would give us more reason to try Obama for the killing of at least 4 Americans.

If you want to prosecute Obama for a terrorist attack on a foreign embassy, then the 9-11 attack on our soil is fair game

So is torture, attacking Iraq and Gitmo
Nobody got a free ride like Bush

All because Obama refused to prosecute

Prosecute what? Rendition? Too bad Obama didn't that would give us more reason to try Obama for the killing of at least 4 Americans.

If you want to prosecute Obama for a terrorist attack on a foreign embassy, then the 9-11 attack on our soil is fair game

So is torture, attacking Iraq and Gitmo

Who has filed charges for rendition? Iraq was done by the books by Bush and you damn well know it. Gitmo? It is a military prison still open after 5 years of Obama so careful what you wish for.

I don't want to prosecute Obama over Benghazi it was just another clusterf..k from the administration of clusterf..ks.

BUT the targeting of people with drones is something quite different. You really need to go to the Huffington Post and read about how the program is implemented. It is quite disturbing.

I understand your need or desire to protect Obama, I don't blame you. But this drone program is run by a CIA I am not sure has it shit together. They didn't tell us about 9/11, the underwear bomber, the times square bomber, the attack at Benghazi, the many attacks on our institutions throughout the world since Reagan. I am not just sure I can trust the CIA they seem to be a bit incompetent. I certainly question the soundness of a system that kills a 16 year old innocent American. I am quite tired of the collateral damage BS as it appears are those living under the threat of death out of the blue.

Obama can't win as one moment you're blaming him for not being tough enough and the next you want him to stop?

You make no sense.

The drone program does not make Obama tough, in my opinion, it makes him a wimp. Killing people, innocent or not, from a bunker in Nevada takes no guts it is the thing a limp wristed geek would do.
Once you have been deemed an enemy combatant you can be killed as part of the military action authorized by Congress,

whether you're an American or not.

Who does this "deeming?"


So you are telling me that the well known kill list of Obama's was approved by Congress? Really is that what you wish us to believe? Congress authorized the hit on the 16 year old American? Really? I don't believe it for one second and I doubt you do either.

Congress is suppose to as they did with Iraq but they certainly don't appear to have done a thing with the drone program, other then fund it.
Prosecute what? Rendition? Too bad Obama didn't that would give us more reason to try Obama for the killing of at least 4 Americans.

If you want to prosecute Obama for a terrorist attack on a foreign embassy, then the 9-11 attack on our soil is fair game

So is torture, attacking Iraq and Gitmo

Who has filed charges for rendition? Iraq was done by the books by Bush and you damn well know it. Gitmo? It is a military prison still open after 5 years of Obama so careful what you wish for.

I don't want to prosecute Obama over Benghazi it was just another clusterf..k from the administration of clusterf..ks.

BUT the targeting of people with drones is something quite different. You really need to go to the Huffington Post and read about how the program is implemented. It is quite disturbing.

I understand your need or desire to protect Obama, I don't blame you. But this drone program is run by a CIA I am not sure has it shit together. They didn't tell us about 9/11, the underwear bomber, the times square bomber, the attack at Benghazi, the many attacks on our institutions throughout the world since Reagan. I am not just sure I can trust the CIA they seem to be a bit incompetent. I certainly question the soundness of a system that kills a 16 year old innocent American. I am quite tired of the collateral damage BS as it appears are those living under the threat of death out of the blue.

The invasion of Iraq was based on deceptive intelligence and withholding of intelligence to the contrary.
The Bush administration botched the evidence against Gitmo detainees and engaged in torture making it impossible to prosecute them
Torture is a violation of human rights and unamerican
Who does this "deeming?"


So you are telling me that the well known kill list of Obama's was approved by Congress? Really is that what you wish us to believe? Congress authorized the hit on the 16 year old American? Really? I don't believe it for one second and I doubt you do either.

Congress is suppose to as they did with Iraq but they certainly don't appear to have done a thing with the drone program, other then fund it.

Once the Congress authorizes the use of force, the President is authorized to take action in his capacity as commander-in-chief. That does not include a requirement that Congress further approve every action taken on an action by action basis.
If it's a choice between sending in an American ground-team or using a drone to crack some skulls, I choose the almost every time.

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