UN Secretary General: Israeli ground op preventable if Hamas stops rocket fire.

I hate JOOS...
Hospitals, Museums, Businesses, buying land for each other, employing Arabs, giving to The United Way.
JOOS...What a bunch of scumbags!
Israel handed over Gaza unilateraly to the Palestinians in 2005, hoping it would become self sufficient and friendly.

Instead Hamas took over from the Palestinian Authority by force and even you must be aware that Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization which has been committing terrorist acts against Israel ever since.

Once again do not repeat silly lies that there is an occupation in Gaza.

As mentioned, Israel hoped in 2005 that Gaza would become self sufficient without the need for any Israel intervention whatsoever.

Unfortunately as Hamas imports its weaponry and rockets from other countries such as Syria and Iran to be used against Israel, a blockade is necessary at sea. Egypt also has a blockade at its border with Gaza.

Hamas has few friends and many enemies in the Middle East.
It is feeling desperate because of its isolation and bankrupt financial situation.
This current war with Israel is largely a cry of desperation by Hamas to be recognized as in the forefront of the fight for destroying Israel.

For your information despite Hamas terrorism, Israel normally supplies Gaza with water, electricity, medical and essencial supplies and these seem to be still ongoing.

That's it !!
Israel maintains "effective control" over 80% of Gaza. That satisfies the definition of an occupation.

And Hamas did not take Gaza by force. They won a fair and democratic election.

That's why the Israeli's started the blockade. To punish Gazans, because they didn't like who they voted for.

This current war is Israel's attempt to break up the unity government. Because Israel doesn't want Hamas to become a political institution, then they'd have no excuse to explain their brutality.

I noticed you were too pussy to answer my questions. What's up with that?

Unfortunately your statements are merely cliched propaganda! Your ignorant questions and assumptions were in fact corrected by me. Virtually every cliche you sprout is completly wrong.

You are too ignorant to recognize the truth!

A complete waste of time.
So, what did that clown say about Israel shooting farmers and fishermen, or the blockade which is an act of war?
Maybe, he wasn't sure where to put the occupation of farming landmines and fishing barrels of war materiel in the gazabad natural reserve, of course.
Israel needs to stop its rocket fire. It needs to end the occupation. It needs to end the blockade. Hamas is just responding to Israeli aggression. When is Israel going to stop? Fuck that! It's time the world takes that decision out of Israel's hands and go in there with a coalition force and kick their mother-fucking asses! Israel has it coming!
Israel's UN envoy: Goal is not cease-fire, but to dismantle Hamas rocket infrastructure - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

UN Secretary General: Israeli ground op preventable if Hamas stops rocket fire.

Finally ! Someone from the U.N. ALMOST GOT IT !!!! :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

No condemnation of Hamas from the Arab World . Wouldn't expect it :evil:

So, what did that clown say about Israel shooting farmers and fishermen, or the blockade which is an act of war?

How about a legitimate link to the UN and ICJ saying that the blockade is an act of war then tinny
Israel's UN envoy: Goal is not cease-fire, but to dismantle Hamas rocket infrastructure - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

UN Secretary General: Israeli ground op preventable if Hamas stops rocket fire.

Finally ! Someone from the U.N. ALMOST GOT IT !!!! :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

No condemnation of Hamas from the Arab World . Wouldn't expect it :evil:
Israel needs to stop its rocket fire. It needs to end the occupation. It needs to end the blockade. Hamas is just responding to Israeli aggression. When is Israel going to stop?

Fuck that! It's time the world takes that decision out of Israel's hands and go in there with a coalition force and kick their mother-fucking asses!

Israel has it coming!

STOP BEING SUCH A PRICK it is hamas that needs to stop the aggression, sit down and talk peace and mutual borders and then the LEGAL blockade and LEGAL occupation will be lifted. It is Israel responding to hamas aggression every time they fire a grad rocket towards Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Now say you are not a NAZI ANTI SEMITIC WHITE SUPREMACIST JEW HATER after that RACIST outburst. Israel is responding to war declared by hamas and the world is fully behind them, even the UN is staying out of this one apart from telling hamas to stop firing rockets.
If Hamas stops firing rockets and agrees not to resume any such terrorist situation in the future, then Israel may decide not to launch a ground invasion.
Otherwise, what is the point of having this semi-war provoked by Hamas occurring every couple of years?

Better to atempt a permanent weakening of Hamas now.
Israel fired the first shot.

They need to end the occupation, then they won't get rockets.

So when was this first shot fired dildo, should be easy for you to produce a legitimate account of the very first shot fired between Jew and arab muslim that started the ongoing war declared by islam against Judaism ?

By the way hamas have said there is no occupation in gaza, you can bet that after this month is out gaza will be occupied and shut down.
Israel's UN envoy: Goal is not cease-fire, but to dismantle Hamas rocket infrastructure - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

UN Secretary General: Israeli ground op preventable if Hamas stops rocket fire.

Finally ! Someone from the U.N. ALMOST GOT IT !!!! :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

No condemnation of Hamas from the Arab World . Wouldn't expect it :evil:

So, what did that clown say about Israel shooting farmers and fishermen, or the blockade which is an act of war?

How about a legitimate link to the UN and ICJ saying that the blockade is an act of war then tinny

Doesn't matter. Let him eat his OWN words!! Israel's blockade is an " act of war" but Egypt blocking the Strait of Tiran isn't??? He's too stupid, racist, and bigoted to understand but he just admitted that the Arabs initiated the 67 War !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Israel is NOT going to stop the
Rocket Fire
Hamas initiated this act of Agression, They need to stop
Israel is NOT going back to Borders that the Arabs NEVER recognized in the first place! Their most religious sites are in E. Jerusalem . They will never be denied access again !!!!
" Right of Return" is DOA !!!!?

One last thing; FUCK YOU. :D
No they didn't! Israel arrested over 500 Palestinian's and launched missile strikes in Gaza. The rockets were in response to that.

Palestinians kidnapped and murdered 3 young boys, and the evidence points to the murderers being known hamas members. That is what caused the arrests and the rockets were coming from gaza if you bother to look back over the last few months. never a day went by without rockets being fired at Israel.

Well now the planned invasion and death of terrorists is in response to the callous cold blooded murder of 3 young boys.
There is no occupation in Gaza and your one liner that "Israel fired the first shot" is complete nonsense, Gaza has been firing hundreds of rockets into Israel for months.

No matter how much Israel tries to make peace with Hamas it is completly futile because Hamas is committed to the ultimate and completely destruction of Israel.

If you are not aware of this you really should become familiar with the facts before you shoot off your mouth.
If there is no occupation in Gaza, then how come Gazans are not permitted to leave by sea or air? Why do they need Israeli permission to travel abroad? Why are their imports and exports restricted by the Israeli's?

That's an occupation.

And I'll say this again, the Israeli occupation started 37 years before the first rocket attacks.

Forget the rockets and start thinking about the bombings and murders that brought about the occupation and subsequently the perimeter barrier. Did you know that the Palestinians complained to the UN that the occupation deprived them of the right to plant bombs in playgrounds, then later complained that the barrier prevented them from attacking Israeli civilians. Lets hope the occupation and blockade last another 100 years because this will mean Israel is also in existence. Expect the UN to put the choke on as well now over this last round of violence
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Israel handed over Gaza unilateraly to the Palestinians in 2005, hoping it would become self sufficient and friendly.

Instead Hamas took over from the Palestinian Authority by force and even you must be aware that Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization which has been committing terrorist acts against Israel ever since.

Once again do not repeat silly lies that there is an occupation in Gaza.

As mentioned, Israel hoped in 2005 that Gaza would become self sufficient without the need for any Israel intervention whatsoever.

Unfortunately as Hamas imports its weaponry and rockets from other countries such as Syria and Iran to be used against Israel, a blockade is necessary at sea. Egypt also has a blockade at its border with Gaza.

Hamas has few friends and many enemies in the Middle East.
It is feeling desperate because of its isolation and bankrupt financial situation.
This current war with Israel is largely a cry of desperation by Hamas to be recognized as in the forefront of the fight for destroying Israel.

For your information despite Hamas terrorism, Israel normally supplies Gaza with water, electricity, medical and essencial supplies and these seem to be still ongoing.

That's it !!
Israel maintains "effective control" over 80% of Gaza. That satisfies the definition of an occupation.

And Hamas did not take Gaza by force. They won a fair and democratic election.

That's why the Israeli's started the blockade. To punish Gazans, because they didn't like who they voted for.

This current war is Israel's attempt to break up the unity government. Because Israel doesn't want Hamas to become a political institution, then they'd have no excuse to explain their brutality.

I noticed you were too pussy to answer my questions. What's up with that?

They won the elections and then started the bloodshed, attacking the families of fatah members and supporters and killing them. Over 250 children were murdered by both sides in the first two weeks and they tried to blame the Israelis for the deaths and injuries. The fact that hamas was an affiliate of known terrorist organisations did not help and the whole world condemned them, not just Israel. Israel made overtures in regards to peaceful coexistence and hamas responded with violence and threats. Just take a look at the unbiased history of the events.

NOW DENY THAT YOU ARE A RABID NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATING POS after this outburst of hatred and lies
Israel needs to stop its rocket fire. It needs to end the occupation. It needs to end the blockade. Hamas is just responding to Israeli aggression. When is Israel going to stop? Fuck that! It's time the world takes that decision out of Israel's hands and go in there with a coalition force and kick their mother-fucking asses! Israel has it coming!

More like cabbage drool
Hamas (And especially Islamic Jihad) won't stop firing rockets, so the argument is pointless.
Israel won't stop arresting innocent Palestinian's.

The argument is not pointless to responsible adults.

Israel arrested over 500 Palestinian's who had nothing to do with the kidnapping, that's what precipitated the rockets.

It's hard to believe when Israel does something that fucked, that you think the Pals are not going to react to that?
They won the elections and then started the bloodshed, attacking the families of fatah members and supporters and killing them. Over 250 children were murdered by both sides in the first two weeks and they tried to blame the Israelis for the deaths and injuries. The fact that hamas was an affiliate of known terrorist organisations did not help and the whole world condemned them, not just Israel. Israel made overtures in regards to peaceful coexistence and hamas responded with violence and threats. Just take a look at the unbiased history of the events.

NOW DENY THAT YOU ARE A RABID NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATING POS after this outburst of hatred and lies
Oh bullshit.

Just when Hamas is ready to leave their violent past behind them and become a political movement by uniting with Fatah, Israel starts this shit.

That's because Israel doesn't want peace.
Hamas (And especially Islamic Jihad) won't stop firing rockets, so the argument is pointless.
Israel won't stop arresting innocent Palestinian's.

The argument is not pointless to responsible adults.

Israel arrested over 500 Palestinian's who had nothing to do with the kidnapping, that's what precipitated the rockets.

It's hard to believe when Israel does something that fucked, that you think the Pals are not going to react to that?

Israel holds 500 Palestinians who are members of Hamas organization.

Hamas is viewed as a terror organization according to the US department of state.

You saying those are "innocent" Palestinians goes agenst the agenda or your own country.

Care to explain that fact?:eusa_whistle:

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